Retreat for newly-formed communications team

Advancement of technology in communications opens up a whole new style of information distribution to the masses and needs to be adopted by today’s media practitioners while staying true to the principle of journalism.

Rector of St Peter Claver Ranau Church, Fr Nicholas Stephen said, in this era of easy and open access to communication media, thanks to technological advances, people can share and desseminate news directly and widely.

“Towards that end, I urge the media today to engage in building constructive communication, rejecting prejudice against others and promoting the culture of fellowship, while helping us all to see the world around us in a real and convincing manner.

“I also want to convey this message to everyone, who, whether in professional work or personal relationships, to daily ‘grind’ a great deal of information with the aim of providing a useful and good intake to people with whom they communicate,” he said.

Fr Nick was speaking when officiating the SPCR Social Communication and Multimedia (SOCCOM) Mini Retreat 2017 at Kam-Kam Joyful Garden, Bongkud near here recently.

He added that it is obvious in the world today that the new media has to break the spirits of anxiety and spiralling fears that arise as people are constantly focusing on ‘bad news’ like wars, terrorism, scandals, and all kinds of human failures.

“This is the message that our Holy Father Pope Francis urges of us, to let us not be misguided deviators who neglect the tragedy of human suffering and naive optimism that blinds us to the scandal of crime,” he said.

Fr Nick urged retreat participants to look for an open and creative way of communication, which never glorifies evil but is solution-oriented and inspirational towards a positive approach.

“I urge everyone, especially media practitioners, to be ‘good news’ agents for this world we are living in today,” he said.

The one day retreat, which was attended by over 30 members of the recently formed SOCCOM SPCR, was aimed at introducing the roles of the committee within society, as well as to foster fellowship among the participants.

Also held at the retreat were talks entitled Introduction to News Writing by Clarence G Dol and Basic Media Photography by Jimmy Akau, as well as personal sharing by the participants.

At the event, themed Service Through the Media, were Franciscan Friar, Br Aiden Peter, Chairman of SOCCOM SPCR, Zebius Karim, and other committee members.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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