Laity gives almost RM300k for Kerala

KUALA LUMPUR: The laity from the Kuala Lumpur Archdio-cese donated RM248,637.80 for the Aid for Kerala Floods during the second collection at Masses on September 8 and 9, 2018.

Earlier on August 18, Archbishop Julian Leow has authorised the immedi-ate release of RM50,000.00 from the Natural Disaster Fund of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur inaid of the relief work to all eviate the suffering and hardships of the people of Kerala.

The total sumof RM298,637.80 has been suc-cessfully transferred to the Catho-lic Bishops Conference of India through Caritas India.

Malacca Johore Diocese con-tributed RM75,000 from its Natu-ral Disaster Fund on August 20.The funds were sent to the Catho-lic Bishops’ Conference of India(CBCI) for them to disburse ac-cordingly.

Penang Diocese donated RM50,000 through the Penang Office of Human Development(POHD) to Kerala, India, to help in its recovery from the floods.



Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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