MALACCA: A Community Home under project HOPE (Helping Offenders Pursue Excellence) in the Diocese of Malacca Johore, initiated by Bishop Bernard Paul for former incarcerated individuals (ex-prisoners) including drug addicts and alcoholics, has been established by the Society of St Vincent de Paul, State Council of Malacca. This project is also co-sponsored by the Malacca Johore Diocese Office of Human Development (MJDOHD).
In Malaysia, very few ex-offenders have a loving or welcoming family waiting for them to come home and a ready job upon their release. Reintegrating into society is difficult. Family members may have died, moved away, or made it clear the ex-offender is not welcome. Sometimes there are legal reasons the ex-offender cannot go home (spouse may have filed legal proceedings for divorce). Most ex-offenders who return to families or friends in their old neighbourhoods often find themselves in the very environment that got them into trouble in the first place. The immediate option for many are sleeping on the streets or taking menial jobs that come their way.
For ex-offenders seeking a full re-integration into society, spending time at the Community Home is vital and a way to break the cycle of crime and establish hope for a better future. A Home that is professionally managed, with zero tolerance for alcohol and drug abuse promotes the opportunity for a new way of life. Ex-offenders who alternate between prison and criminal behaviour upon release find themselves vulnerable, often because they have no choice but to return to their former communities and lifestyles.
Project HOPE helps to find long-term public, private or social housing to rebuild life outside prison.
Project HOPE offers ex-offenders a community-based accommodation, easing transition back into the community and independent living. The project is designed to assist ex-offenders to make the transition from institution to community living in as smooth a process as possible by providing a monitored and structured environment in which residents could gradually accept the responsibility of self-management as members of the normative society through graduated and increasing interaction with its members.
Support through individually tailored case plans.
Help with accessing and maintaining public, community and private housing.
Access to family relationship support.
Access to emergency relief where necessary.
Practical and emotional support.
Support with developing social and positive peer support networks.
Transport to keep essential appointments.
Help with engaging with education, training and employment opportunities.
Referrals to a range of specialist support services.
The facility is specifically designed for low security prisoners or offenders and provides a range of programmes of reintegration and self-management.
The Home is equipped with the basic facilities for this “Stay-in” programme and is for Non Muslim males only.
The potential resident must be a Malaysian, irrespective of where he lives – preference will be given to those living outside Melaka. If you know of anyone who may want or need to undergo rehabilitation, please contact: Anthony Tan 016-314 6518
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online