After Sunset Mass at St Ignatius Church (SIC) on October 20, nine-year-old Ava Marie Maran Low said she felt happy. Why? Because I have received Jesus.
This could very well be the same response of the 57 other children from SIC’s Standard 3 First Holy Communion Class of 2018 who received Christ the Bread of Life for the first time.
SIC Parish Priest Fr Andrew Wong CDD was the main celebrant at the Eucharistic celebration, with Fr Paulino Miranda as concelebrant. Fr Wong thanked all who had helped to prepare the boys and girls to receive their First Holy Communion. He also encouraged parents to live and practise their faith and to train their children in the Christian faith and its practice.
Incorporated into the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church through Baptism while infants, receiving Christ in the Eucharist is the third Sacrament received by the children. Apart from bread and wine, the children offered up their First Holy Communion certificates – a symbol of remembrance of the first time they become one in the Body of Christ – and Camp Crafts Prayer Cards during the Offertory Procession. The children also sang a thanksgiving song titled Every Move I Make, followed with a pledge by their parents.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online