KUALA LUMPUR: “The primary role of the Hospitality Minister is to welcome parishioners, visitors, migrants and strangers into the church with a smile, respect and kindness. Taking up the collection is secondary.”
This was disclosed to 25 Hospitality Ministers at a session held recently in the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, facilitated by its Coordinator, Bernard Anthony.
The history of hospitality can be derived from Genesis 18:1-8, where Abraham welcomed the three visitors, not knowing that he actually welcomed the Lord and two angels. Hebrews 13:2 uses this incident as an example of the kind of hospitality we are to show towards strangers. Bernard added that hospitality is a wonderful quality we all need to work at improving, as being a hospitable host makes our guests feel welcome and comfortable. He said Abraham entreats these visitors to stay and be refreshed (Genesis 18:3-5).
Bernard also gave a short briefing on the background of the ministry. Earlier, it was known as ‘Warden’ Ministry and, more recently, as ‘Hospitality’ Ministry — a Ministry of Joy — being in the frontlines of the cathedral. “We are called to offer our care and to make everyone coming for Mass feel welcome, and to give a sense of belonging, with our warmth.”
Those present included new members who learned more about the history of this 135 year-old parish and what facilities are available. Every Hospitality Minister should have all this information to be able to assist visitors and tourists.
They were also informed on the characteristics a Hospitality Minister should possess: friendliness, caring, concern, tactfulness, a willingness to help and to be welcoming. They should be dressed appropriately when serving and be faithful to the Lord and the Church’s teachings.
Hospitality is an art that requires a large dose of creativity, motivation, innovation and inspiration. One must offer, where called for, individualised and unique attention to the OKU, the mentally challenged, people who have personal issues, etc.
Hospitality Ministers were informed that they must be baptised, received First Holy Communion and are Confirmed. Their duties were also explained in detail.
Bernard said it is important to deepen our own spirituality as ministers in a parish ministry in Church. We are all called by God to serve in this ministry and it is a privilege to serve the Lord and to become his disciples.
There was also group sharing on the characteristics or qualities that a Hospitality Minister should possess, how best we can improve ourselves and what we can do to motivate ourselves to be more committed in serving God and the parish.
Another session would be held on September 30, 2018 on Spirituality and Service. These sessions are held to challenge the Hospitality Ministers to be more committed in their service, to deepen their spirituality and to make sacrifices for Christ and for the community.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online