Hamper of Joy lunch for the elderly
It was indeed a joyous and memorable experience forthe blind, the deaf, the physically challenged and the elderly as they gath-ered at Holy Rosary Church’s Hallon January 2, 2019 for the Epiphany Hamper of Joy Charity Lunch sponsored by the Church’s Centering Care of the Elderly, CCE.
They were feted to an eight courseChinese lunch together with one wholeroast pig. Gifts from their Christmaswish list, donated by the parishioners,were given to them after lunch.The occasion was also to celebratethe 55th birthday of Archbishop Julian Leow.
To mark this happy oc-casion, a cake was presented to himand he was asked to blow out the can-dles.In his speech, Archbishop Leowsaid that his birthday was not impor-tant.
The birth of Jesus Christ, whobrings Joy and Salvation to the world,is far more important. “Today we cel-ebrate the birthday of Our Lord JesusChrist.” Everyone applauded.The party ended with His Grace ask-ing all the priests present to join himin his apostolic blessings for us. Eve-ryone went home happy, with heartsfilled with joy.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online