Blessing of pets in Ayer Itam parish

October 1, being the Sunday closest to the Feast of St Francis of Assisi (Oct 4), marked a very special day for Risen Christ Church in Ayer Itam. Families came, together with their pets for the blessing of animals, as part of the Feastday celebrations in honour of St Francis who loved all of creation, especially animals. Present that evening were not only dogs and cats, but tortoises, turtles, parrots, fish, sugar gliders and even a snake.

According to Friars Gerald Tan OFM, Crispus Mosinoh, OFM and Cosmas Francis, OFM who conducted the para-liturgy prayer service, the blessing of animals has been a popular tradition in many parts of the world in honour of St Francis, with Franciscans and non-Franciscans alike. Diocesan parishes and priests who share the love for St Francis also conduct animal blessings in many churches across the globe as an expression of their gratitude and thanksgiving to God for all of creation, especially our beloved “animal family members” which bring much joy into our homes and our lives. Similar to the blessing of our homes and the many other things we ask God’s blessing for, we ask for God’s blessings on our pets, with them being very much part of our families and our life experiences.

This event contributes much towards community building, as families coming to church together with their pets, recognising that the Church is not only a place of worship, but also a place where the whole community shares life and growth. It was truly a new and wonderful experience for many other parishioners as this was the first time for those who have not had the chance to witness such an event before — humans and animals both coming together to the Lord’s House.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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