Communicants urged to be like mustard seeds

This year’s First Holy Communion was extra special for the 22 children in Std 4 of the Church of the Divine Mercy (CDM). Parish priest Fr Martin Arlando greeted the children on October 21 before the morning Mass and led them in a prayer.

At the Mass, Fr Martin read a shorter version of the gospel (Mark 10: 42-45) and allowed the children to re-enact the fuller version in a skit (Mark 10: 35-45).

He also prepared a laminated bookmark of a picture of the mustard tree with a Bible quote from Luke 13:19, accompanied with a story printed on its flipside. In his message to the First Holy Communicants, Fr Martin explained that even though they were very young and small, they could be like the mustard seed. They just need to break away from bad habits and make Jesus known to others by serving everyone. This love will bring them closer to Jesus. They also need to focus on the Word of God and grow closer to Him through prayer. In this way, they will all grow into big mustard trees.

Fr Martin explained that the apostles had not understood Jesus’ teaching. James and John wanted a promotion. The others were indignant. as they thought that they were more deserving. Jesus showed them that true greatness is all about humility by coming to serve and giving up his life. The first step to entering heaven is humility. We all have a mission, be it through our prayers, financial contributions or awaking others to the faith. We can all do this in our BECs.

After Mass, all the children gathered at the church basement for fellowship. They joined in the cutting of a cake and received a rosary each.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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