La Salle Alumni marks 60 years of La Salle presence at annual dinner

L-R: GOH Anthony John Wong, Alumni president Herman Yee, Alumni patron Brother Justin Mobilik, La Salle Board of Governors chairman Ho Kin Wong cutting the 60th anniversary cake, 18 Aug 2018, Hakka Hall Tg Lipat, witnessed by other alumni committee members, donors and organising chairman Kapitan Li Su Fook.

KOTA KINABALU – The Alumni of La Salle and Sacred Heart marked 60 years of  La Salle Brothers’ presence in Sabah at their 57th annual dinner on 18 August 2018 at the Port View Palace Hall (Hakka Hall) Tanjung Lipat here with the theme Achieving our Dreams Together – Animo La Salle.

In his message, Guest of Honour Anthony John Wong said: “Tonight we are not only having our annual dinner, but are also celebrating and commemorating 60 years since the La Salle Brothers took over the running of the Sacred Heart Secondary School from the Mill Hill Missionaries.”

He noted that among those who came were some former Sacred Heart teachers and some of the first La Salle 1958 Form Five students – of whom he was one.

In his turn, Brother Justin Mobilik, patron of the alumni association, lauded the alumni members’ spirit of collaboration.  “Achieving dreams together is still working because of the [Lasallian] spirit…The spirit must live on,” he said.

Meanwhile, alumni president Herman Yee added a backgrounder in his speech.  He touched on the arrival of Brothers Charles O’Leary, Raphael Egan, and Thomas Carney in 1958.

“We are indeed indebted to the pioneers and all the La Salle Brothers who came after them for giving us the opportunity and privilege to be educated in the holistic Lasallian way,” he said.

He urged all members to be more committed in paying it forward by giving back to their alma mater.

Yee added that the alumni’s dream of acquiring the Sri Murni apartments which began in 2009 has finally been achieved this year.  He thanked all donors and contributors for making it possible.

Among the forthcoming plans of the alumni are the future relocation of the primary school, the setting up of an English Learning Centre, and a scholarship fund for deserving poor students.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

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