On Saturday, March 3, the Catechetical Ministry of St Joseph had its first retreat for all catechists with the theme, Falling in Love. A total of 20 catechists from the Tamil and English sections participated in this retreat facilitated by Elizabeth and Nita Ng, from the Penang Diocese Retreat and Spirituality team.
The retreat began with an imaginative prayer to Jesus who is about three years old. This was led by Elizabeth. The participants truly experienced the presence of Boy Jesus and shared their experience during the group sharing.
Elizabeth introduced another form of prayer on Embodied Liturgical Dance Prayer. The participants were encouraged to dance freely with music.
The last part was on gratitude prayer guided by Nita who reflected on how God was present in a particular significant moment.
The catechists were really happy to learn various forms of prayers to encounter Christ in every moment of our lives.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online