Author Archives: Ken Wong

Pauline Sister conducts MLE in Keningau Diocese

Participants pose for remembrance after the session in Membakut, 26 Aug 2017.

MEMBAKUT – Pauline Sister Laura Anggie conducted two Media Literacy Education (MLE) sessions in the Diocese of Keningau recently.

The first session was held at St Patrick Membakut on 26 Aug 2017 on Church and Social Communication.

Membakut is a town about 80 km from the State capital of Kota Kinabalu.

Over a hundred people – young and old – attended the session organised by the Keningau Diocesan Social Communications Commission (KOMSOS).

The participants were divided into two groups – adults and children – for group sharing and discussion.

The next day Sr Laura left for St Peter Bundu Kuala Penyu for another session on Aug 28.

Kuala Penyu is about 20-minute drive from Membakut and is noted for its beautiful beaches.

Over 1000 young people including spiritual advisers took part in the diocesan camp for altar servers (boys and girls) from the nine parishes and one mission under the Keningau Diocese. However, some of the participants came from Sandakan Diocese and from Limbahau Parish (Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese).

Sr Laura’s session dealt with how social media influence anti-social behaviour in the family.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


KENINGAU : Seramai 526 orang telah mengikuti Upacara Penerimaan Katekumen Peringkat Paroki KSFX. Upacara penerimaan in bertempat di Katedral St. Francis Xavier. Jumlah ini adalah jumlah keseluruhan katekumen dari 10 Zon dalam Paroki KSFX iaitu dari Zon Biah, Zon Senagang, Zon Magatang, Zon Bingkor, Zon Apin-apin, Zon Toboh Laut, Zon Menawo, Zon Liau, Zon Kapayan Baru dan Pusat KSFX sendiri. Upacara yang disempurnakan oleh Y.M Bishop Dtk. Cornelius Piong ini diadakan pada 23 Julai 2017.

WhatsApp Image 2017-08-17 at 10.55.22 AM

WhatsApp Image 2017-08-17 at 10.55.24 AM

WhatsApp Image 2017-08-17 at 10.55.33 AM

Mengutip homili Y.M Bishop Dtk. Cornelius Piong semasa Upacara Penerimaan Katekumen, beliau mengingatkan semua umat terutama para katekumen yang baru menerima upacara agar tidak merasa hairan dan kecewa akan dunia ini apabila kejahatan tetap berlaku walaupun Tuhan itu ada. Kebaikan dan kejahatan sama-sama dibenarkan hadir di dunia ini dan dalam kehidupan kita kerana belas kasih Tuhan yang memberi peluang, ingin menyelamatkan kedua-duanya iaitu pelaku baik dan pelaku jahat.

WhatsApp Image 2017-08-17 at 10.55.31 AM

Bishop  menyatakan juga cabaran pada masa kini adalah bagaimana untuk mengenal yang baik dan juga yang jahat. Perkara pertama yang perlu dibuat ialah mengenal sumber kebenaran dan kebaikan iaitu Tuhan Yesus sendiri. Dalam firmanNya, “Akulah jalan kebenaran dan kehidupan.” Oleh itu, seharusnya kita mengusahakan diri untuk bersatu dengan Dia agar dikuasai dan semakin serupa dengan DiaWhatsApp Image 2017-08-17 at 10.55.30 AM

Sebab itulah setiap hari harus sentiasa berwaspada terhadap pengaruh-pengaruh yang jahat melalui sekeliling, lebih-lebih melalui kawan-kawan kita. Kawan yang baik dapat membawa pengaruh baik dan begitu juga sebaliknya. Seharusnya selalu bijaksana dan memihak kepada kebenaran. Tuhan Yesus sendirilah merupakan sumber kebijaksanaan itu. Selanjutnya Bishop memberi pesan kepada para katekumen agar tidak mensia-siakan usaha Tuhan memanggil mereka mengikuti Dia dan memihak kepada Kebenaran.


Article reproduced from Diocese of Keningau

“My Soul Magnifies the Lord”

Sandakan: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated on Tuesday, 15th August 2017. The feast began with the tri-lingual recitation of the Holy Rosary and the blessing of the statue of Mother Mary by Rt. Rev Julius Dusin Gitom, Bishop of Sandakan at 6.30 pm at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre.

More than a thousand parishioners gathered for the procession and the outdoor mass in front of the grotto. The solemn procession highlighted the statue of Mother Mary being carried from the Pastoral Centre to the grotto.

The mass was presided over by Bishop Julius and con celebrated by Fr David Garaman, Fr Christopher Ireneus, Fr Thomas Makajil and Fr Stanley Matakim.

In his homily, Bishop Julius explained that God has preserved Mary from original sin and chosen her to be the Mother of the Savior. ‘My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour’ (Luke 1 : 46-47) is the theme of this year’s 134th Parish Day celebration.  It’s a very simple saying, but it reflects the attitude of Mary towards God.

The prelate continued, that to test the quality of our faith, we need to ask ourselves, “do my ideas resemble that of Mary’s vision of God?  Mary combined sincere worship of God with deep joy in his presence. In fact, St Paul advised the first Christian community at Thessalonica, “rejoice always, pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonian 5:17)

In her Magnificat, Mary is totally captivated by the love of God. She submits herself unto God. She thinks only of the goodness of God. She is the most pure because she is chosen to be the handmaid of God, a willing and joyful servant of God. God has taken her, body and soul, into heaven.

This year marks the hundred years of her apparition at Fatima. Mary herself appeared at Fatima to the three humble children, to tell them and to bring the message of peace so that peace may avail in this world. And her other message in Fatima is conversion. We need to be converted to God. Pope Francis says “hope is the virtue of those who experience conflict, those who are struggling between life and death, struggling between good and evil and still believe in the resurrection of Christ, still believe in the redemption of Christ.  And that is the victory of love.”

We are called to be like her, to share Christ’s glory. We are to be willing and joyful servants of God in our parish, serving our community with dedication and love. Mother Mary is a model of a dedicated life bringing Christ to the world. if we are dedicated and possess strong faith, we too can magnify the Lord. And like Mother Mary, we too can bring Christ to the world in our particular ways.
Due to the poor weather condition, the Eucharistic celebration were forced to proceed in the Cathedral.

Due to the poor weather condition, the Eucharistic celebration were forced to proceed in the Cathedral

Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan

PAS discusses inter-faith ties with Catholic leaders

JOHOR – Several PAS leaders met leaders of the Malacca-Johor Catholic Diocese on 21 August 2017 to discuss issues related to religious harmony in Malaysia, including the recently passed amendments to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976.

This marked the inaugural meeting between the PAS political leaders and the Malacca Johore Diocese under the leadership of Bishop Bernard Paul.

Chairman of Lajnah Dakwah PAS Central, YB Nik Mohamad Abduh bin Nik Abdul Aziz commenced the dialogue session by introducing his delegation and explaining the misunderstanding regarding the PAS party using religion for political gain. When explaining the objectives of Lajnah Dakwah PAS Central, he said that politics cannot be a priority when religion is directed towards maintaining the welfare of the citizens. PAS Central is aware of this and rejects conflicts caused by political differences amongst the Muslim community. At the same time, it is also building relationships between PAS and the non- Muslim community.

YB Nik Abduh quoted a Quranic verse Surah Al-Maidah 5:82 to explain the main intention of their visit to MAJODI Centre as a beginning. “You will find the nearest in love to the believers who say: ‘We are Christians.’”

Bishop Bernard Paul introduced the invitees to those representing the Diocese and the representatives of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Taoism (MCCBCHS). He briefed the guests on the history and formation of MAJODI Centre and presented demographical facts of the diocese.

Father Edward Rayappan introduced Shaykh Imran Angullia, who is actively in dialogue with the diocese through Hidayah Centre, Johor.

While there are differing doctrines between Islam and Christianity regarding Jesus (Isa), Hj Hussin Ismail, the Permanent Chairman of PAS Central said that a Muslim is not regarded a faithful if he does not place Jesus in the highest position of honour. In fact, all of mankind awaits Jesus’ return. He shared that Prophet Zulkifli had similarities with the Buddha from his experiences in Nepal.

During the exchange of views session, many matters of concern were raised, from religious unity to legal and political issues.

Calvin Ohsey, a staff from the Diocesan Ministry of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, questioned PAS’ action in raising Act355 (RUU355) that stifled the discussion on Hudud and the position of the non- Muslim community under Syariah law.

In answer to the question, YB Nik Abduh assured all present that the Syariah Court Act (Criminal Jurisdiction) 1965 – Act 355 is applicable to Muslims only. He reiterated that the issue is related to the Enactment of Syariah Criminal Code 1993, amended in 2015 but was not implemented subject to Act 355. To enable the implementation of the Enactment in Kelantan, Act 355 has to be amended according to the democratic process in the House of Representatives (Dewan Rakyat).

Commenting on Act 355 which is said to open the way to full implementation of hudud laws, YB Nik Abduh said the Act was intended to bolster Syariah laws. In observing the circumstances in Malaysia, Act 355 cannot be fully implemented without the agreement of Malaysian citizens in general.

Sister Susan Dulang SSFS, as Head of the Diocesan Bahasa Malaysia Ministry, voiced her concern regarding the issue of seized Bibles, using the term “Allah” and other religious restrictions on the Christian community and asked PAS to state its stand.

In reply to Sr Susan, YB Nik Abduh mentioned that Islam does not forbid the Christian faithful from using “Allah.” All related issues originated from the irregularities in implementing Islamic law. The Islamic religion forbids such intolerant actions. He promised Sr Susan he will look into the matter with the government, if the opportunity arises.

Father Thomas George asked regarding the Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 (Act 164). People can check the process for family court information, here! YB Nik Abduh emphasised PAS’ firm stand to bring all stakeholders, namely, the government, both the ruling and opposition politicians, including eminent religious scholars, for discussions before tabling the amendment in parliament as the matter is complicated because it involves religion and children’s custody rights. When Act 164 amendment was brought before Parliament, PAS objected because it contradicted Section 88A and opposed the Federal Constitution regarding Islam.

In concluding the dialogue session, Bishop Bernard stated that the roles of leaders of political parties and religious leaders are vital towards ensuring that the prosperity and harmony of society are preserved. He continued, “We must always ensure that our loyalty is to one law only and that is the law of love, the law of our Lord God. Religion, when practised well, benefits everyone; it protects the rights of the minorities, builds bridges and includes everyone and we enjoy blessings from our Lord God.” –


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Sandakan parishioners prepare themselves for 134th feast day celebration

Outdoor Mass and blessing of Meditation Hut cum Chapel on top of Marian Mount Sandakan by Bishop Gitom, 12 Aug 2017.

SANDAKAN – Parishioners of St Mary’s Cathedral here prepared themselves for feast day celebration through a series of spiritual activities.

It began with a novena of Masses on 4-12 Aug 2017 at the cathedral including a Mass for the sick, the poor, the needy and the suffering of the parish.

The organisers were delighted with the increased average attendance of around 800 people per night, with different intentions per Mass.

Formation talks and Marian catechesis based on the theme for the 134th Parish Day: My Soul Magnifies the Lord (Lk 1:46) conducted in Chinese by seminarian Raymond Lee, BM by Father Stanley William and English by Father David Garaman.

On the ninth day, a rosary rally was held – a 12-hour rosary recitation by the parish groups, communities, and ministries.  It started five years ago.  Held outdoors along the Rosary Corridor, it was halted temporarily at 10:00 am at the peak of the Marian Mount to give way for an outdoor Mass and solemn blessing of the opening of the Meditation Hut cum Chapel for visitors.

Bishop Julius Gitom officiated the rite of blessing before presiding at the Mass.

The rosary recitation continued after the Mass until the last group recitation concluded at the cathedral half an hour before Sunset Mass.

The cathedral parish celebrated its feast day on Aug 13. –

Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Over 200 East Malaysian Catholic women gather for 9th conference

Mdm Anita Tunggolou (2nd L) and Mdm Mildred Yii of Kuching (2nd from R) hold the host banner at the handing over ceremony, witnessed by Abp Wong (C) and heads of women groups in other arch/dioceses, 29 Aug 2017, Bukit Padang. Kuching will host the 10th conference in 2020.

PAPAR – Over 200 East Malaysian Catholic Women gathered for their 9th conference at the Pace Bene Retreat Centre here on 26-30 Aug 2017.

The 234 women came from the three arch/dioceses of Kota Kinabalu, Keningau and Sandakan in Sabah and from the three arch/dioceses of Kuching, Miri and Sibu in Sarawak.

The conference, themed Challenges of the Catholic Family in the Present Time, kicked off with the opening Mass presided by Archbishop John Wong of Kota Kinabalu, and concelebrated with Bishop Cornelius Piong of Keningau and Father Claudius Andrew of Keningau on Saturday, Aug 26.

The opening ceremony took place after dinner.

After the welcoming speeches by Mdm Anita Tunggolou, head of the KK Women Commission cum organising chairperson, and by Abp Wong,  the prelate beat the gong nine times to mark the opening of the conference followed by the inevitable cake-cutting ceremony and stage performances by the delegates.

A day of recollection followed, facilitated by Abp Wong, on Sunday, Aug 28.

On Monday morning, Aug 29, Anthony Lim of Kota Kinabalu and his team facilitated three sessions on the theme.

In the afternoon, the heads and chairpersons met and shared on their respective ministries.  They also came out with a mission statement at the end of the day.

On the last day, Tuesday, Aug 30, the women visited the nearby Holy Family Residence for Senior Citizens and celebrated the Eucharist at Holy Rosary Church Limbahau.

Some 1000 people including Abp Emeritus John Lee and Bishop Julius Gitom of Sandakan gathered for the closing ceremony and dinner at Putera Theatre Ballroom at Bukit Padang with stage presentations by the different delegations.

In her speech, Tunggolou said the theme of the 9th conference was aptly chosen because the family is the “foundation of society and we need to look deeply into ensuring that our families are deeply rooted in the faith as crisis of different types are presently springing up everywhere in the world and families are faced with so many trials and challenges in life.”

Recognition Awards were given to ten recipients who have attended all the conferences held so far: six from Kuching, three from KK and one from Sandakan.

Tokens of appreciation were also given to Abp Emeritus Lee and Bp Gitom for their encouragement and spiritual support down the years.

As Kuching will host the 10th conference in 2020, the host banner was handed over to Mdm Mildred Yii by Tunggolou.

The idea of Catholic Women of East Malaysia coming together was mooted by then Father John Ha of Kuching (now retired archbishop) and Mdm Anita Tunggolou, head of the KK Women’s League Commission.

With the backing of then Bishop John Lee of Kota Kinabalu (now retired archbishop), the first conference was held on 12-16 June 1993 in the KK Diocese with the objective of establishing and fostering good relationships and understanding among the women of the two states through gathering in prayer and sharing of ideas.

The conference would be held on a rotational basis in the participating dioceses every three years.

In its 25th year now, the conference was held in 1993 (KK), 1996 (Kuching), 1999 (Sibu), 2002 (KK), 2005 (Keningau), 2008 (Kuching), 2011 (Sibu), 2014 (Sandakan).


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Catholic groups are mobilising to help in Hurricane Harvey’s aftermath

A woman uses a coat hanger to try and retrieve an item from a destroyed house on 26 Aug 2017 after Hurricane Harvey struck Fulton, Texas. (CNS photo/Rick Wilking, Reuters)

WASHINGTON – Catholic dioceses and charities are quickly organising to help in the aftermath of a Category 4 hurricane that made landfall with heavy rains and winds of 130 miles per hour late Aug 25, 2017 into the Rockport, Texas area, northeast of Corpus Christi. The National Weather Service said in a tweet Aug 27 that the rainfall expected after the hurricane and storm are over “are beyond anything experienced before.”

The hurricane, named Harvey, is said to be the strongest one to hit the United States in more than a decade and perhaps the strongest one to make landfall in Texas.

Catholic Charities USA, as well as the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Disaster Services, announced early on Aug 26 that they’re mobilising to help an as-yet-unknown number of persons affected by the hurricane. The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops has a list of charities helping with the disaster listed on its website at

Authorities reported at least five casualties as of Aug 27, but because of safety issues, not many emergency teams have been yet able to respond to the aftermath and much of the damage is unknown. Texas Gov Greg Abbott declared the state a disaster area, which will allow federal money to help in reconstruction. Catholic groups said they want to help with the immediate needs of the communities affected.

“We will be sending in rapid-response teams to help our impacted St Vincent de Paul councils and we are coordinating nationally with the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta and (Catholic Charities USA),” said Elizabeth Disco-Shearer, CEO of the Society of St Vincent de Paul USA.

Cardinal Daniel N DiNardo, president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, on Aug 27 urged “all people of goodwill to closely monitor future calls for assistance for victims and survivors in the days ahead.”

The cardinal also is the head of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, one of the hardest-hit areas.

“Hurricane Harvey hit the Gulf Coast in a catastrophic and devastating way this weekend, bringing with it severe flooding and high winds which have taken human life, caused countless injuries, and severely damaged homes and property throughout the region,” said the cardinal in an Aug 27 news release. “The effects of this storm continue to put people in harm’s way, with horrific scenes playing out all around, such as those of people trapped on their rooftops as water continues to rise around them. Many dioceses of the church in the United States have been affected; many others will be as the storm continues.”

He asked for prayers but also for assistance for those affected. One of the first to pledge help was the Diocese of Brownsville, Texas, where Bishop Daniel E Flores authorised a second collection to be taken up at the diocese’s local churches on the weekend of Aug 26-27 to send to Catholic Charities in nearby Corpus Christi and “other places hardest hit by loss of power, storm damage, flooding.”

Though the brunt of the hurricane’s winds has passed and Harvey was downgraded to a tropical storm hours after landfall, heavy rains and “catastrophic flooding” are expected for days, said the National Hurricane Center.

In an Aug 26 statement published by the Galveston-Houston archdiocese, Cardinal DiNardo said powerful winds and heavy rainfall have already impacted many lives and homes throughout the region, and many in the southern counties of his archdiocese have already suffered substantial property damage and losses

In Houston, the country’s fourth largest city with 6.6 million residents, many struggled seeking safety in flooded residential streets, which are expected to get up to 50 inches of rainfall by the time the rain stops sometime at the end of August.

Up to 250,000 have been reported without power in Texas, a number that’s expected to rise.

San Antonio Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller said in a statement that the archdiocese pledged its support to recovery efforts that will start after the rain and wind subside.

In his statement, Cardinal DiNardo asked for prayers for emergency personnel and volunteers who are out and about in dangerous conditions and also “for those residing in our archdiocese, in Texas and along the Gulf Coast, be safe and may God have mercy on those affected by Hurricane Harvey.” – CNS

Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Miri bishop blesses new chapel at Kg Nelayan Upper Kuala Bakam

Bishop Ng officiates the rite of blessing, Kg Nelayan Upper Kuala Bakam Miri, 30 July 2017.

MIRI – Around 250 faithful attended the blessing of the new Sts Peter and Paul Chapel at Kg Nelayan Upper Kuala Bakam here on 30 July 2017.

Bishop Richard Ng officiated the rite of blessing before Mass was celebrated.  After the Mass, all adjourned outside for a dinner fellowship.

The faithful were from the Melanau community who make up six percent of the 2.63 million (2015)  population in Sarawak.

Originally from Mukah (the 10th Administrative Division as launched in March 2002), the Melanaus traditionally lived in tall houses. Nowadays, they have adopted a Malay lifestyle, living in kampong-type settlements. Traditionally, Melanaus were fishermen and still today, they are reputed as some of the finest boat-builders and craftsmen.

While the Melanaus are ethnically different from the Malays, their lifestyles and practices are quite similar. This is especially the case in the larger towns and cities.The Melanaus were believed to originally summon spirits in a practice verging on paganism. Today most of the Melanaus are Muslims whilst some have converted to Christianity (especially around Mukah & Dalat areas). However, some still celebrate traditional animist festivals such as the annual Kaul Festival in Mukah District.

In 1980 the population of Sarawak was 1,233,103. The Melanau numbered was 69,578, of whom 53,689 were Muslim; 8,486 were Christian; 1,749 were tribal; and 5,328 were registered as having no religion, which in practice means they adhered to tribal religion(but were probably all tribal), and 326 were listed as miscellaneous.

Few reliable historical records of the Melanau exist before the nineteenth century, although European travellers and map-makers placed names not unlike “Melanau” on the northwest coast of Borneo. There are also probable references to the Melanau even earlier in Chinese records. The Coastal Melanau and the Kajang groups in the interior relate that their ancestors migrated from central Borneo and founded a Kajang kingdom from which the Coastal Melanau broke away. The Coastal Melanau believe that much of their culture and many of their institutions are derived from the legendary empire of the folk hero Tugau, who was overthrown in a struggle with Brunei. Some historians suggest that these events occurred in the fourteenth century, others, as early as the seventh. In 1861 the Melanau coastal district was ceded to James Brooke, the rajah of Sarawak, by the sultan of Brunei. –


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu



KENINGAU  : Misa senja sempena dengan pengangkatan Bonda Maria ke syurga dan Pesta Ulang Tahun St. Tarsisus yang juga merupakan santo penaung bagi pelayan altar telah diadakan. Misa ini telah diadakan pada 14 Ogos 2017 di Gereja KSFX.

Perayaan ini dimulakan dengan Doa Rosari di  Grotto KSFX. Kemudian perarakan mengangkat patung Bonda Maria masuk ke dalam gereja. Perarakan ini diiringi oleh ahli-ahli LOM yang membawa lilin serta flower girls dan flower boys. Misa Kudus sempena dengan perayaan ini disempurnakan oleh Rev. Fr. Bonaventure.










Pengangkatan Bonda Maria ke syurga mengingatkan kita bahawa destinasi terakhir perjalanan iman kita adalah di syurga. Dimana kematian itu bukanlah satu pengakhiran kepada sebuah kehidupan melainkan permulaan kepada kehidupan iman yang baru.







“Dalam gereja Katolik, kita diajak untuk menghormati Bonda Maria. Dengan menghormati Bonda Maria, kita secara langsung turut menghargai dan bersyukur akan pemberian Tuhan, PuteraNya” demikian homili yang disampaikan oleh Fr. Bonaventure. Beliau juga berpesan agar umat-umat Katolik meneladani dan mempunyai sikap seperti Bonda Maria, taat setia melayani Tuhan. Kerana ketaatan dan kesucian Bonda Maria, Dia dianugerahkan pengangkatan ke syurga tanpa melalui maut.


Dikesempatan perayaan Bonda Maria naik ke syurga ini, pesta ulang tahun St. Tarsisius, penaung bagi pelayan altar turut disambut. Sempena dengan pesta St. Tarsisius, para altar mendoakan doa St.Tarsisius dan kemudian diberkati oleh Fr. Bonaventure. Semoga pelayan altar terus taat dalam pelayaan mereka.



Selepas Misa Kudus, Fr. Bonaventure serta umat dijemput mengikuti jamuan kesyukuran secara potluck yang diadakan di Dewan KSFX.

Article reproduced from diocese of Keningau


Membakut : Le Talenta Night peringkat paroki Membakut telah diadakan. 6 kumpulan koir yang melibatkan 110 orang belia naungan paroki St. Patrick Mambakut telah menyertai pertandingan ini. Pertandingan ini telah diadakan pada 19 Ogos 2017 bertempat di Dewan St.Patrick. Dimeriahkan lagi dengan kehadiran umat yang datang memberikan sokongan.

Le Talenta Night merupakan satu pertandingan koir anjuran Kerasulan Belia Katolik (KBK) St. Patrick. Dimana bakat penciptaan lirik dan melodi lagu dipertandingkan. Kumpulan koir ini diadili dari segi tempo yang diadili oleh saudara Becker Ray Benedict, dari paroki St. Peter Bundu Kuala Penyu, vokal diadili oleh saudari Diana Aegidius dari paroki St.Valentine Beaufort dan persembahan diadili oleh saudari Joanne Maria Koijin dari paroki St.Yohanes Sipitang. Pengadil-pengadil jemputan ini merupakan orang-orang yang berpengalaman luas dalam pengadilan koir dan pertandingan nyanyian.

Terdapat 2 kategori dalam penciptaan lirik dan melodi lagu. Lirik lagu yang bertemakan pra paska dan bertemakan sambutan Jubli Perak Keuskupan Keningau 2018. Penciptaan lagu ini diadili sendiri oleh Rev. Fr. Ronnie Luni, paderi penguasa paroki St.Patrick Membakut.

Disamping beliau merasmikan pertandingan, beliau berpesan dan berharap agar golongan belia menggunakan bakat yang ada sebaik-baiknya. Menurut beliau, anjuran Le Talenta Night adalah satu platform yang baik untuk para belia melibatkan diri dalam pelayanan Tuhan melalui bakat seni yang mereka miliki.FB_IMG_1503538221407

Kumpulan koir yang menggabungkan empat KKD berjaya menewaskan 5 lagi kumpulan koir untuk dinobatkan sebagai Johan Le Talenta Night Paroki St.Patrick Membakut 2017. Paduan suara belia-belia gabungan KKD St.Monica Bawan, KKD St.Martha Takapan, KKD Ganah, KKD St.Edward Ambinahaton/Kabuluan ternyata telah berjaya menarik perhatian para pengadil dan juga penonton yang hadir. Kemenangan tersebut lebih manis lagi apabila salah seorang ahli kumpulan tersebut Loreta Deborah menyapu bersih dua hadiah iaitu Lirik Terbaik Tema Pra-Paska dan Tema Jubli Perak. Pemenang ini akan mewakili paroki St.Patrick ke Pesta Koir Keuskupan Keningau yang akan diadakan di Dewan Gereja St.Peter, Bundu, Kuala Penyu pada 13-15 Oktober 2017.

Kumpulan koir KBK St. Philip Sinoko pula membawa pulang dua hadiah iaitu sebagai naib johan dan juga Persembahan Terbaik. Kumpulan koir gabungan KKD St.John Of The Cross Bandau, KKD St. Thomas dan KKD Bunda Maria Limadang dan KKD Kristus Raja Tahak telah meraih tempat ketiga.

Para hadirin turut dihiburkan dengan persembahan koir belia veteran (CYC) dan juga persembahan tarian sumazau. Lebih daripada 30 cabutan tiket bertuah turut diadakan bagi memeriahkan lagi pertandingan. Program pada malam tersebut selesai pada jam 10 malam dengan doa penutup yang dipimpin oleh Rev.Fr.Ronnie Luni. –KOMSOS St.Patrick Membakut


Article reproduced from diocese of Keningau

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