Sandakan Diocese unveils Vision Mission statements

October 18 marked another historic moment for the Diocese of Sandakan: it celebrated the 10th anniversary of the formation of the diocese and the episcopal ordination of His Lordship Bishop Datuk Julius Dusin Gitom. It was also the day the Vision and Mission Statements of the diocese was launched. The triple joyful celebrations were hosted by the Church of the Holy Trinity.

In keeping with the launching of the Vision and Mission (V&M) statements, a Talk on Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) was organised a day earlier. It was delivered by Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez, followed by a Q & A session.

The next session was a briefing on the V & M and Pastoral Plan of the Diocese of Sandakan by Pilis Malim, the Chairman of the Diocesan Focus Committee. He shared that it took them seven tedious years to formulate the V & M to guide the diocese in the coming years. All parishes within the diocese will incorporate the V&M in their pastoral planning.
In the evening, the organisers hosted a dinner reception to commemorate the celebration.

The highlight of the 10th anniversary celebration was marked by a Thanksgiving Eucharistic Mass presided over by Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom and concelebrated by Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez, Archbishop John Wong of Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese, Bishop Cornelius Sim of Brunei Vicariate, Bishop Cornelius Piong of Keningau Diocese, Msgr Nicholas Ong of Holy Trinity Tawau, and all the priests from Sandakan and Keningau Dioceses. Among the 800 attendees were the Mother General of the FSIC, religious nuns and the Parish Pastoral Chairmen and their councillors, Lay leaders from the five parishes within the Sandakan diocese (Holy Trinity Church, Tawau, St Mary Cathedral, Sandakan, St Dominic Lahad Datu, St Martin, Telupid, Our Lady of Fatima, Beluran and St Francis of Assisi, Paitan Mission).

During Bishop Julius’ homily, he unveiled the Vision and Mission Statements of the Diocese as Christ-Centred Community, Serving One Another With Love. He called upon the congregation to reflect on the character of St Luke, as it was the Saint’s Feast Day. He invited all to discern and reflect on the Saint’s characteristics to live in communion with others, encouraging each other and supporting each other, being merciful, caring, concerned and committed to building the Church of God. The Bishop hoped to see a community that will share their talent, wisdom, knowledge and energy towards achieving the diocese’s vision and mission.

After the Eucharistic celebration, Msgr Nicholas Ong, the Rector from the hosting parish, stressed on a few points: the BEC programme as a platform to achieve the V & M, Eucharist as the priority of life, life in harmony within the community, deepening the faith of the younger generation for a continuity of the mission and, in jest, an encouragement for the family to multiply.

Cardinal Soter stressed on the oneness of the human race as the people of God, living as one human race and in the presence of God. His Eminence reminded all that a true Christian only knows one language, that is, the language of “Love” as is propagated by the V&M.

Bishop Julius thanked God for the auspicious event of the 10th Anniversary of the Diocese of Sandakan. He acknowledged that not only is the diocese celebrating a three-in-one-event but the diocese was honoured, for the first time in the history of this diocese, to have a Cardinal to witness this celebration.

Bishop Julius concluded by sharing his hope with all the faithful in the Diocese of Sandakan, saying, “Ten years of a journey as one Diocese has taught us the importance of understanding, accepting, respecting and having consideration within parishes, priests, Religious, lay leaders, as well as parishioners. There are many ups and downs: failures, tiredness, conflicts but, at the same time, we also experienced joy, happiness, peacefulness and spiritual and physical growth in our journey. Formulating the Vision and Mission was a long and challenging process, and to implement it will be another challenge that will take a longer time, needing perseverance and patience.” The prelate ended by encouraging all the delegates and representatives from the five parishes of the Diocese of Sandakan to dedicate their wisdom, talent, knowledge, commitment and determination towards the achievement of the Vision and Mission Statements.

Witnessed by the congregation and the three other Dioceses and the Cardinal of Malaysia, Bishop Julius officially launched the Vision and Mission statement. Then he signed the Diocesan Pastoral Plan Documents which were handed over to the representatives of each parish, Paitan Mission. Copies were given to the Cardinal and the Arch/Bishops of the visiting three Dioceses (Kota Kinabalu, Keningau and Brunei Darussalam).


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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