KUALA LUMPUR: The launching of the Mis- sionary Year 2019 coincided with the Feast of the Epiphany – Jan 6, 2019. It ends on Dec 31, 2019. In between, October 2019 is the Extraor- dinary Missionary Month.
His Grace Most Reverend Julian Leow, Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur delivered his message on the launch via a video presentation which can be accessed via these links: https:// youtu.be/Of35HjgxdyA or Tv.ArchKL.org
Most parishes played the video at the week- end Masses on Jan 5 and 6.
In conjunction with the launch, a Mission- ary Year Epiphany Star will be distributed to all parishioners this weekend (Jan 12 and 13). The star focuses on the four dimensions of the Mis- sionary call as emphasised by Pope Francis.
Explanation and Rationale of the Star
Each parishioner is to take one Star home from the Christmas manger after the launch of the Year of Mission (Jan 12 or 13, 2019).
Each parishioner is to write on the back of the Star what he/she intends to do personally for the year to come in reference to the four dimensions that Pope Francis indicated.
Each parishioner is to string and hang the Star at his/her door post like a door chime.
Every time the parishioner sees the Star, he/ she is reminded to strive to realise what he/she has selected to do throughout the Missionary Year 2019.
Next Christmas, each parishioner is to bring back their Star and place it back at the manger, to signify that he/she has been a bright Star bringing someone to accept Jesus as his/her Saviour (by Dec 31, 2019).
The Missionary Year Epiphany Star
The star is seven inches in diametre, with a pinhole at the top most point, in order to attach a string. At the centre of the star is the logo of the Missionary Year. On the front top most point of the star is image of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
The four remaining points highlight Pope Francis’ four dimensions to be undertaken for the year (clockwise).
a. Encounter with Jesus (Blue)
b. Testimony of Mission (Red)
c. Missionary Formation (Yellow)
d. Missionary Charity (Green)
On the reverse side, the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Star of New Evangelisation is at the top point instead of the crucifix. The logo is at the centre and the same colour codes are at the other four points.
Parishioners are to write what correspond- ing activities he/she would like to carry out in the blank spaces provided with reference to the four dimensions stated by Pope Francis.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online