First holy communion camp

On 4 November 2017, the Standard 3 Catechism students prepared themselves to receive Jesus, by attending a two-day in house camp at the Formation Hall. This year’s theme was CHRIST OUR JOY, and a total of 27 children – from both the English and Tamil speaking groups – participated in this camp. The children were accompanied by their respective class teachers, Mdm. Assunta and Mdm. Gloria.

The days’ program started with a bible enthronement by the kids. It gave the children a moment of grace, as they participated in lifting up the word of God. Then Sr. Mary introduced the children to the Eucharist, by getting them to bake the host, which was made out of flour and water. The idea was to expose them to the Bread and Body of Christ.

The program continued after lunch with an art and craft session, where the children designed and crafted a host. They wrote their names on it, referring to themselves as a friend of Jesus. The children then participated in some outdoor games, being made aware of how those games connect to their daily lives, and how their lives continuously lead them to God.

During the camp, Sr. Mary David FDCC and the teachers facilitated a group-sharing activity, focusing on God’s love. The children were asked to reflect on their loved ones, by acting out through song and dance on certain given topics. This helped them understand what receiving the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and the Blood of Jesus was all about. Their experience of the Blessed Sacrament then continued with a silent adoration, conducted by Fr. George.

The camp finale was a combined sharing session on FORGIVENESS & RECONCILIATION for both parents and children. Here, the children were given the chance to express their feelings to their parents, and parents were encouraged to do the same. The camp then ended with a thanksgiving luncheon.

The First Holy Communion Camp was a relevant and important milestone towards preparing the Standard 3 children for the Holy Eucharist. Their teachers have been helping them through this journey throughout the year, and are blessed to have them prepared to experience Jesus is this beautiful way. The children will be receiving their Sacrament of First Holy Communion on 26 November 2017.

See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 18:10).


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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