“Let us ask the blessed Virgin Mary to be a mother to us and nuture in us a new love for her and for Jesus and for our mother the Church.”
Fr Lawrence Ng CDD said this at the Parish Feastday Triduum celebrations of the Church of the Holy Rosary on October 6. Parish priest Fr Joachim Tan was the concelebrant.
Fr Ng shared on Mariology, the part of Christian theology dealing with the Virgin Mary. He said the title
“Mother of the Church” was used by Pope Benedict XIV in 1748, and then by Pope Leo XIII in 1885. The title was also used by Pope John Paul II, and is also found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Quoting from Pope John Paul II, Fr Ng said that Mary is present in the Church and she embraces each and everyone in the Church and through the Church. “Mary is not only the Mother of Christ, but Mother of the faithful.”
Fr Ng also spoke about the mosaic of Maria Mater Ecclesiae (Our Lady, Mother of the Church) in St Peter’s Square. In 2018, Pope Francis decreed that the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, be inserted into the Catholic calendar, on the Monday after Pentecost, to be celebrated every year. Fr Ng stated that on May 21, 2018, for the first time, this memorial was observed in the Church.
Mary, said Fr Ng, reminds us to be disciples of Christ. She is a good example of what it is to be a disciple of Christ. To put her as Mother of the Church is for us to follow her example. “All of us are called to be holy in the world and for the coming Kingdom.” Mary tells us to be faithful to Christ, being single minded in serving the Lord and in serving the people of God.
Fr Ng added that Mary stands at the foot of the Cross, telling us how to forgive, how to let go and to love our enemies. Mother Mary is a good example of forgiving in the love of Christ. “Mary, in her Assumption, gives us the hope that we can live a life of grace. She is Mother of the Church, who stands on our side, guiding us and leading us when we face challenges in life. Look to Mother Mary; she looked at Christ who suffered on the Cross as she embraced God and us,” Fr Ng asserted.
In honour of Our Lady of the Rosary, a procession took place around the Church and ended with Benediction.
Fr Tan, in his remarks after the Benediction, thanked all for coming, particularly Fr Ng and Fr Chan who were the two preachers for the triduum. The parish priest also commended all those involved in making the feast day celebrations meaningful and prayerful.
Fr Ng said he was glad to be present for the feastday celebrations. He asked the young people present to offer themselves to the priesthood and as nuns, to serve the Church. Fr Ng also hoped all would carry this devotion of Mary into their homes and pray for more vocations.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online