Parish Pastoral Assembly 2017: We are all called to serve

On Saturday, 28th October, we had our Parish Pastoral Assembly (PPA) for the year 2017 with around 91 attendees. It was an overwhelming response; in fact, there was an improvement in attendance when compared to last year’s PPA. It shows an increase of a sense of belonging in our faith community and parish as well.

I would like to personally thank you for your presence and for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this memorable assembly. I believe you would have been enriched in your discussions during the PPA and learnt more about the parish structures and thrust of the Archdiocese for the next five years. I too would not forget the PPA core-teams of our parish who came a week before the PPA to discuss about the eight cluster findings, action plans and strategies. The eight clusters are Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC), Family Life, Unity, Parish Integral Human Development (PHID), Formation, Inter-Religious Dialogue (IRD), Youth and Social Media. As a parish community, we are grateful to Archbishop Julian Leow and the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur Pastoral Team led by Monsignor Mitchel Anthony and his team for animating and coordinating the PPA for us.

Since 2015 till now we have been journeying with a-three year parish vision, “Towards Strengthening Our Faith Community.” To achieve this vision we have set our mission for each year on “FAMILY,”  “BECs” and “FAITH COMMUNITY”. As we were journeying these past three years, we were praying and engaging ourselves with the Word of God, worshiping and celebrating our relationship with the Trinity God through the Sacraments in ways that enhance our spiritual growth. Each of us has put our efforts to enflesh our commitment to live out our vision and missions in these past three years. I appreciate that every one of you has shown your growing interest in your own faith and you have devoted your time and energy to help one another in order to strengthen our faith community.

We shall take up all our discussions, reflections, findings, action plans and strategies from this PPA collectively and move further by committing ourselves with the spirit of New Evangelisation towards Year 2020. In a couple of weeks’ time some of our Parish leaders will come together to pray and reflect on the mission statements for the years 2018 – 2020. We shall hope for the best with the spirit of building our community in the light of Christ within our community and with other faith communities as well.

We, as parishioners of St. Joseph, shall commit ourselves to act as the living presence of Christ in our families, communities and in a larger society. We too shall continue to bring the presence of Christ as we build our relationships, heal the brokenness, serve others and welcome each other with love. We shall work hand in hand loving as Christ loves us and serving as Christ serves, “Not to be served, but to serve,” (Mt 20:28).

I have shared my thoughts and prayers of our parish vision and mission to you and invite you to more fully take part in the life of our parish in the coming years. We have a few more events lined up before the closing of the year 2017, mainly the memorial service of late Monsignor Anthony Thomas on 5th November, 1st World Day of the Poor cum Parish Family Day on 19th November and distribution of school uniforms for the poor children and provision of groceries for the poor families in December 2017.

Let’s take every opportunity to bring the living presence of Christ by sharing and serving one another in the above events.

May God, who has begun the good work in us, bring it to completion, (cf. Phil 1:6). —SJC



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