Author Archives: Ken Wong

Christians must show the way.

Christians in Sarawak must show the way in nurturing racial and religious harmony, unity, justice and integrity even as we pursue better governance in our country Malaysia.
We must not just pray for a better country but show the way through how we Christians live in our society daily.
Speaking at the Malaysia Day prayer service organised by the Association of Churches in Sarawak in Miri today, Bishop Richard Ng said it is important that we Christians be beacons of the virtues that we want Malaysia to have.
“While we pray for better governance, justice, social fairness and racial harmony in our country, end to injustice and corruption and pray for good leaders, we Christians must.lead the way through our actions and daily life.
“We must show our solidarity and harmony, our concern for the marginalised and needy, our concern for the environment and social justice.
“We must start with ourselves. We should change ourselves first and then we can make our society a better place,” he said.
Prayers and songs were offered by the parishioners from the various Christian churches who gathered for tje prayer service at the Miri Mei Ann Methodist Church.
The state and national flags stood proud as church leaders and parishioners sang the national and state anthems.


Pray For Malaysia

Association of Churches in Sarawak “Pray for Malaysia” car stickers to show our hope to see a better country.


Article reproduced from Diocese of Miri


Sandakan August 31, 2017 (Thursday) A great day of great significance. In the past 10 years, the Happy Family of the Church of the Chinese Language Coordinating Committee of the St Mary’s Cathedral has celebrated the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Association, and once again held the “I wish 2” wedding anniversary and dinner. The purpose of the event: (a) for the couple to celebrate the anniversary of marriage, to return the marriage vow, to re-consolidate the promise of marriage, so that we look back on the original solemn and romantic; (b) to take this opportunity to thank God in the past Of the years given to the grace.

(山打根讯) 2017年8月31日(星期四) 一个深具意义的大日子。阔别十年,山打根圣玛莉主教座堂华文协调委员会属下快乐家庭为庆祝华协成立30周年,再次举办“我愿意2”结婚周年纪念弥撒暨晚宴。举办此次活动的目的:(一)为夫妇们庆祝结婚周年,藉此重发婚姻誓愿,重新巩固婚姻的承诺,让大家重温当初的庄严与浪漫;(二)藉此机会感恩天主在过去的岁月里赐予的种种恩典。







Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan

Building BECs through shared responsibility

Every parish in Peninsular Malaysia is struggling to build and revive the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) in both urban and rural areas. In our parish our BECs are doing quite well relatively speaking, but we can still do a little more

By Fr. George Packiasamy
Every parish in Peninsular Malaysia is struggling to build and revive the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) in both urban and rural areas. In our parish our BECs are doing quite well relatively speaking, but we can still do a little more.

I make every effort to be present at the BECCOT meetings (BEC Coordinating Team) every first Wednesday of the month. The BECCOT team is working hand in hand with the BEC leaders by animating the monthly meetings and solving issues that arise at the BEC level. The team also assists and trains the BEC leaders and revives the leaders’ roles by giving them formations especially on leadership quality.

Some leaders are happy and joyfully serve their BECs without qualms even though they have been serving in their BECs for a number of years. At large many leaders are not too happy about serving in their BECs and are just waiting to hand over their baton or tasks to someone else. Some members are not willing to give it a try to take up the leadership role by giving excuses such as: fear of failure, fear of embarrassment, fear of uncertainty, fear of responsibility, fear of making mistakes, fear of being criticized, lack of confidence, lack of time and so forth.

When we don’t eliminate a life of excuses, we hold ourselves back from recognising opportunities and discovering our talents, skills and potential. We paralyze ourselves from growing in our spiritual life and this prevents us from moving forward in all areas of our lives! If we don’t challenge ourselves to reach new heights, we will never really know what we are capable of. Opportunities lie hidden in front of us and in every corner of our lives – so it’s best that we don’t crack our heads by constantly finding reasons to make excuses.

What I request from the BEC leaders and the BEC core teams is that they bear the burden of leadership and responsibility and to genuinely care for one another in their respective BECs. You are not alone working in the vineyard of the Lord, “For you are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s farm, God’s building,” (1 Cor 3:9).You need to first and foremost focus on your spirituality and make an effort to increase your faith life. In the long run, these will help to enhance your personal strength and expand the scope of your ministry in the BECs. In fact, you will gain the trust of your BEC members and they will then perceive you as guiding them well.

I suggest that you develop your leadership quality by sharing your responsibilities with your core team as well as members of your BECs. If you are willing to let others share in your responsibilities, encourage the caring for one another and to make decisions, (even if you think they do things a bit differently from you), perhaps this kind of shared leadership will attract your BEC members and you will find new leaders in the making!

On my part, I too look around for leaders and volunteers from the BECs and also among the weekend congregation who can really do the work of serving and caring for one another in the life of the Church, without having been given a title. Every now and then I do try to identify potential leaders and pray to the Lord that He will provide individuals to come forward to render service to the Church.

Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) is not another ministry or organisation but it is the Church at the grassroots. The members are considered as a new way of “being Church”. Every ordinary Catholic is called to be disciples of hope and to actively participate in the life and mission of the Church and to live in the spirit of the Gospel.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Parish retreat: A new strategy on disciple making

By Fr. George Packiasamy
Our Parish Retreat will be held on 22-24 September 2017 at two locations: our Church hall and at the adjacent Chi Man School Hall. It is an opportunity for every parishioner to take time away from our normal activities and to spend more time getting to know God and to love Him; to examine our priorities in life, make concrete and practical resolutions and to commit ourselves to a life of purpose and service. Making a good retreat can be a powerful step towards individual conversion.

The Church in Peninsular Malaysia conducts periodic retreats every year during the month of September requesting all bishops and priests to make their yearly retreat for at least 5 days. We take time off from our parish activities and pastoral duties to be in solitude with the Lord. These past three years our parish has been organising retreats but these were only one-day sessions. This year however, the committee is organising a 3-day Parish Retreat for all parishioners. This time round, we will be bringing to you distinguished speakers from a well-known retreat centre in India, – the Divine Retreat Centre, Potta, Kerala. Every parishioner is encouraged to register and so discover how they may rekindle their relationship with Christ Jesus and learn the secret of successful and joyful families!

In every part of the world, the Catholic Church organisation offers many types of retreats for their members. Retreats can be for a single day or a whole week or even a month. They can be silent retreats, preached retreats, directed or guided retreats with various spiritual topics and daily meditations or conferences. Initially, we planned to have our retreat for two days over the weekend but the Lord blessed us with another day when the Muslims shifted the “Awal Muharram” holiday from Thursday 21st to Friday 22nd September this year. That is why we have added an additional day to make it a 3-day retreat over that weekend. It will be more dynamic and charismatic in tone with many spiritual insights, Praise and Worship and healing sessions, Confessions and the Holy Eucharist. A special room will be prepared for you to spend time in silent conversation in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament during the course of the retreat. It is a time for you to listen to the Holy Spirit and to get to know Jesus better as you get into your truer self.

When you come for this weekend retreat with our POTTA priests retreat masters, it will be a special time of the year for you to get away from all your daily activities, to encounter God and to deepen your relationship with Him. Too often, in our daily lives, we are overwhelmed with many distractions and we may fail to hear the voice of God. So we encourage you, when you come for the retreat, to turn off your hand phones and unplug yourself from all social-communications. The Lord wants your full attention in this upcoming retreat.

As your parish priest, I strongly recommend you to attend this retreat and do not give excuses but take the trouble to register soonest. It is a retreat about seeking, finding and loving Christ and in turn you too will gain spiritual enlightenment and insight. The Holy Spirit will prompt you as you participate in this retreat. He will provide special graces to lead you to true and lasting spiritual progress. As the retreat days draw closer, we invite you to pray that the Lord, “Give success to the work of our hands, and may His kingdom come and may His will be done!”

For more information about the Parish Retreat 2017, do visit the Parish Retreat counter in front of our Church before and after every weekend Mass.

Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Thousands gather to bid farewell to the late Fr Fundes

Archbishop Wong poses with the Motiung family and relatives before the remains of Fr Motiung are brought to their final resting place, SHC, 8 Sept 2017.

KOTA KINABALU – Thousands of faithful gathered to bid farewell to the late Father Fundes Motiung at the Sacred Heart Cathedral here on 8 Sept 2017.

An estimated 5,000-odd crowd turned up for the funeral of Fr Motiung, many from the different neo-catechumenal way communities in the Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese.

Archbishop John Wong presided at the Requiem Mass.  Joining him were Archbishop Emeritus John Lee and over forty priests from the three arch/dioceses who had just finished their annual retreat in Bundu Tuhan.

In his homily, Abp Wong reminded the faithful that “for the Christian, life has not ended, only changed.”  He stressed on the hope of eternal life held out to all in the Word of God.

Fr Motiung died on Monday, Sept 4, shortly after Abp Wong’s visit.

Hundreds of people – whose lives he had touched throughout his 19 years of priestly service – came to pay their last respects as he lay in state at St Michael Penampang from Monday to Wednesday (Sept 4-6) and at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of the Sacred Heart Cathedral Karamunsing on Thursday (Sept 7).

Out of those 19 years, 16 were filled with pain as he underwent treatment for leukemia.  Yet whenever he was able, he would go about his priestly ministry cheerfully.

He was buried at the Mile 4.5 Catholic Cemetery Jalan Penampang Lama.

Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Fr Fundes called to eternal life

File photo: Fr Fundes (C) poses with his fellow neocatechumenal priests at a joint anniversary celebration organised by St Thomas Kepayan in 2010.  On his left: Fr Johnny Raju, Fr Tony Mojiwat; and on his right: brothers Frs Federick and Edward Raymond.

PENAMPANG – Father Fundes Motiung was called to eternal life on 4 Sept 2017.  He was the first of Sabah’s seven priests from the Neocatechumenal community to return to the Father.  He was 52.

Born on 19 Nov 1965 in Kg Kepayan, Fundes was the youngest in a brood of seven boys and two girls born to Paulus Motiung and Dorothia Tokiu.

After completing his formative studies at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Rome, he was ordained on 6 July 1998 together with Saimon William of Membakut at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Kota Kinabalu, the firstfruits from the Neocatechumenal community.

After ordination, he took up a licentiate course on family counselling at his alma mater in Rome. When he returned to Kota Kinabalu, he served in Penampang (2002), Tanjung Aru (2003-2014) and back to Penampang in 2014.  He was also the spiritual adviser to the Archdiocesan Family Life Commission.

In a statement released Sept 4, Archbishop John Wong said: “He was always a zealous servant of the Gospel, building the Kingdom of God generously without counting the cost.”

Despite being diagnosed with leukemia in 2000 and under treatment since then, he went on his pastoral ministry cheerfully as and when he was able.

He went back to St Michael on Saturday, Sept 2,  for three reasons; one was to witness a donation from the federal government, another was to greet the Penampang Youth Day (PYD) participants, and finally, to taste the food being prepared by the Angat brothers, Eddie and Armando and other volunteers.

On Sunday, Sept 3, as he was preparing to attend Mass at Stella Maris where he had once served as pastor, he slipped and fell in the bathroom. He was rushed to the hospital by an ambulance.

Many had thought that it was yet another brief stay for Fr Fundes, who had been in and out of hospital for his leukemia treatment – but this time it was not to be.

At about 9 pm, he complained of breathing difficulties and those who were by his bedside called for the doctor to attend to him.

His blood pressure had dropped and the doctor said he had inflammation of the lungs. He also needed blood transfusion.

When Fr Fundes breathed his last on Sept 4 just before noon, his brother Fidelis was by his bedside. Abp Wong had visited him earlier.

The beautiful renovation works at St Michael Penampang are his legacy to the parishioners.  The deceased was present at the re-dedication of the parish on Aug 18.

“While there he told me his work at St Michael’s was finally over,” said Thomas Mumpin, one of his closest aides.

Mumpin said Fr Fundes had told him that he had done what he could and it is up to others to improve on them.

The remains of Fr Fundes are now at St Michael’s Church until 10:00 am Thursday, Sept 7. Thereafter, his body will be taken to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of the Sacred Heart Cathedral where he will lay in state.

The Requiem Mass will be presided by Abp Wong at the Sacred Heart Cathedral on Friday, Sept 8 at 10:00 am followed by the burial at the Mile 4.5 Catholic Cemetery Jalan Penampang Lama.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Beloved Mill Hill Father Terry Burke called to eternal life

File photo: Fr Anthony Chantry (L) mhm superior general, and Fr Terry Burke mhm (R) pose with Bishop Julius Gitom (C) during a courtesy call on the Sandakan bishop at his office on 4 Dec 2010.

KOTA KINABALU – Beloved Mill Hill Missionary (MHM) Father Terry Burke was called to eternal life on Thursday 31 Aug 2017 in Tilehurst England, aged 73.

Terence Laurence Burke was usually known as Terry. He was a Londoner, born in Barnes, South London on 24 March 1944 to Richard Burke and Mary Hogben. He had one brother and one sister. He was educated at St Edward Secondary Modern School, Richmond from 1955 – 57 and Kingston Technical College from 1957 – 64, followed by a year at Campion House, Osterley. Terry studied Philosophy at Roosendaal from 1965 – 67, and Theology at Mill Hill College from 1967 – 71. He took his Perpetual Oath on 1 May 1970 and was ordained to the missionary priesthood on 12 June 1971 by Gerald Mahon who was the Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster. Terry had spent a short time as a student in Kuching and in 1971 after his ordination, he was appointed to serve there as a missionary priest. He was very pleased when, many years later after a lifetime of mission work in several countries, he was re-appointed to Kuching in 2007.

Academic work and studies came easily to Terry and this ability was recognised and followed up early in his career. After four years in Kuching he was appointed to Rome to study when he gained an STL Magna cum Laude in Moral Theology, after which he returned to Kuching in 1977 where he continued his pastoral ministry.

In 1980, Peter Chung Hoan Ting, at that time the Archbishop of Kuching, told Terry that he had seven young men who wanted to be priests. He had an old building and he had Terry and he wanted him to start a seminary. And so he did. However,  the main ingredient missing was teaching staff. So after the first year during which he had the help of another Mill Hill priest, Terry went home to try and find teachers. He spoke to the Irish Missionary Union and asked them for help in sourcing priests who could go to Kuching for a few months at a time. Due to a very cold winter night in Ireland, a priest on sabbatical from New Orleans offered to go and so was born a connection which continued for many years.

In 1984 Terry had to leave Kuching because of a Government law that said all expatriate missionaries had to leave after ten years. He was appointed to the British Region for APF work, but first, he went to New Orleans for further study – a Master of Arts in Religious studies where he met the priests who had been supporting Kuching Seminary financially as well as with teaching staff.  From 1986 to 1993 Terry worked in Formation within the Society in Roosendaal and Mill Hill College – Missionary Institute London. In 1995 Terry had a very brief appointment in India, then returned to the British Region where he spent the next ten years back in the academic world as a chaplain in Reading University.

In 2007 Terry was given a joint appointment – dividing his time between the Seminary in Kuching and as chaplain to the expatriate community in Bali, Indonesia, as well as working in the prison there. He was very happy with the contrasting worlds for three years; then a new bishop in Bali didn’t renew his appointment.

Terry was disappointed for his own sake but more so for the people he served in Bali as there were few English speakers among the priests there. But it did mean that he was back in his beloved Kuching.  During his time back in Kuching Terry served the Society in many ways – as Recruitment Coordinator, Group Leader, Society Representative and in 2017 when he no longer had responsibility for the Society Members he was officially appointed to a position which he had already filled unofficially for many years – that of Society Bursar.

He was the writer of ‘Padi Seeds,’ a column where he shared his pastoral reflections in Today’s Catholic (Sarawak) and Catholic Sabah  which was also translated into Bahasa Malaysia, ‘Benih-Benih Padi’ published in both papers for many years.

Towards the end of 2015 Terry became seriously ill with cancer and during the next two years, he exhibited the same courage he had shown at other times in his life when he struggled with personal difficulties. He travelled to Singapore when necessary for treatment and still carried on working.

In June 2017 when the doctors told him they could do no more for him medically he returned to England where he was cared for lovingly by his sister, Margaret in Reading. Terry was admitted to the Duchess of Kent Hospice in nearby Tilehurst on July 21. He died there peacefully on Thursday, August 31, at 3:00 pm.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Parishioners becoming disciples of hope

By Jacinta Anthony Joseph
The Church of St Francis of Assisi (SFA) organised a pilgrimage for the Feastday celebrations of the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) in Mentakab, Pahang.

The pilgrims departed by bus at 1.30pm from SFA on Saturday, August 19, accompanied by parish priest Fr Andrew Manickam OFM cap. They arrived at the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help around 4.00pm.

Holy Hour was followed by the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Mass was celebrated at 6.00pm with Fr Andrew as the main celebrant and OLPH parish priest, Fr Justus Pereira and Fr Peter Anthony, from the Church of St John Vianney, Tampin, concelebrating.

The theme for the Mass was Mary, Mother of Hope. Fr Andrew spoke of the message of hope and the life of Mother Mary. The message for all pilgrims was to be Disciples of Hope wherever we are.

After Mass, there was a candlelight procession outside the church as pilgrims recited the rosary in 4 languages.

A large image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help was carried, followed by the celebrants and the congregation. Mrs. Shirley Lim, one of the pilgrims, expressed her joy and thanks for the healing she experienced during the Mass.

One of our pilgrims had a fall, injuring her head. A good Samaritan from the parish rushed her to Mentakab Hospital and then to Temerloh Hospital. A local parishioner, Anne Retnam, waited together with two of our own pilgrims until they left the hospital. All the pilgrims came to Temerloh Hospital to visit our injured parishioner.

The parish thanks Anne Retnam, her parents and all who assisted for their help during the emergency.

Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Kuching prelate urges faithful to reach out to the poor more extensively

Abp Poh officiates the rite of blessing at the Catholic Services Centre Kuching, 16 July 2017.

KUCHING – Archbishop Simon Poh urged the laity to reach out more extensively to help the poor and the needy in society.

He said this at a blessing ceremony held on 16 July 2017 at the Catholic Services Centre here that functions as a rest centre for rural visitors, a food bank and soup kitchen.

The prelate told those present to look to Mother Teresa of Calcutta as their model and emulate the example of Pope Francis in being genuinely charitable and loving towards others, especially those who are suffering.

He also encouraged more Catholics to volunteer their time, effort, material or financial resources to help those in poverty, those who are suffering physical illnesses or handicaps, and those who are unable to fend for themselves.

“This centre has volunteers who prepare daily food packs for distribution to some 244 poor and needy families and individuals.  The centre is working with St Vincent De Paul Society and Society for Kuching Urban Poor in food distribution,” he added.

Catholics, he said, must play a role to bring God’s mercy and kindness to those in need.

About RM1 mil is needed by the Catholic church to run charitable projects in the Kuching Catholic Archdiocese every year.

The archdiocese also has homes for the elderly.

The St Vincent De Paul Society helps poor students with school items and school bus fare as well as tuition.

Abp Poh said a fundraising run will be organised on Sept 9 by the Catholic Welfare to try to raise RM2.5 mil for future charity causes.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online


Inanam lad Deacon Leslie ordained Jesuit priest

Fr Bingkasan (front L) poses with Abp Wong and the concelebrants, 1 Sept 2017, Inanam.

INANAM – Inanam lad Deacon Leslie J Bingkasan was ordained priest for the Society of Jesus on 1 Sept 2017 at St Catherine’s Church here.

Some 500 people including the ordinand’s family members, relatives and friends turned up to witness the ordination.

Archbishop John Wong officiated the rite of ordination after the homily.

Among the 18 concelebrants were eight Jesuits: Father Christopher Soh, Jesuit Regonal Superior of Malaysia-Singapore, and his assistant, Father James Tan, Father Christopher Wee, Father Alvin Ho, Father Sebastian Koh, Father J Sudarminta, Father A Setyo Wibowo and Father Riyo Mursanto.

From Keningau Diocese were Msgr Gilbertus Engan and Father Charles Chiew.  The rest were from KK Archdiocese: Father David Sham, Father Paul Lo, Father Wilfred Atin, Father Ambrose Atang, Father Rayner Bisius, Father Mattheus Luta, and Father Maxmillianno Hontor.  Father Patrick Jerome represented St Peter’s College Kuching.

The latter is the first priest from Inanam Parish (1991) while Fr Hontor is the second (2014).

In his speech, the neo-ordained thanked all those who have journeyed with him in his formative journey and he mentioned some names from the parish who are now undergoing formation either in the diocesan priesthood or in the Society of Jesus.

Abp Wong, too, thanked everyone who has helped the new priest in his priestly journey and called on all to pray for him so that he can live up to his vocation and for all ordained ministers in the church to stay faithful in their calling as representatives of Christ in this modern age.

On the other hand, Fr Soh, in his message, said the powerful seed of God’s Word has fallen not only in the receptive soil of the newly ordained’s heart but also into that of his family into which he was born and raised, that of the friends with whom he grew and matured, and that of the church community in which his faith was fed and nourished.

After Mass, all adjourned to the parish hall for lunch and entertainment by various groups including the Bingkasan family.

Born on 27 Apr 1977, Fr Leslie is the eldest in a brood of four boys and one girl born to Joseph Bingkasan and Mary Sodikit of Kg Kionsom Inanam.

Educated at SRJK (C) Yick Nam Inanam (1984-1989), Tshung Tsin (1990-1995), and Institut Sinaran (1996-1998), the ordinand was taking a course in microbiology at the University Malaya (1996-2002) when he resigned and worked as a journalist at the Herald Catholic Weekly (2002-2004).

He entered the Society of Jesus in 2004 and took his first vows in 2006.  After his theological studies at the Loyola School of Theology, Ateneo de Manila University, he was ordained deacon at the university church on 29 Oct 2016.

Prior to priestly ordination, he has a two-month pastoral in his home parish of Inanam, Manggatal and Telipok.

After ordination, he will serve at St Francis Xavier Petaling Jaya before going to Rome for licentiate studies in canon law.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu
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