“Do we recognise the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist? If we did, we will long for the Eucharist as it is truly the Body and Blood of Christ. We will prepare ourselves because we want to receive Jesus in the Eucharist,” said Msgr Leonard Lexson on June 3, the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, at the Cathedral of St John.
The feast of Corpus Christi celebrates the Eucharist as the Body and Blood of Christ. This jubilant feast is celebrated to proclaim the truth of the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the actual Body and Blood of Christ during Mass.
“We do our service to the living God. We come to receive Jesus, He comes to give us life. We recognise we are all sinners.
“We are not perfect. We have our limitations; but we are here.” Msgr Lexson reiterated that the source of our Christian life must lead us to serve the Lord.
“Do not be bystanders, coming for Mass and nothing more. How are we to reflect his holiness? We do this by getting involved in the various ministries. As you commit yourself as ministers of the Liturgy, be faithful in your prayer life. Not only to serve, but to receive God’s words, so that we can grow in the love of the word of God.”
The parish priest also reminded the ministers to find time to adore the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
Msgr Lexson said that every Eucharist is truly joyous. When we receive the Eucharist, we retain the real presence of Jesus. When you come to receive, you must be in the right deposition. Non-Catholics cannot receive the Eucharist unless they first undergo baptism in the Church.
He urged the assembly to develop a sense of reverence for the Body and Blood of Christ by bowing reverently when receiving Christ. “We are servants, humbly waiting to receive the Lord on the palm of our hand. We consume the sacred Host and return to our place and pray in silence,” he added.
Msgr Lexson reiterated that Jesus is real. Humble ourselves to receive Him, so that His grace will be granted to us.
“Be what we believe. We become what we eat and become what we receive,” said St Augustine.
Give glory and praise to Jesus our Lord. Pray that you will not take advantage of the Eucharist, for Jesus Christ is the way, the Truth and the Life.”
After the homily, Msgr Lexson conducted the Rite of Commissioning for the Ministers of the Liturgy, consisting of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, Choir, Lectors and Commentators, Hospitality Ministers, Altar Ladies, Projectionists, Sacristans and BEC Liturgical Reps.
They are examples of Christian living, in faith and conduct, committed to serve God through their liturgical ministry, carry out their responsibilities with utmost care and reverence and to serve this community with love and faith and to work for building up of the parish.
After Mass, there was a procession around parts of the city-centre together with Archbishop Julian Leow. The solemn procession of the monstrance containing the Blessed Sacrament proceeded smoothly in a chariot through the streets as a statement that the sacrifice of Christ is for the salvation of the whole world. The chariot stopped at four stations for Gospel proclamation, prayer and adoration. The rosary was also recited during the procession.
On returning to the cathedral, Archbishop Leow invited all to pray for more vocations from this parish and for families.
Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online