Ara Group BEC celebrates 41st anniversary

One of the longest running and active BECs in Penang, Ara Group 4 of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, held a very joyful 41st anniversary celebration at the home of member, Sarah Toh, in Tanjung Bungah recently.

More than 70 members from nearby BECs and friends turned up for the Mass which started with rosary prayers.

In his homily, Fr Nelson Joseph said the area group members had gone through 41 long years together and prayed that it would continue to do so for many years to come.

“You have all come together to celebrate this 41st anniversary as God’s faithful and obedient children and I am sure you have gone through a lot of good times and trials.

“I pray that you will all continue to be together and celebrate your anniversary with the same zealousness for many years to come,” he said. “I bless all of you here present and also those who were unable to be here,” he added.

After the Mass, Fr Nelson joined the attendees for fellowship.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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