Minawo Zone holds 3-in-1 celebration

Father Charles Chiew poses with the eight couples who renewed their vows, 18 Mar 2018, St Joseph Minawo.

KENINGAU – Minawo Zone held a three-in-one celebration at St Joseph Minawo here on 17-18 Mar 2018.

The events incorporated the Solemnity of St Joseph, renewal of marriage vows, and blessing of the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes by Father Charles Chiew.

St Joseph’s Church was built in 1960 in a area of approximately 56 sq metres.  The first catechists were Thomas Yantim and the late Marinus Dualis Sulatam.

Among the activities organised to observe the feastday of St Joseph were a children’s colouring competition of the image of the Holy Family, followed by a procession of the image of St Joseph around Minawo Village.

The next day, Fr Charles celebrated the Mass in honour of St Joseph.  In his homily, he touched on the Paschal Mystery where Christ redeemed the world through his passion, death and resurrection.  He urged the faithful to prepare themselves well through the sacrament of confession.

During the Mass, eight married couples renewed their vows.

The opening of the fiesta was marked by the blessing of the grotto by Fr Charles after the welcoming speech by zone chairperson Moitah Inggit. – Tadius Kilip


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

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