Children learn the importance of the Eucharist

A one day camp was held on August 18 for young parishioners at the Church of Divine Mercy, (CDM) to come to a better understanding of the second sacrament of Catholic initiation, the Holy Eucharist.

After praise and worship, the children in Year 4 were helped to understand that the Holy Spirit that came to them when they were baptised is now present in their lives. This same Holy Spirit is always there to protect and help them become better Catholics. A simple activity was carried out with plastic bags filled with water that remained intact when pierced with pencils. This was to illustrate that if we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are protected from harm. To further stress this point, a lighted match was held to the plastic bag which still remained intact.

The children were asked to solve a string puzzle to illustrate that when we are in trouble, we need help to escape. When they were unable, they were given a demonstration of how it could be done. However, they repeatedly came back to obtain help. This is similar for them to understand the need for regular confession when they need help.

The next session began with a video on how the communion hosts were made. Another video was on how to receive Holy Communion properly. This was followed by an explanation given by an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC). A mock demonstration was carried out with un-consecrated hosts. Each child was given the experience of receiving the host. The children were told that this bread is similar to the bread at the Last Supper but different from unleavened bread eaten at the time of the Exodus. Then the children made the unleavened bread with the help of their parents and teachers.

After that, the children were taught how to enter the church. They were shown the proper way to genuflect and to respect the house of God. They were also taken on a tour of the altar, the sanctuary and shown the garments worn by the priest to celebrate different Masses.

The final session was a practise or mock confession with the teacher acting as the priest.

The camp gave the children a chance to better understand the important sacrament they were going to receive and how it will help them grow further in their faith journey towards confirmation.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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