One of the volunteers checking the IC of one parishioner after Mass, Carmel, 13 Aug 2017.
KOTA KINABALU – The Archdiocesan Human Development Commission (AHDC) in collaboration with the parish committee has organised free checking errors in Identity Cards (ICs) service in all parishes in the archdiocese in July and August 2017.
This service is offered to all parishioners (young and old). Booths are set up in front of the church before and after all Masses on Saturdays and Sundays.
The team only scan errors without keeping any personal data.
The common errors are found in two categories: a) race – “Bajau” or “Malay” instead of “Chinese” or “Kadazandusun”; and b) religion – “Buddha” or “Sikhism” or “tiada maklumat” (no information) instead of “Kristian.”
The team will compile the list of names of the faithful with errors in their ICs and forward this list to the AHDC at the end of August. The AHDC will then send this list to the Registration Department for rectification.
Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu