On the eve of 2019, the community of the Church of St John Britto (City Parish) be-gan a year-long journey to commemorate and celebrate its 50th anniversary.
The New Year’s Eve Mass on December 31 was celebrated by parish priest Msgr Aloysius Tan, and concelebrated with assistant parish priest Fr Maiccal Sinnappan.
After the post-communion prayer, the launch began with a modern Indian dance which led to the unveiling of the streamer by Msgr Tan and Fr Maiccal.
The parishioners responded with thunderous applause and cheers, a positive sign that they were geared up to make the Golden Jubilee year a memorable occasion.
“The number fifty is a biblical one, and 50 years is a milestone, therefore we should prepare our-selves to make this a special year,” Msgr Tan said.
He informed the congregation that a Day of Recollection would be held on January 20 to help parishioners prepare spiritually for a meaningful feast day celebration.
The highlight will be a Triduum from January 31 to February 2, leading to the feastday celebra-tion on February 3 which carries the theme Baptised and Sent… Our Mission Continues.
Fr Kulanthai Selvan from the Claretian Missionary of India will be the preacher for the triduum Masses, while the Feastday Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Sebastian Francis.
Msgr Tan also announced that the “50 Missionary Works” campaign will be held in conjunction with the SJB
Feast Day and the Extraordinary Missionary Year 2019, and it will be opened to all the churches of City Parish.
“I encourage all parishioners to be missionaries, to help the less fortunate, such as offering services to a soup kitchen and conducting outreach programmes,” he said.
He mentioned that the parish will look into publishing a souvenir magazine to highlight the history and life of the community in SJB Church.
Msgr Tan hopes that the community will come forward and make a personal contribution in order to add meaning to this celebration of great significance.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online