Retired prelate rejoices over episcopal pearl anniversary celebration

The jubilarian (seated) flanked by Fr Lawrence Chua (L), Abp Wong (R), priests, religious, and his family members at the cake-cutting and toasting ceremony, 27 June 2017, KK.

KOTA KINABALU – Retired Archbishop John Lee expressed his joy at the sight of so many people coming to thank God with him for his 30 years as bishop.

He expressed this at the end of the anniversary Mass he concelebrated with Archbishop John Wong at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel Sacred Heart Cathedral Kota Kinabalu on 26 June 2017.

The 83-year-old prelate said that the people’s participation in the Mass meant more to him than any other function as they joined him in celebrating God’s faithfulness.

He said that he is ready to sing his Nunc dimittis – the song of Simeon at the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (cf Lk 2:29-32) – as he has done his part and has handed all responsibilities to his successor John Wong.

In his homily, Abp Wong said that he saw the jubilarian as a man of total commitment and dedication, giving his all to the diocese as a bishop.

Among those who came for the impromptu celebration were family members, their extended families, friends, and members of the Chinese community (groups, ministries).

After Mass, all adjourned to the right wing of the parish centre for some refreshments.

A day later, the jubilarian reiterated his joy over the people’s presence at the subscription dinner held in his honour on June 27 at Sri Tanjung Kota Kinabalu.  He said he did not expect so many to come.

Over 600 people turned up for the occasion, including his seminary classmate, Father Lawrence Chua of Kuching, whom he said had helped him much in his studies then.

The jubilarian’s grand nephews and nieces stole the diners’ hearts away with their musical and Hakka recital performances.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

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