Reflecting on the Diocesan Pastoral thrust of Malacca-Johore

On October 12 and 13 October 2017, a year after the Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Convention IV (PMPC IV) and the Diocesan Synod in 2016, Bishop Bernard Paul recalled representatives from the Malacca Johore parishes and ministries to the Post Synod. 228 new and existing leaders, including 35 from the Clergy and religious, responded to his call.

The Post Synod was a follow up to review the parishes’ pastoral plans with regards to the Diocesan Pastoral Thrust 2016-2020: The Church as A Communion of Families, seeking to be Creative, Inclusive, Bridge Building, Visionary and Missionary, and to go forth as “disciples of Hope” through being 4E Catholics — ENCOUNTERED, ENLIGHTENED, EMPOWERED and EVANGELISING.

The Preparatory document towards the Synod of Youth in 2018 called by Pope Francis gave us a wider understanding of vocational discernment among the young. This will better prepare young people in today’s challenging environment, towards living out their personal call to love through whichever state of life that the Lord calls them — Priest, Religious, Married Life, Singlehood. The focus on youths is essential and important for the Church.

It was noted that only seven parishes had submitted their reports to the survey during the Parish Pastoral Assembly of the Paris before the Post Synod gathering. As such, for parishes which did not have their Assemblies before the Post Synod gathering, the lay people did not have an opportunity to be part of the process of maturity and growth in the Parish/Diocese.

From the evaluation by Bishop Bernard Paul, there is a lot we need to learn in response to the Diocesan’s thrust for 2016 – 2020 for the common good of all. Bishop Bernard called us to re-start and recommit to our common goal — becoming 4E Catholics and Church as Communion of Families.

The connection made by Fr Fabian Dicom on Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of The Gospel by Pope Francis and being 4E Catholics was very enlightening and made a great impact on us. Our Diocesan thrust is actually in line with the dream of Pope Francis to be missionary disciples of Joy — heralding the Kingdom through witness of life, service to humanity, interreligious dialogue, prayer and sacrament as well as explicit Gospel proclamation.

The priority areas of concern expressed by the participants were similar to that of the Synod in 2016. This means two things: either we have not started to address them or, in addressing them, we discovered that more effort is needed. I believe it is the latter i.e. we are called to give more effort and chart more concrete and precise strategy towards meeting the present urgent needs of the Youths, Family, Community Building and the Poor. This would require the active and committed participation of everyone — Priests, Religious and Laity in one concerted effort, that everyone is willing to make a little sacrifice for the common good for ourselves, family, community, Parish, Diocese and Society. Healthy dialogue and collaboration need to be stressed, accompanying one another in our common task and mission at all levels in the Parish/ Diocese of Malacca-Johore.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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