Opposition MPs still harping on racial, religious politics

KUALA LUMPUR: The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Nga Kor Ming, on Aug 6, chided Opposition lawmakers for still resorting to race and religious politics during the 14th Parliament sittings.

In an interview with Malay daily Utusan Malaysia on his new role, Nga expressed his disappointment, particularly with the Opposition lawmakers for employing below the belt tactics when speaking during debates.

“From this aspect, it is disappointing, particularly concerning the opposition bench; many are bringing up old issues while playing the race and religious card which, to me, is not healthy,” he was quoted saying.

Acknowledging Islam as the official religion according to the Federal Constitution, Nga added the constitution also allowed for other religions to be freely practised.

“That is why I have advised the MPs and they must understand that they were elected and supported by voters of several ethnic backgrounds. Not one of the 222 parliamentary seats are made up of 100 per cent of one race, they are all multiracial,” Nga was quoted in the daily.

He then advised the representatives, of which 90 are first time MPs, to debate issues in the House from the perspective of a Malaysian, and not from a narrow point of view.

“They must also understand and be aware that their arguments must be based on facts, statistics not blank rhetoric,” he added, referring to the MPs.

“They must also keep to their promise and oath, and never forget that Parliament is a place from the people, to serve the people, operated by the people,” he added.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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