Limbanak pastoral leaders learn of inaugural education forum through archdiocesan fortnightly

Abp Wong addresses the pupils during assembly, 4 Oct 2017, St Aloysius Limbanak.  He was there to bless the newly constructed columbarium.

LIMBANAK – The pastoral leaders of St Aloysius’ Church Limbanak Penampang learnt of the inaugural Christian education forum held at Sacred Heart Parish Centre, Kota Kinabalu which was attended by some 400 participants on 13 May 2017 through Catholic Sabah.

Challenges highlighted at the forum, such as “funding for kindergartens” and “fear of school heads to practise and uphold the ethos, character and traditions of mission schools” are not unfamiliar at Tadika Suriaku and SK St Aloysius both in Limbanak, and have been discussed extensively during many meetings.

Archbishop John Wong and Father Wilfred Atin, parish priest of St Michael Penampang, were in Limbanak on 4 Oct 2017 on the occasion of the blessing of a newly constructed columbarium when the Board of Governors of Tadika Suriaku and SK St Aloysius took the opportunity to bring them to tour the church and the school complexes.

During this impromptu session with the students and teachers, the archbishop and rector were briefed on the development of the schools which enabled them to have a better appreciation of the teachers’ passion and commitment in the mission schools.

The teachers and students were thrilled by the unassuming archbishop and rector who spent time with them unhurriedly.

Those who were present shared how they could actually feel the atmosphere of a truly Catholic school alive. – Blasius Binjua


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

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