First world day of the poor

Date:   19th November 2017 (Sunsay)
Time:    10.30 am – 5.00 pm
Venue: St. Joseph Church Sentul

The Holy Father, Pope Francis has announced 19 November 2017 as the First World Day for the Poor with the theme, “LET US LOVE, NOT WITH THE WORDS BUT WITH DEEDS.” In line with this our parish will be organising a few activities:

1. Lunch with the poor families and migrants. We expect around 800 – 1000 people to come and have a meal with us.

2. Jumble sale: Items like clothes, toys, story books, electrical goods, household products, etc, the cost of which will range from RM0.20 to RM49.90. These items are for the poor people and also for those who are interested to purchase them.If you have any items to donate please do contact Ms. Dorothy Selva at +60172256331 or the parish office.

3. Catechetical Teachers will coordinate games and other activities for our catechism students, Myanmar and poor children at convent school ground from 10.30 am to 12.00 noon.

4. Parish Family Day will be held on the same day from 10.30 am to 5.00 pm:

5. Raffle Draws: We have printed 30,000 tickets at RM2.00 per ticket. There will be more than 100 prizes to be won. The draw date will be on 19 November 2017. Raffle tickets are on sale in your BECs and at the Church grounds. Kindly do purchase them.

6. There will be food & beverage on sale as well as games, funfair and entertainment. The proceeds from this event will fund the installation of air-conditioners in our Parish Community Hall. We look forward to your support towards this project. Donations are most welcome. We invite all our parishioners to come and celebrate.SJC



Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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