Tuaran parish is building a multi-purpose hall

The dream of thousands of Catholics in the Tuaran parish to have a multi-purpose Parish Hall cum Catechetical Centre will soon become a reality as the building is 50 per cent complete

By Teddy Chin
The dream of thousands of Catholics in the Tuaran parish to have a multi-purpose Parish Hall cum Catechetical Centre will soon become a reality as the building is 50 per cent complete.

This was revealed by the Chairperson of the St John Parish fundraising dinner, Puan Catherine Tan, at Bukit Padang, on August 13.

“From a concept or idea in 2010, eight dinners and many fundraising activities later, we will finally have our own hall and we will be proud of it.

Catherine said the building committee has, since 2011, spent RM2.1 million. Ongoing work for brick laying, cement, doors and window frames alone will cost another RM297,250.

“Through various activities from Day 1, we have collected some RM2.3 million but we still have a long way to go and, therefore need all the help we can get, not just from Catholics but also from non-Catholic wellwishers,” she said.

She added that an application has been made to the Federal Government for an allocation of RM2.5 million through the good office of Tuaran Member of Parliament, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Madius Tangau. It is hoped that it will be considered favourably.

Catherine also thanked Archbishop John Wong for approving RM300,000 towards the building fund.

Archbishop Wong, in his speech, thanked the State Government for its support all these years, not just to the Tuaran Parish but throughout the Archdiocese as a whole.

He also praised the Catholics and non- Catholics alike who turned up for the dinner.

“I understand that the economy may be a bit challenging nowadays and, yet, 110 tables were sold, meaning more than 1,000 people are here tonight.

“This speaks a lot about your faith and may God bless you,” he stated.

To further raise funds for the building, Archbishop John, Fr Edward and his assistant parish priest Fr Abel Madisang sang a few songs which were sponsored by on-the-spot donations.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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