Organisers get together at Pre-PYD6

PENAMPANG – The organising team of the Penampang Youth Day – 6 (PYS-6) gathered for a half-day pre-PYD-6 on 23 July 2017 at Tinopikon Notorus here.

PYD-6 is scheduled for Aug 31 – Sept 3.

Pre-PYD6 brought both main and local organising teams together for a session of get-to-know each other closely.

The session was held in a friendly and relaxed surrounding where they also deliberated on the PYD6 themes ‘Do Not Be Afraid’ and ‘I Want To Serve’ for better understanding.

One of the games prepared for PYD6 is treasure hunting. The organisers took the opportunity to test it out at Notorus for a better management of the games during the actual event. Approximately 500 youths are expected to join PYD6.

The participants of the youth day are expected to share with their fellow parish youths after PYD-6.

For more update, check out their official Instagram account – penampangyouthday2017 and Facebook page – Penampang YOUTH’s Day 6 “2017” – PYD6 – @pyd6.2017 with hashtag #donotbeafraid  and #iwanttoserve. – Wilson Stephen


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

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