Author Archives: Ken Wong

‘Walk for Jesus’ brings Christians together to pray for the nation

The Walk for Jesus brings together Christians of all ages including a toddler in his baby carriage, 27 Aug 2017, KK.

KOTA KINABALU — The Walk for Jesus, a biannual event organised jointly by the Prison Fellowship Malaysia and the Sabah Council of Churches, has brought Christians from all backgrounds to walk in unity while praying for the nation.

The theme for this year’s walk is ‘The Way Forward,’ and took place simultaneously at 17 towns across Sabah on 27 August 2017 beginning at 4 pm.

After a short praise and worship session, Bishop Melter Tais of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah thanked and encouraged 800-strong participants to pray for the country.

Mayor Yeo Boon Hai of Kota Kinabalu (KK) thanked the organisers and gave some words of encouragement to the participants before flagging off the walk at the Padang Merdeka.

The 2.4 km route started from Padang Merdeka to KK City and back to Padang Merdeka while praying for the civil leaders, the law enforcement officers, the police, army, for fair and just ruling and administration, for conversion of hearts, for good education system, for racial and religious harmony as well as for the unity of the churches to be the salt and light of the world.

The participants – young and old – enjoyed the walk in spite of the inclement weather.

The event ended with another short praise and worship session before Father Thomas Yip said the closing prayer.

Funds raised during the walk would be channeled to support the ministerial work of the Sabah Council of Churches, the activities of the Interchurch statewide, Pastors Fellowship of Kota Kinabalu, Commission of Sabah Affairs and Prison Fellowship Malaysia (Sabah).

Organisers get together at Pre-PYD6

PENAMPANG – The organising team of the Penampang Youth Day – 6 (PYS-6) gathered for a half-day pre-PYD-6 on 23 July 2017 at Tinopikon Notorus here.

PYD-6 is scheduled for Aug 31 – Sept 3.

Pre-PYD6 brought both main and local organising teams together for a session of get-to-know each other closely.

The session was held in a friendly and relaxed surrounding where they also deliberated on the PYD6 themes ‘Do Not Be Afraid’ and ‘I Want To Serve’ for better understanding.

One of the games prepared for PYD6 is treasure hunting. The organisers took the opportunity to test it out at Notorus for a better management of the games during the actual event. Approximately 500 youths are expected to join PYD6.

The participants of the youth day are expected to share with their fellow parish youths after PYD-6.

For more update, check out their official Instagram account – penampangyouthday2017 and Facebook page – Penampang YOUTH’s Day 6 “2017” – PYD6 – @pyd6.2017 with hashtag #donotbeafraid  and #iwanttoserve. – Wilson Stephen


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


SANDAKAN: A half day faith formation talks were held on 19th August 2017 at the Parish Conference Room for all catechists in the St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish. The target group is the Sunday School teachers and facilitators of the RCIA from the 3 language groups. A total number of 50 catechists from St. Peter Sg. Manila, St. Mark and St. Mary’s Parish attended the talks.The talk was conducted by Sister Martina, who is the Chairperson of the Diocesan Catechetical Commission.

The talks were divided into 3 sessions: Firstly, on the General Directory on the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) followed by the Methodology and Structure where the area on the catechism, structure and time frame was given. The third session was on the 4 Pillars of the CCC where Sister Martina emphasized on the important points of each part: The Profession of Faith-The Creed, The Celebration of the Christian Mystery-The Sacraments, Life in Christ-The Commandments, and lastly, Christian Prayer-Our Father.

Group sharing was on methodology and structure where the Sunday School teachers and the RCIA facilitators gathered according to their language group to discuss and share on the subject. A report was then presented at the end of the session.

Article reproduced from  Diocese of Sandakan


SANDAKAN: After journeying for 11 weeks on the RCIA precatechumenate period, the inquirers were accepted into the Catholic Church through the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens on 20th Aug 2017 where the candidates will now be addressed as “catechumens”.

This year 2017, the St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish has 65 candidates with 52 BM speaking candidates and the English and Chinese speaking having six candidates each. The Rite was conducted by Fr. Stanley in the BM Mass as delegated by the Bishop. The candidates were welcomed by Fr. Stanley in his opening address to the congregation.

The Rite commenced after the homily by Fr Stanley where the candidates with their respective sponsors came forward to the front of the church. At this Rite, they are asked to more fully embrace the Gospel message with the help of God, and are also signed with the Cross to show that they now belong to Christ, the Shepherd of souls. The Rite of signing on the forehead, eyes, ears, lips, heart and shoulders were also repeated by their respective sponsors.

Immediately after the signing, the handing over of the ‘Bible’ to the candidates was performed where each candidate received the bible which is the “Word of God” being presented to them.

The prayers of the faithful followed and the dismissal where all the candidates were allowed to return to their seats. This is just the first phase of their journey of initiation.  We encourage all parishioners to pray for these souls as well, as they continue in the initiation process over the coming months, and to reach out to them as fellow members of the Household of Christ.


Article reproduced from  Diocese of Sandakan



St Anthony ‘s Church Notices – Bintulu


Parishioners who have the walkathon cards are advised to return these cards along with the collections to their respective cell group leaders as soon as possible. If a card is lost, the cardholder is required to donate RM200, as stated in the card.


Parishioners are reminded that the Worship Night with Bro. George Ancelo Ganda from Indonesia is on Friday 1st September 2017

Venue  : St Anthony’s School Hall

Time               : 7.30 – 10.00 pm

All are welcome. Entry fee is RM5 for parishioners aged 12 and above.


Parishioners who are fluent in BM who wish to be confirmed in October this year are required to attend the Life in the Spirit Seminar which will be held from 21st till 23rd September at the Parish Hall. For details, kindly check with any of the BM HCG leaders.


Adult parishioners who wish to be confirmed on 7th October 2017 are advised to register with the Parish Office.

They will need to attend the Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS), the dates of which will be announced by their HCGs.


There is an Iban Prayer Meeting tonight at Stella Maris Church @ 7.30 pm. Parishioners who are conversant in Iban are invited to this gathering, especially young working adults .


Parishioners who wish to be married in church and those who wish to have their civil marriages blessed can register for the course tomorrow.

Date                            : Monday 28 August

Venue              : Conference Room

Time                            : 7.30 pm


Article reproduced from  St Anthony's Church


KOTA PADAWAN — 9 February saw The Right Honourable Prime Minister YAB Datuk Patinggi Mohd Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak and The Right Honourable Chief Minister YAB Datuk Amar Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Bin Tun Abang Haji Openg making the official site visit to St Ann’s Church. They gave a grant of RM4 million received from the State Government and the Federal Government, of which the 24,591 strong Roman Catholic parishioners are most grateful.

Earlier this year, the parish also received a grant of RM400,000.00 under the Minor Rural project (MRP) from Majlis Perbandaran Padawan (MPP). With these grants, the first of the four phases of the new St Ann’s Building project is well on its way towards completion.

The St Ann new Church site, covering 6 acres, sits strategically on the intersection of Jalan Puncak Borneo and Jalan Landeh, at Kota Padawan 10th Mile Kuching-Serian Road. The total cost of the First phase amounts to RM 14.5 million which covers the construction of the main Church building (that can accommodate up to 2,225 parishioners), infrastructure works and reclamation of the swampy land.

The opening ceremony of the new Church scheduled on 30 April has been postponed to the end of this year to give time for the parish to attend to the following critical and urgent concerns:

  • The boundary drainage issues encompassing also the site’s immediate surroundings and other related infrastructure works.
    The roof extension around the main Church, which provides an additional sheltered external seating area, that will cater for the additional number of parishioners attending the major liturgical celebrations like Easter, Ash Wednesday and Christmas.
  • Although the roof and concrete platform extension as mentioned above were planned to be carried out at a later date, the St Ann New Church Building Committee had been advised that it is more judicious and cost-effective to add these extensions during the current period of the construction of the Main Church building.
    The works have started on the two major drainage boundaries and commencement for the roof extension will begin soon, based on the grants received from Majlis Perbandaran Padawan (MPP), State Government and Federal Government. This will be followed by the major interior works for the main Church building, in preparation for her historical official opening by end of 2017.

The Rector of St Ann’s Mission, Fr Gerard Victor, OFM, stated, “The entire building and construction team have done their best and we are convinced that these delays are in fact for the good of the overall St Ann Building Project and long-term interest of the parishioners. The parish team is committed to the fullest accountability and transparency and will continue to keep parishioners and well-wishers informed from time to time of the construction progress through our St Ann’s Parish Facebook page and website.”

He added that the parish is very thankful for all the contributions and support received from near and far. This will enable the parish to begin planning for Phase Two of the building project, which includes the Church office and classrooms for faith formation, meetings and other Church-related activities. The Atlanta Concrete Contractors is whom you can rely on when it comes to construction and renovation.

In anticipation of continuous unfailing support, the parish is confident Phase Three and Phase Four which consist of a Multi-purpose Hall and a Priests’ residential building is in the offering.

St Ann’s Church


Article reproduced from Today's Catholic Online


KUCHING — The Catholic Services Charity Run (CSCR) 2017 is exactly two weeks away. However, the amount collected and the numbers of runners are still below target.

Catholic Welfare Services Chairman Danice Endawie in his WhatsApp message on 22 August wrote that the organising committee received many “zero returns” as the sponsor cards are being handed back to them.

“Thanks to those who have decided to participate [in the charity run],” he wrote.

Danice urged more people to join in the run on 9 September and / or contribute towards the humble charitable cause. “It is not too late to decide to participate and contribute to CWS funds,” the WhatsApp message read.

“Through the years CWS had given out assistance to many poor, natural disaster victims, fire victims, and the sick… Without your help CWS will find it difficult to continue to render the same assistance to those who dearly need our help,” wrote the CWS chairman.

The CSCR 2017 is organised by the Catholic Welfare Services Council Sarawak with the theme “I run for the least, the last and the lost”. Since early May this year, sponsor cards were distributed far and wide throughout the Archdiocese of Kuching.

The organising committee hopes to raise RM 2.5 million and with participation of at least 10,000 runners on Sunday, 9 September. The amount raised will be used to fund the Home of Peace, Catholic Services Centre, CWS Samaritans, Society of St Vincent de Paul, Meals for Urban Poor Families (through SKUP), Archbishop’s Disaster Relief Fund, and in aid of the Rural Parishes.

With a minimum amount of RM80, well-wishers / sponsor card holders are eligible for the charity run. Each runner will also receive a t-shirt.

Further information on the Charity Run can be obtained from CWS office at ACCPC ground floor, or contact them at 082-241407.


Article reproduced from Today's Catholic Online

Tuaran parish is building a multi-purpose hall

The dream of thousands of Catholics in the Tuaran parish to have a multi-purpose Parish Hall cum Catechetical Centre will soon become a reality as the building is 50 per cent complete

By Teddy Chin
The dream of thousands of Catholics in the Tuaran parish to have a multi-purpose Parish Hall cum Catechetical Centre will soon become a reality as the building is 50 per cent complete.

This was revealed by the Chairperson of the St John Parish fundraising dinner, Puan Catherine Tan, at Bukit Padang, on August 13.

“From a concept or idea in 2010, eight dinners and many fundraising activities later, we will finally have our own hall and we will be proud of it.

Catherine said the building committee has, since 2011, spent RM2.1 million. Ongoing work for brick laying, cement, doors and window frames alone will cost another RM297,250.

“Through various activities from Day 1, we have collected some RM2.3 million but we still have a long way to go and, therefore need all the help we can get, not just from Catholics but also from non-Catholic wellwishers,” she said.

She added that an application has been made to the Federal Government for an allocation of RM2.5 million through the good office of Tuaran Member of Parliament, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Madius Tangau. It is hoped that it will be considered favourably.

Catherine also thanked Archbishop John Wong for approving RM300,000 towards the building fund.

Archbishop Wong, in his speech, thanked the State Government for its support all these years, not just to the Tuaran Parish but throughout the Archdiocese as a whole.

He also praised the Catholics and non- Catholics alike who turned up for the dinner.

“I understand that the economy may be a bit challenging nowadays and, yet, 110 tables were sold, meaning more than 1,000 people are here tonight.

“This speaks a lot about your faith and may God bless you,” he stated.

To further raise funds for the building, Archbishop John, Fr Edward and his assistant parish priest Fr Abel Madisang sang a few songs which were sponsored by on-the-spot donations.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Cathedral parish celebrates Mass for exam classes

The students come forward to receive Holy Communion, SHC, 25 Aug 2017.

KOTA KINABALU – Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish here celebrated its annual Mass for students in examination classes on 25 August 2017.

Exams are a massive moment in the lives of young people and their families and so they present an opportunity for the parish community to reach out to students and their families.

Archbishop John Wong presided at the noon Mass for students taking their Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) or Primary School Achievement Test; Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 (PT3) or Lower Secondary Evaluation; Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) or Malaysian Certificate of Education; and Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) or Malaysian Higher School Certificate examinations.

The UPSR (Primary 6) exams will be on Sept 11-14 & 18; the PT3 (Form 3) on Oct 9-12; the SPM (Form 5) on Nov 6-Dec 4 while STPM (Form 6) will be on Nov 15-21.

In his address to the students before dismissing them, Abp Wong encouraged them to prepare themselves well for their exams through diligent study.

Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

AHDC organises free checking errors in ICs

One of the volunteers checking the IC of one parishioner after Mass, Carmel, 13 Aug 2017.

KOTA KINABALU – The Archdiocesan Human Development Commission (AHDC) in collaboration with the parish committee has organised free checking errors in Identity Cards (ICs) service in all parishes in the archdiocese in July and August 2017.

This service is offered to all parishioners (young and old).  Booths are set up in front of the church before and after all Masses on Saturdays and Sundays.

The team only scan errors without keeping any personal data.

The common errors are found in two categories: a) race – “Bajau” or “Malay” instead of “Chinese” or “Kadazandusun”; and b) religion – “Buddha” or “Sikhism” or “tiada maklumat” (no information) instead of “Kristian.”

The team will compile the list of names of the faithful with errors in their ICs and forward this list to the AHDC at the end of August.  The AHDC will then send this list to the Registration Department for rectification.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu
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