Home for children open in Melaka

A home for children from broken and dysfunctional families has been established by Bishop Bernard Paul in Malacca.

Fatima Home took a year to be set up and was blessed and opened on Oct 21. The Board of Management consists of Bishop Bernard Paul as the President, Msgr Michcel Mannayagam as the Spiritual Director, assisted by Deacon Anthony Chua and Jeremy Lee as the Chairman of the Board.

By late April this year, Fatima Home became a reality when the first student was accepted. The Board of Management reviewed and studied the case before the boy, sent by the Malacca Welfare Department, was accepted.

Currently, there are a total of eight children — five girls and three boys. Only children of school going age are accepted into the Home. They go to Government schools and return to the Home after school where a House Mother takes care of them and sees to their needs. These children return to their respective homes during the school holidays to enable them to bond with their families. Parents and relatives can visit the children from 9.00am- 5.00pm.

At the opening ceremony on Oct 21, Bishop Bernard Paul said, “First and foremost, Fatima Home is the house of God for these unfortunate children and JESUS is the Lord of this Home. As such, it must be filled with Love and Prayer because Jesus is walking with us.” He went on to say that the aim of the Home is to provide the children a safe sanctuary. Guidance will also be given to the children so that they grow up to be good citizens.

He thanked all the benefactors, the committee members, those who come to the Home to help the children in their lessons, all those who have donated generously in cash or in kind to keep the Home going and, last but not least, he thanked Msgr Michcel for his untiring efforts to set up the Home.

The guests were reminded that Jesus comes not to be served but to serve. So, likewise, we must step out and do whatever we can to make a difference to the world. He ended his speech with these words, “Fatima Home is more than a children’s Home. It is also a Missionary Centre where opportunities are given for all to serve outside the parish. ”

The Spiritual Director, Msgr Michcel, has this to say, “It is my hope that Fatima Home will help the children to do well in their studies and that the chain of poverty will be broken through education.

The event ended with the guests being treated to a slide show into the children’s daily activities. There was also an exhibition of the children’s works.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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