The Church of St Ignatius (SIC) will focus on BEC (Basic Ecclesial Communities), Family and Youth for 2019.
This was revealed to the more than 260 parishioners from both the English and Mandarin-speaking communities representing BECs and parish ministries at this year’s Parish Assembly (PA) convened on Saturday November 11 at 1.00pm.
After praise and worship, enthronement, reading of the Bible and reciting of a community opening prayer, SIC Parish Priest
Fr Andrew Wong CDD commenced proceedings with a welcoming address. Roeshan Gomez (English) and Raymond Hoo (Mandarin) were the co-Masters of Ceremony at the gathering at the Rooftop of Costantini Community Centre.
Richard Lai (Acting Chairman, Parish Coordinating Council) gave a review of activities carried out in 2017-2018 followed by his counterpart Paul Tan doing likewise for the Mandarin community.
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) member Sharma Rajadurai explained the rationale, background and roll-out of the Parish Plan for SIC for 2018-2019 in line with the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur Five Year Plan.
A Parish Planning Workshop was held on October 13, 2018 to come up with a draft plan which was later refined by the PPC.
The three clusters chosen are BEC (Basic Ecclesial Communities), Family and Youth. Strengths, Weaknesses and Areas of Concern for these three clusters as well as their action plans and collaborating ministries were projected.
PPC Chairman Lourdes Abishegam then took the floor to urge parishioners to support the plan. After two new members were formally elected and two members re-elected into the PPC, Victoria Ho (Parish Finance Committee) presented the Parish Finance Report.
The Parish Assembly ended with a closing prayer and a blessing from Fr Andrew Wong.
SIC Assistant Parish Priest Fr Lawrence Ng CDD and Bro Joseph Lim CDD also attended the assembly.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online