Author Archives: Ken Wong

Fr. George Packiasamy: My encounter with Monsignor Anthony Thomas

KUALA LUMPUR: The demise of Monsignor Anthony Thomas on 24 September 2017 has brought great sadness and grieving to those who have known him personally and to those who have worked with him closely in various parishes in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur.

I have very little experience working with the late Monsignor Anthony Thomas. In January 2002 I was assigned to do pastoral work for a month at the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Peel Road, Kuala Lumpur. It was an assignment just before my final year in the seminary. I stayed with him and I worked with the youth ministry and altar servers. He hardly spoke to me and he seldom invited me to have meals together. I noticed he was a poor eater and he always skipped his meals. He was a very observant man. On my last day of my mission in his parish, he commented on some of my good qualities and appreciated very much the enthusiasm that I had in carrying out my task with the youths and altar servers and his congregation.

During my early years in the priesthood, I didn’t interact and converse much with him. When I was posted to Seremban, I had an opportunity to work with him at the Negeri Sembilan district level. He was then Parish Priest of the Church of St. Aloysius, in Mantin (2008-2013).

During that time his memory began to slowly decline. We held our priests’ district meetings in Seremban. However, on two occasions he lost his way to the Church of Visitation, Seremban. Once he drove around Seremban town for almost 2 hours before getting to the Church. The second time he ended up in Port Dickson. From then on I decided to send someone to fetch him from his parish.  During one of our district meetings he shared with our district priests, his joy of ministering in his parish. He told us that he had only 70 families and that a majority of them were Chinese. He expressed his wonderful time visiting all the families in Mantin. It was a very small community but he brought life to his parish. He too shared with us about his intention to refurbish the Carmelite Monastery, which was situated at the back of his Church. The monastery was abandoned for few years after the Carmelite Sisters moved to their new premise in Seremban. He wanted to turn it into a pastoral center for the state of Negeri Sembilan. I was so impressed with his ideas and his visions for the churches in Negeri Sembilan even though his memory was gradually deteriorating.

I was able to work together with the late Monsignor Thomas for two years in the same district before pursuing my post-graduate studies overseas from 2010 to 2012. In 2013, I went to pay him a courtesy visit as well as make my confession with him at Mantin. After that we sat together but we hardly spoke to each other. Each time when I said something he just ignored me. For almost an hour he just didn’t pay attention to me. That made me bored. Finally, I asked him, “Father, shall we go for a drive?” He was so agreeable and I took him for a drive towards Nilai town and we visited the Church of St. Theresa, Nilai. He was so high-spirited after that. I realised he liked driving around by car.

Lately, a few months before his passing, Cardinal Soter Fernandez insisted that I come and visit Monsignor Thomas at the Little Sister of the Poor, Cheras so that we could take him for a drive in the town. Today, I felt sad that I didn’t make an attempt to take him for a drive together with Cardinal Soter.

The late Monsignor Thomas was a man of prayer and a very good priest and counselor. He built beautiful Church community centers and grew faithful communities in all the parishes that he was sent to. He left a very significant legacy in each parish that he served and ministered to. Today, these parishioners really miss him dearly and expressed their sympathy that comes from their hearts.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

300 turn up for local parish observance of Migrant Sunday

PAPAR – Around 300 local and migrant parishioners turned up for the local parish observance of Migrant Sunday at Mother of Mercy open hall, St Joseph Parish here on 1 Oct 2017.

The celebration was in conjunction with the 103rd World Migrant Day 2017 with this year’s theme: Minor Migrants, Vulnerable and Voiceless.

In his homily, Father Thomas Yip shared the importance of emulating Jesus Christ’s behaviour and acts, who was ever faithful to God the Father, humble, sincere and forgiving.

At the fellowship after the Mass, organising chairperson Rogerlio expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the support given by the parish and the working committee comprising the Indonesian and Filipino communities and the Human Development Committee (KPI) led by its coordinator Dominic Lim.

Mikael Wura Darang, the parish’s Indonesian Committee leader, shared the importance of education as the pillar of enhancing the mindset and future well-being of migrant children and youth.

In his brief speech, Johnny Sitamin, the PPC chairman, stressed the need for collaborative teamwork among the parish’s various committees and communities, both local and migrant alike. Likewise, one must avoid falling into unnecessary conflicts or spreading unjustified rumours for one’s personal gain.

Yohanes Sogen, the Community Learning Centre (CLC) coordinator, in his comprehensive briefing on the development of the CLC in the parish, invited migrant parents to  enroll their children with the CLC for educational values in order to eradicate illiteracy and alleviate them from poverty in the hope of breaking the migration chains when they return back to their motherland. He also advised his fellow people to avoid instigating arrest, social disrepute and to prioritise on their children’s education instead. Lastly, he thanked the parish for initiating and the continuous support provided in the development and the growth of the CLC in the church.

Franciscan Sister Juanah led the grace before lunch and joined the lay leaders and migrant community in the cake-cutting ceremony.

A video presentation on the AMOS 3 conference in Sandakan was screened with a concise sharing from William Charles on the objective of this conference and the church migrant ministry’s planning and future endeavour. He also said that local parishioners must discard the stigma of a negative perception of the migrant in order for the migrant ministry to move forward as part of Christ’s mission.

The video presentation was followed by a number of stage performances featuring cultural dances, solo and choral singing by the youth choirs, CLC students and outstation migrant children. – William Charles Mindus (SOCCOM Papar Limbahau)


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


KENINGAU : Misa sempena dengan Hari Malaysia peringkat paroki KSFX telah diadakan. Misa yang diadakan pada 16 September 2017 ini disempurnakan oleh Rev. Fr Bonaventure bertempat di Gereja St.Maria Kepayan.


Dihadiri oleh seramai lebih kurang 150 umat sekitar Zon Kepayan dan kedatangan umat dari sekitar Paroki KSFX.

Hari Malaysia merupakan hari memperingati dimana Sabah, Sarawak dan Tanah Melayu bersatu untuk membentuk Malaysia. Tujuan Misa sempena Hari Malaysia ini diadakan adalah untuk mengungkapkan kesyukuran kepada Tuhan yang sentiasa memelihara, mengasihi dan menyertai umatNya khasnya Negara Malaysia.


Kata Fr Bonaventure dalam homilinya, keharmonian sebuah negara adalah sememangnya bermula daripada diri setiap orang. Keharmonian yang tercipta dalam diri sesorang kemudiannya memimpin kepada keharmonian dalam keluarga seterusnya dalam masyarakat dan negara.



“Sebagai pengikut Yesus yang baik, bagi menunjukkan kekitaan dan kebaikan semua kita hendaklah sentiasa memperlihatkan tanggungjawab terhadap negara kita.” sambung Fr Bonaventure.

Pn. Bibiana Steven selaku Pengerusi Zon dan wakil Tim Ajk Penganjur mengucapkan kesyukuran keatas kesempatan dan kejayaan sambutan Misa sempena Hari Malaysia. Beliau bersyukur kerana masih dapat merayakan Misa kesyukuran yang menunjukkan negara masih dalam aman dan damai. Sebelum mengakhiri ucapannya, beliau mengajak umat meraihkan Hari Malaysia dengan semangat solidriti, cintakan tanah air, saling menghargai satu sama lain dan bertukar-tukar pendapat.


Tidak ketinggalan, Timbalan MPP, En. Didacus dalam ucapannya membawa umat agar terus mendoakan negara agar semua rakyat tanpa mengira warna kulit dapat hidup aman damai. Beliau juga mengungkapkan penghargaan kepada Tim Ajk Penganjur.

Selepas Misa, lagu Negaraku dan Sabah Tanah Airku dinyanyikan oleh umat-umat dihadapan gereja sambil bendera dinaikkan. Fr Bonaventure dan umat-umat dijemput dalam jamuan kesyukuran di dewan.




Selepas Misa, lagu Negaraku dan Sabah Tanah Airku dinyanyikan oleh umat-umat dihadapan gereja sambil bendera dinaikkan. Fr Bonaventure dan umat-umat dijemput dalam jamuan kesyukuran di dewan.


Article reproduced from Diocese of Kiningau


KK cathedral parish celebrates Mass for migrants

Organisers and representatives of the migrant communities pose with the concelebrants after the Mass, SHC, 1 Oct 2017.

KOTA KINABALU – The Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish here celebrated the Mass for Migrants in conjunction with the local observance of Migrant Sunday on 1 Oct 2017.

The Mass was in BM while the songs, readings, and Prayer of the Father were done in the different languages – BM, English, Kadazan, Filipino, Indonesian, Korean, Bidayuh, Iban, Timorese.

Indonesian and Filipino flags were carried at the entrance procession, indicating the two largest migrant communities in the archdiocese.

Archbishop John Wong presided at the Mass concelebrated with Korean priest, Father Lorenzo Lee, a retired priest on holiday here.

In a brief address after the Mass, Abp Wong said, “We are all migrants – people on the move – as the Church terms it and therefore we are all brothers and sisters.”

In conjunction with his seventh episcopal anniversary, the Human Development Committee presented to the prelate a garland and a scrapbook of well-wishes from the people.

After the Mass, all adjourned to the right wing of the parish centre for a fellowship meal.

Earlier, the prelate celebrated the Solemnity of St Therese of Lisieux (Oct 1) with the Carmelite community at the Carmelite Chapel Kota Kinabalu.  St Therese is a co-patroness of the Carmelite Monastery here, the other being Our Lady of Mount Carmel (July 16).

In an impromptu interview on the occasion of his seventh episcopal anniversary, Abp Wong said that he has learnt to trust God more deeply – in situations when all seem hopeless, God will open a door.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Sandakan hosts third AMOS conference

SANDAKAN – The Diocese of Sandakan hosted the third AMOS conference at the Sandakan Pastoral Centre here on 21-23 Sept 2017.

A total of 162 participants registered for the conference including 12 representatives from the Papar-Limbahau Human Development Committee (Komiti Pembangunan Insan or KPI).

The conference, held every two years on rotation basis among the three arch/dioceses of Kota Kinabalu, Keningau and Sandakan, included two bishops, 13 priests, seven religious sisters and one novice.

The objectives of the conference are to enhance the understanding of the issue of migration, to strengthen the migrant ministry, and to foster collaboration among the dioceses in this ministry.

In his homily at the opening Mass, Archbishop John Wong said the participants are like the apostle Matthew in answering the call of Jesus without a second thought.  He hoped that when they return to their respective parishes, they will continue to bring Christ’s mercy to those they encounter, especially the migrants, touching their hearts with kindness, love and mercy, notwithstanding the challenges and criticism they will receive from parishioners at times as well as misunderstanding from the communities.

The two-day programme saw the presentation and discussion on several topics namely:

  1. Human Rights Defence (Pembelaan Maruah Insan: Dasar Pelayanan Migran) by Romo Lukas from the Diocese of Larantuka.
  2. The Reality of Migrant Ministry in Local Church (Realiti Pelayanan Migran dalam Gereja Lokal) by Bishop Julius Gitom from the pastoral perspective and Jellferlyne Joseph from personal perspective.
  3. Migration in peace, legal and dignified (Bermigrasi secara aman, legal dan bermartabat I) by Indonesian Councillor Bapa Krishna Djelani and Malaysian Magistrate Elsie Primus.
  4. Migration in peace, legal and dignified (Bermigrasi secara aman, legal dan bermartabat II)  by Romo Lukas from the Early Church perspective.
  5. Moving Together as a Purposeful Church (Bergerak Bersama sebagai “Gereja Tujuan”), a written report on AMOS-2 and its follow through by the three dioceses and the current recommendation and resolution which will be documented and later forward to the three dioceses for their implementation and follow-up.

The conference participants had a cultural night filled with traditional dances from various ethnic communities from Indonesia, Philippines, Sabah and Sarawak as well as entertaining drama sketch from the Indonesian community.

It coincided with the World Migrant Sunday 2017 which is normally celebrated between the last week of September and the first week of October, with the theme “Minor Migrants, Vulnerable and Voiceless”.

The final day saw a consensus from the three dioceses to address and implement the suggested recommendation and resolution in stages. – William Charles Mindus (SOCCOM Papar Limbahau)


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

FSICs bid final farewell to Sr Alphonsus on her birth anniversary

The Franciscan Sisters, led by Sr Grace Deosing, sing their song of farewell to the late Sr Alphonsus Low at the Stella Maris Church Tg Aru before her body was brought to the Mile 4.5 Catholic Cemetery Jalan Penampang Lama for burial, 29 Sept 2017.  Near the coffin are the three nieces and one nephew who flew in from Singapore and Perth Sept 28.

TANJUNG ARU – Over 60 Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (FSIC) led by Superior General Sister Grace Deosing bade final farewell to Sister Alphonsus Low, at the Stella Maris Church here on 29 Sept 2017, her 79th birth anniversary.

Singapore-born Low died peacefully on Sept 26 at KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital Likas.  The wake was held at Stella Maris Hostel Tg Aru where she had been taking care of the boarders.

Archbishop John Wong presided at the funeral Mass at the parish church.  Concelebrating with him were Msgr Primus Jouil, Father Johnny Raju, Father Tony Mojiwat, Father Wiandigool Runsab and two Korean priests.

In his homily, Abp Wong paid tribute to the deceased’s lifelong fidelity to her vocation as a religious and as a teacher.  Her first posting in 1958 was at Stella Maris Primary School before she joined the Franciscan Sisters in 1961.  Her last posting was at Stella Maris Secondary School as principal (1981-1989).  After her retirement from teaching,  she took charge of the hostel for students.

Over 300 people turned up for the funeral Mass, among whom were several of her former students.  Three nieces, two nephews, and a nephew-in-law flew in from Perth and Singapore on Sept 28 even though one of the nephews had to leave early on the day of the funeral.

Fr Mojiwat officiated the rite of burial at Mile 4.5 Catholic Cemetery Jalan Penampang Lama.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


Chancery Notice: The passing of Msgr Anthony Thomas

Monsignor Anthony Thomas
Date of Birth: 22nd Oct 1937
Date of Ordination: 2nd Feb 1965
Date of Demise: 24th Sept 2017

Monsignor Anthony Thomas (aged 80), who served in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur from 1965 till his retirement in June 2013, passed away peacefully on 24th September at 2.30pm at the Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged, Cheras, where he had been residing since his retirement.

Monsignor Thomas was a gifted and proficient musician who had contributed greatly to the repertoire of hymns, responsorial psalm musical settings and mass ordinaries widely used in the local Church and beyond. He is also fondly remembered as a ‘great builder of community centres’.

The late Monsignor Thomas served as parish priest in the following parishes in the archdiocese:

1. Church of St Joseph, Sentul (1971 to 1972; 1976 to 1982 and from 1982 to 1991)
2. Church of the Visitation, Seremban (1991 to 1998)
3. Church of the Sacred Heart, Jln Peel (1998 to 2008)
4. Church of St Aloysius, Mantin (2008 to May 2013)

To honour his many years of faithful service to the Church, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI conferred him the ‘Honorary Prelate’ in December 2010, which carries with it the privilege to use the honorific ‘Monsignor.’ The official investiture ceremony was held on Jan 9, 2011 at the Cathedral of St John, Kuala Lumpur.

The details of the funeral and the wake of the late Monsignor Anthony Thomas are as follows:

The body is lying in state at the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Jln Peel, Kuala Lumpur.

Wake and Vigil Mass will be held on Mon, 25th Sept and Tues, 26th Sept at 8.00pm. The funeral will be held on Wed, 27th Sept at 11.00am at the Church of the Sacred Heart, and thereafter for burial at Kajang Catholic cemetery.

His Grace, Most Rev Julian Leow, the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur and the clergy of the Archdiocese, extend condolences to the family of Monsignor Anthony Thomas in this time of loss and assures them of our fraternal prayers and support.

Father Michael Chua
Acting Chancellor
Archdiocesan Chancery


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online
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