SIC parishioners complete sessions on the Mass

By Ken Cham
Forty two participants received certificates for attending at least four out of five sessions of A Biblical Walk Through the Mass: Understanding What We Say and Do in the Liturgy module which ended on November 27 at the Church of St Ignatius (SIC). Conducted by the SIC Scripture Study (SSS) group over five sessions, the study was also attended by six SSS facilitators and led by 12 other facilitators. During each session, attendees watched a video presentation by theologian, author and scholar Dr Edward Sri, followed by group sharing for an hour each time.

There was a good mix of parishioners, from the newly-baptised to mature Catholics, for this module which is the shortest conducted by SSS. Amongst other aspects, attendees learnt the biblical background to the words, prayers and gestures experienced in the Liturgy and discovered how the Mass is a ‘true re-presentation’ of Christ’s redeeming sacrifice on the Cross. This marked the second time the module was conducted, the first time was in 2015.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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