The Malaysian Church celebrated the 101st World Day of Migrants and Refugees in the month of September.
This year, the theme was The Vulnerable and Voiceless Child Migrants.
At the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, during the weekend Masses of September 23 & 24, parish priest Fr Edwin Peter, in his homily, spoke on Pope Francis’ Migrant Sunday message to his parishioners.
Using slides, he said people around the world travel to other countries for economic reasons while others do so because of war or conflict in their countries of origin.
Fr Edwin reminded the parishioners about Moses who led the Israelites out of Egypt. After wandering for forty years, Joshua led them into the Promised Land. “We also know that Baby Jesus, with Mary and Joseph, had to flee to Egypt and to return only when it was safe.”
Fr Edwin said that here in Malaysia, we see many migrants who have left their own countries. He quoted from the Gospel of St Matthew 25:35, “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me” and asked, “Do we ever welcome migrants in this manner?” He called on the parishioners to help in defending the rights of migrants, to be proctective of them, to love and accept them as they are defenceless and susceptible to injustice.
Fr Edwin spoke on how difficult it must be for the children of migrants. He reminded the assembly of the love Jesus has for children when he said,“Whoever receives one such child in My Name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me, but Him who sent Me” (Mark 9:37).
Fr Edwin said that the Catholic Church is the family of God on the earth, welcoming everyone and integrating with everyone.
“Welcome, protect, promote and integrate, especially with the young migrants. Pope Francis has said this is our calling: we need to be sensitive to others and reach out to them.”
In closing, Fr Edwin said the fragility and innocence of childhood is being exploited and oppressed on every level. We are called to respond to it with compassion and trust and to treat migrant children with dignity.
After Mass, Fr Edwin thanked his Parish Integral Human Development (PIHD) Ministry for animating the Masses. He said that under PIHDM, they have sub-ministries like the Migrant Ministry, Society of St Vincent De Paul (SSVP), Women’s Desk and Prison Ministry. “It is not sufficient to just pray. We need to reach out and touch others in works of mercy.”
The parish priest invited all parishioners to get in touch with the PIHDM and offer their assistance. He said that we now have Sunday school that caters for migrant children. He also thanked all those who donate during the second collection every first Sunday of the month. About RM6,000.00 is dispersed to SSVP every month to help the poor and the migrants.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online