Today, as the Church Saint Michael celebrates the second World Day of the Poor,at St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, mobile medical clinics have been set up to treat anyone in need of general and specialised medicalcare, including cardiology, dermatology, and ophthalmology Nov 12 – 18.
In Malaysia, the Mobile Clinic servicesof Assunta Integrated Social Services (ASSISS)brings health care to marginalised or under privileged members of Malaysian society.
ASSISS was initiated in the 1960s by the religious sisters of the Franciscan Missionariesof Mary who visited remote areas to providefree and simple medical services.
The services include basic primary carecomprising health consultations and the monitoring of medical conditions that include diabetes or hypertension. ASSISS started with four clinics permonth, serving 200 patients.
Currently weare running 30 clinics per month with 24 clinics in the Klang Valley, five clinics in Sabahand 1 clinic in Sarawak, serving more than 6000 patients.
The success of the mobile clinic servicesis attributed to its dedicated staff and volunteers (medical and non-medical) who come from all walks of life, professing different faith traditions; all of whom are united to serve under the ASSISS tagline “For the Poorest of the Poor.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online