Approximately 82 migrants and refugees were feted to a Christmas Gathering organised by the Hospitality Ministry of the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, December 31, 2017.
Held in the Community Centre hall, it was also attended by Hospitality Ministers, including family members and friends. Also in attendance was Josephine Tey, the Coordinator for Migrants Services Centre of AOHD. The PIHDM Coordinator was also present.
The migrants consisted of Myanmarese children and refugees from Iran, Pakistan, Syria and Rohingya.
Parish priest, Msgr Leonard Lexson said the Opening Prayer.
The Hospitality Ministry Coordinator in his speech invited all the migrants and refugees to share the love, joy, hope and peace of Christmas. He mentioned that Jesus Christ, who came to be the saviour of the world, is the Gift to us all.
After a sumptuous buffet lunch, everyone went round to wish and greet each other. The guests were entertained with Christmas songs and dance presentations, followed by Christmas carols.
There were several indoor games and a colouring competition for 55 children. Some 100 prizes ranging from bath towels, wall clocks, toys, stationery sets, school shoes, etc were given to the guests. There were also lucky draws and 13 lucky winners received cash prizes.
Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam dropped by, spending time to chat with the migrants and refugees. He is known as a pastoral person, showing great care and concern for the migrants and refugees.
There was also a carol singing competition for Hospitality Ministers. Nine participated and the winner received prizes worth RM120. The migrants and refugees were the judges.
It was truly an enjoyable afternoon. Some of the migrants and refugees disclosed that they were happy to have been invited to the celebration of Christmas.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online