Parishes hold PACA training

PENANG : To ensure that the coming 14th General Election (GE14) is conducted free and fair, thousands of PACA volunteers are needed to observe and check any irregularities. Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (CHS) organised a formation/training programme on Tuesday, April 17 from 8.00 – 10.00pm. This was a joint effort of Aliran and Bersih and coordinated by Dr Francis Loh, Henry Loh and Dato Dr Toh Kin Woon. It was open to all.

Earlier, Vicar General Msgr Henry Rajoo, on behalf of Bishop Sebastian Francis, had appealed to all parishioners to get involved in GE 14 to ensure a free and fair election.

CHS has also been organising daily Holy Hour prayer sessions for the nation.

Meanwhile, at the Church of the Divine Mercy, representatives of various political parties gave talks at St Faustina Hall on Apr 27.

BUKIT MERTAJAM: In the wake of the coming election, St Anne’s Church conducted a training for PACA volunteers (Polling Agent, Counting Agent) on Sunday, April 22 at 11.00am at the parish auditorium.

The training was conducted by Aliran members. Close to 100 people attended this training that covers on all Polling Agent. At the end of the training, all members were requested to register at the nearest party office with their training certificates. — By Marlina Sara Sylvester


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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