Keeping the Simbang Gabi tradition alive in Penang

PENANG: Spending the festive season away from home can be difficult at times, but you could feel less homesick celebrating as a community preserving the traditions together.

The Church of Our Lady of Sorrows (City Parish) hosted the Simbang Gabi Novena, also known as Misa de Gallo, which is a celebration steeped in Filipino tradition involving nine days of Novena leading to Christmas.

The Filipinos have maintained a strong presence in OLS Church for almost 20 years, evident in the establishment of the Filipino Catholic Community in Penang (FCCP).

Instead of having Mass at dawn as practised in the Philippines, the community here celebrates the Eucharist at night from December 15 to December 23, and the celebrations culminate with Christmas Vigil Mass on December 24.

Parish priest Msgr Aloysius Tan said the Simbang Gabi displays the beautiful diversity of the parish, and hopes that the Filipino community will deepen their faith through the celebration.

Fr Priscillano Elardo Jr., from the Diocese of Borongan in Eastern Samar, was invited as the preacher for the 2018 Simbang Gabi celebrations.
Reflecting on the origins of Simbang Gabi which can be traced to Spanish rule in the 17th century, Fr

Priscillano said he was impressed by the preparations made by the Filipinos in Penang.

“I hope that the celebrations will allow them to grow closer to God, and bond closer as a community,” he said.

He added that Christmas is a celebration of love, and urged the Filipinos to share the love of Christ with everyone around them.

“God was so good to send His only begotten Son, as told in John 3:16, so all of us must be faithful to the Father and allow change in our lives,” he said.

Filipino altar server Ric Jose Francis M. Felipe said he was proud that the Filipino tradition of gathering for Mass before Christmas could be continued here in Penang.

“For me, to be able to serve throughout the nine days is indeed a great blessing, and it helped me to prepare for Christmas better,” he said. — By Aaron Lim


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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