LIMBAHAU, Sabah: “For me, International Women’s Day (IWD) is a day of recognition of women and solidarity with each other and support. At first, I didn’t know what IWD meant. It was a breakthrough in my life when I attended the first International Women’s Day Seminar in my parish. I learnt of the struggles and the achievements of our gender, past and present.
“As a Catholic woman, IWD means reflecting not just on the turbulence of the past year but also on the greater history of Christian women throughout time, and the faith and qualities our role models have pursued and possessed in order to persevere,” said Milina Nandu, the chairperson of the Catholic Women’s League in St Sabina Chapel, Limbahau (an outstation chapel under the Church of the Holy Rosary).
Milina was one of the dozen women who celebrated IWD at parish level at the Holy Rosary Church of Limbahau on March 11. Here, IWD was celebrated with Mass, followed by fellowship.
Rosalinda, from a small chapel in Ovai, Kombizaan, narrated that since the parish started organising IWD seminars every year in March, she began to understand the important role of women.
“In the beginning, I was not confident to voice my opinion. Now, thanks to the IWD seminars and guidance from the church, our women’s league in my kampung is more lively. We organise activities such as visiting the sick, chain prayers in solidarity with Pope Francis’ intentions, seminars and workshops for young girls. Now we are focusing on how to counter Islamisation and to strengthen the family.
Rosalinda was inspired by the wisdom and love of Mother Mary and Mother Teresa. “There are so many women out there who were raped, illiterate and forced to become slaves due to poverty or war. Through unity and prayer, we, women can help those victims,” said Rosalinda.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online