Orientation for St Ignatius Church catechists

PETALING JAYA: The Church of St Ignatius organised an orientation for catechists on Saturday January 5. It was facilitated by Christopher Raj, a trainer whose session was geared towards human connection.

The sessions allowed the catechists to rethink how they approach their students. One aspect engaged them to rethink the way they approach the first catechists, their students’ parents.

After the praise and worship session led by the SIC Youth Ministry, the facilitator introduced the catechists to the Lego Serious Learning experience. Throughout the session, as they worked on their construction work with their Lego bricks and parts, many realised that there is a deeper meaning in what they were constructing. Every piece had a purpose and as they completed their structure, the catechists came to realise how their talents, aims and motives influenced the big picture. This led them to reflect and begin to realise that engaging with students and parents would help them in spreading the Good News, the fulfilment of the Great Commission our Lord and Saviour has given to all of us.

“How do we do that? I did not have the answer to this most critical question. This was where God taught me to be humble and open to ideas. As I listened to the wisdom shared by other catechists, including the youths who committed themselves to serving in Sunday school, I learned how we can reach out to the students and parents this year,” said Vikram Pio Martin, a catechist.

“I want to make a difference, not by myself, but with the help of my fellow catechists. I am, of all people, truly blessed for the opportunity this orientation day has given me,” he added.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

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