Author Archives: Ken Wong

CWL Tg Aru celebrates 50 years of ministry

Nancy Fong, one of the oldest CWL pioneers, receives a memento from Msgr Primus Jouil, flanked by CWL chairperson Agnes Delgado (L) and organising chairlady Theresa William (R).

TANJUNG ARU – The Catholic Women’s League (CWL) of Stella Maris Tanjung Aru celebrated 50 years of ministry on 17 August 2017.

Archbishop John Wong presided at the Thanksgiving Mass at the parish church.  Joining him at the altar were Msgr Primus Jouil, Fathers Moses Lui of Melaka-Johor, James Chia OdeM, and Martin Wong of Kuching.

In his homily, Abp Wong paralleled the Israelites crossing the Jordan River with their crossing of the Reed Sea from Egypt and related it to Christian Baptism.  He also stressed on Jesus’ call to forgive from the heart.

Some 500 people attended the dinner at the Shangri-La Tanjung Aru Resort & Spa.

The pioneering status of the CWL Tg Aru was the main theme of the speeches given by Organising Chairperson Theresa William, CWL Tg Aru Chairperson Agnes Delgado, Msgr Primus Jouil, ACWL Chief Coordinator Anita Tunggolou and Abp Wong.

It was mooted in 1967 by Fr Vivian De Souza who saw the need to have a group of dedicated ladies to assist the pastor in looking after the welfare of the church and carrying out fundraising activities. However, the first formal meeting was only held on 26 June 1968 by 29 women.  It soon spread to other parishes throughout Sabah.

William has served in the CWL for 34 years, 19 of them being the chairperson.

Mementos were given to past chairpersons, past serving priests, and to the oldest member Nancy Fong after the anniversary cake-cutting ceremony.

A slide show on the CWL history was screened as well.

The attendees were entertained by a variety programme by some groups.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Elias Carmelite Family celebrates founder’s golden jubilee

KAINGARAN: The Elias Carmelite Family celebrated its founder’s golden jubilee of priesthood on 13 Aug 2017 at St Mary Magdalene Chapel here.

Visitors from Indonesia, China, Sarawak joined the local Putri Karmel (Daughters of Carmel), Carmelitae Sancti Eliae (CSE) and Komunitas Tritunggal Mahakudus (KTM) in celebrating the 50 years of priesthood of their Founder, Father Yohanes Indrakusama OCarm, 79.

Bishop Cornelius Piong presided at the thanksgiving Mass.  Joining him and the jubilarian at the altar were CSE Superior General Rev Sergius Paulus, Rev Giovanni C Sugau CSE,  Rev Peter Hwang of Limbang,  Anthony Mikat, Bede Anthonius, Gilbert Lasius, Joseph Gapitang, and Mario Tong of China.

Young dancers in traditional attire led the entrance procession from the St John Catholic Retreat Centre to the chapel accompanied by the beating of the gongs.

In his homily, the bishop told some 500 people present that he came to know the jubilarian in 1984 while attending a Charismatic Renewal Convention in Indonesia.

When he became the bishop of Keningau in 1993, he welcomed the Putri Karmel into the diocese in 1997 where it took root and flourished on a 32-acre of land at Kaingaran Tambunan.

After the Mass, there was a fusion of Chinese and Murut cultures in the performances by the Fook Xing Dragon Unicorn Lion Dance Troupe Tambunan, firecrackers and fireworks display outside the retreat centre in spite of the inclement weather.

The reception was held at the hall below the chapel where a video clip on the life of the jubilarian was screened.  The Elias Carmelite Family also entertained the guests with a variety show.  An exhibition on the founder’s life and history of the Elias Carmelites was displayed outside the dining hall.

Born in 1938 in small East Java town into a Chinese family, the jubilarian began his novitiate in a Carmelite monastery in 1960. Ordained as a priest in 1967, he pursued his studies in theology in Rome and Paris and later worked in various parts of the country. In the mid-70s, he spent time in a hermitage involved in contemplative life.

He founded the Putri Karmel on 19 March 1982 in Ngadireso, a small village in Malang Diocese East Java, followed by the Carmelitae Sancti Eliae on 20 July 1986 and the Komunitas Tritunggal Mahakudus on 11 January 1987.

On 12 Jan 2013, the St John of the Cross Institute (philosophy and theology) in Pontianak West Kalimatan founded by the jubilarian was officially opened by the Pontianak Archbishop.

Putri Karmel is a religious community of women, whereas CSE is for men and KMT for lay people.

The two religious communities have the same spirituality, way of life and ministry. Fundamentally they follow the spirit of the Carmelite Rule and Traditions, accentuating the contemplative aspect, integrated with the Charismatic Renewal.

The  Charismatic Renewal brings about the experience of God in the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Carmelite Spirituality is a very rich tool to deepen it and settle it down.

The members may give counselling, retreats, seminars, or offer prayers for individuals.

Currently, there are 43 Putri Karmel Sisters, 16 CSE Brothers, and over 1,800 KTM members in Malaysia.  Aside from Indonesia and Malaysia, there are also communities in China, Italy and USA.

On 12 April 2017, Sister Maximilliane Soon became the first superior of Malaysia-China District with two communities each in Malaysia (Keningau and Sibu) and China (Xingtai Hebei Province in the North and Fuqing Fujian Province in the South) respectively while Sister Geraldine Marie is the local superior of Kaingaran.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online 

18 Sandakan DFLC members attend half-day recollection

LAHAD DATU – Eighteen members of the Sandakan Diocesan Family Life Commission (DFLC) attended a half-way recollection on 22 July 2017 at St Dominic here.

The participants came from St Mary Sandakan (5), St Martin Telupid (3), OLOF Beluran (2), St Dominic Lahad Datu (4), and Holy Trinity Tawau (4).

The theme of the recollection was “Do as you say,”  the words spoken by the three angels to Abraham in the book of Genesis (Gn 18:5).

Recollection began with an opening prayer led by Franciscan Sister Evelyn Tivit,  followed by self-introduction of each member.

The session continued with an inspiring input presented by Eva Siruno, DFLC chairperson, on the meaning and purpose of commissioning which they would later be given.

She said the commission given by the risen Jesus to his disciples (Mt 28:19-20) is the “most sacred commissioning” because it came directly from Jesus’ lips.  Jesus’ promise to be with us always is the “most consoling part of our mission,” she added.

Jesus’ promise to be with us always is the “most consoling part of our mission,” she added.

Siruno said that through the commissioning, “we gain affirmation from the Lord” through the church “in our commitment to each other,” and provide “us a time where we can rejoice and give thanks together.”

She noted that the people’s prayer can “charge us up” and most importantly, “we inspire others to serve in the church.”

A video on the nature and mission of the Catholic Family: “Garden of Holiness” was screened.  It touched on the challenges of being  a father, mother or child in the family to create an environment of holiness.

Sr Evelyn facilitated a short reflection session wherein the participants recalled their experiences in serving the church and the struggles they faced.  This was followed by group sharing.

Later the participants went to the chapel for personal reflection using a guided reflection based on Pope Francis’ catechesis on the family.  It helped them to recall their experiences and challenges in the ministry.

Time was given to the participants to share their experiences and how God sustained them when they were on the verge of giving up.

In the evening, the participants were commissioned by Father Marcellinus Pongking after the homily at the Sunset Mass.

The next day, July 23,  the participants from Sandakan and Lahad Datu joined the pre-marriage course team in giving sessions to 23 couples in Tampenau, Lahad Datu.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Parish Family Life Ministry established in Beluran

BELURAN – The Parish Family Life Ministry (PFLM) was established in Our Lady of Fatima Parish here on 29 July 2017.

Thirty participants from St Paul Ulu Dusun, St Anthony Bukit Garam, Emmanuel Church Jaya Bakti and neighbouring Beluran chapels.

In his opening remarks, Bishop Julius Gitom said, “It is about time to have your own Family Life Ministry in order to find out the challenges faced by families in your own parish. If you do not know your enemy, how can you overcome them? Therefore, be aware and identify them then together we find solutions.”

He added that if a family is strong in its faith, “then our Church will also grow  stronger.”

Cesar Siruno, Sandakan PFLM chairman, presented a slideshow on the scope of the family life ministry at different levels: pre-marriage course, marriage enrichment programmes, natural family planning, coordinating activities for senior citizens and single parents, collaborating with other commissions and ministries in organising activities relevant to family life.

Dimeh Koyopo, of St Mark’s Church, shared: “It was through our (with his wife) experience in handling couples under crises that I was attracted to serve in this ministry. You need to be faithful and committed to your service. It is important to pay attention to my own role and responsibility as a father and as a husband, first of all, before I can tell others to do so. The words “I’m sorry” for a husband is not easy to say, but knowing our “marriage vow” should become a common practice in the home if I were to lead the parish.”

Gabriel Bali, newly elected OLOF Family Life Chairman shared “I always think of a family in small groups, but now we need to spread our wings, knowing that we have a Mission to do in our parish starting from our family.”

The office bearers for 2017-2019 are Gabriel Bali (chairman), Camillus Bikanis (asst chairman), Linda Marcus (secretary 1), Anthony Valentinus (secretary 2), and Cristina Heresilles (treasurer). –


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Elias Carmelite Family celebrates founder’s golden jubilee

At the altar L-R: Bp Cornelius Piong, Fr Yohanes Indrakusama (jubilarian), Fr Peter Hwang of Limbang, Fr Anthony Mikat, 13 Aug 2017, Golden Jubilee Mass, Kaingaran Tambunan

KAINGARAN, Tambunan – The Elias Carmelite Family celebrated its founder’s golden jubilee of priesthood on 13 Aug 2017 at St Mary Magdalene Chapel here.

Visitors from Indonesia, China, Sarawak joined the local Putri Karmel (Daughters of Carmel), Carmelitae Sancti Eliae (CSE) and Komunitas Tritunggal Mahakudus (KTM) in celebrating the 50 years of priesthood of their Founder, Father Yohanes Indrakusama OCarm, 79.

Bishop Cornelius Piong presided at the thanksgiving Mass.  Joining him and the jubilarian at the altar were CSE Superior General Rev Sergius Paulus, Rev Giovanni C Sugau CSE,  Rev Peter Hwang of Limbang,  Anthony Mikat, Bede Anthonius, Gilbert Lasius, Joseph Gapitang, and Mario Tong of China.

Young dancers in traditional attire led the entrance procession from the St John Catholic Retreat Centre to the chapel accompanied by the beating of the gongs.

In his homily, the bishop told some 500 people present that he came to know the jubilarian in 1984 while attending a Charismatic Renewal Convention in Indonesia.

When he became the bishop of Keningau in 1993, he welcomed the Putri Karmel into the diocese in 1997 where it took root and flourished on a 32-acre of land at Kaingaran Tambunan.

After the Mass, there was a fusion of Chinese and Murut cultures in the performances by the Fook Xing Dragon Unicorn Lion Dance Troupe Tambunan, firecrackers and fireworks display outside the retreat centre in spite of the inclement weather.

The reception was held at the hall below the chapel where a video clip on the life of the jubilarian was screened.  The Elias Carmelite Family also entertained the guests with a variety show.  An exhibition on the founder’s life and history of the Elias Carmelites was displayed outside the dining hall.

Born in 1938 in small East Java town into a Chinese family, the jubilarian began his novitiate in a Carmelite monastery in 1960. Ordained as a priest in 1967, he pursued his studies in theology in Rome and Paris and later worked in various parts of the country. In the mid-70s, he spent time in a hermitage involved in contemplative life.

He founded the Putri Karmel on 19 March 1982 in Ngadireso, a small village in Malang Diocese East Java, followed by the Carmelitae Sancti Eliae on 20 July 1986 and the Komunitas Tritunggal Mahakudus on 11 January 1987.

On 12 Jan 2013, the St John of the Cross Institute (philosophy and theology) in Pontianak West Kalimatan founded by the jubilarian was officially opened by the Pontianak Archbishop.

Putri Karmel is a religious community of women, whereas CSE is for men and KMT for lay people.

The two religious communities have the same spirituality, way of life and ministry. Fundamentally they follow the spirit of the Carmelite Rule and Traditions, accentuating the contemplative aspect, integrated with the Charismatic Renewal.

The  Charismatic Renewal brings about the experience of God in the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Carmelite Spirituality is a very rich tool to deepen it and settle it down.

The members may give counselling, retreats, seminars, or offer prayers for individuals.

Currently, there are 43 Putri Karmel Sisters, 16 CSE Brothers, and over 1,800 KTM members in Malaysia.  Aside from Indonesia and Malaysia, there are also communities in China, Italy and USA.

On 12 April 2017, Sister Maximilliane Soon became the first superior of Malaysia-China District with two communities each in Malaysia (Keningau and Sibu) and China (Xingtai Hebei Province in the North and Fuqing Fujian Province in the South) respectively while Sister Geraldine Marie is the local superior of Kaingaran.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

DOPP drafter gives his take on its impact on diocesan life

PENAMPANG – The Diocesan Organisational Pastoral Plan (DOPP) of Kota Kinabalu Diocese was drafted by a core team in 1996.  It was accepted and launched on 16 Sept 1997.  Twenty years later (14 Aug 2017), Dominic Lim, one of the drafters, was asked to give his views on how it has affected the life of the diocese since then.

Asked on its positive impact, Lim, 60, said the desired end of the DOPP is the attainment of the Diocesan Vision viz to be acommunion of Christ-centred communities journeying together in the faith, hope and love of Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit to build up the Kingdom of God.

In this area, he continued, many of the faithful have been active in church groups such as parish committees, basic ecclesial communities, and quite a number have made long-term commitments in ecclesial movements.

Lim noted that there is a greater sense of belonging to the diocesan family through participation in diocesan programmes organised such as Jubilee Year 2000, Diocesan Silver Jubilee 2001-2002, Eucharistic Congress 2004, ordinations and anniversaries of clergy and religious, the Priestly Year, the Year for Consecrated Life, Jubilee Year of Mercy, and others.

“I see these as positive signs of moving towards a communion of Christ-centred communities, a greater effort to journey together. The journey towards the dream will take time. DOPP as a Pastoral Plan has only a 7-year timeframe and in fact it has expired. It is too short a time to achieve our Vision. But the signs are there. We just have to continue to remind each other of our Vision, move together towards  that common direction and continue to allow the Spirit to empower us,” he said.

As for striking changes, Lim said, “We have moved away from a centralised pastoral structure (PAX Board of Directors) that decided the direction we moved as a diocese to a more consultative and participative approach with the Vision as our common direction.”

While he admitted that there is still much room for improvement, the parish community is now able to plan and move from where they are towards the Vision though some [parishes] are still struggling to “grasp the elements of the Vision, others are already implementing the Objectives stated in the DOPP.”

He saw this as “something more realistic in being Church because the maturity level of our communities differs from place to place.”

Lim pointed out that the emphasis on ongoing personal and communal conversion is “the key” to a total and integral renewal.

This, he added, is enhanced by living out the commitments spelt out in the Mission Statement, that is, living out a life of prayer nourished by the sacraments and the Word, guided by church teachings, unity in communities, respecting values of other faiths, responsible stewardship of the environment, and promoting justice and peace in society.

Lim noted that since the DOPP, there are more people attending daily Mass and coming forward to help in RCIA, Alpha and other church activities.  Many seminars, recollections, retreats and other faith formation programmes have been conducted.  There are also more inter-church activities.

“And there has been a greater awareness of our faith response to societal issues. All these were not very visible 20 years ago,” he said.

Lim, who works in the archdiocesan secretariat, pointed out that the mission ad gentes of the archdiocese was enhanced through the setting up of new pastoral structures such as the Social Communications Commission and Human Development Commission, the Montfort Youth Training Centre, the Sacred Heart Charity, Pusat Kebajikan Good Shepherd and other welfare programmes of the lay movements, and the strengthening of the church’s role in mission schools.

As for ways and means to maintain the DOPP spirit, Lim recalled the speech of Bishop John Lee during the launching of DOPP on 16 Sept 1997 at the Sacred Heart Cathedral.  The bishop admitted that the DOPP was quite technical but as long as “we adopted and lived the spirit behind the whole planning exercise, we would have achieved something – our new way of being Church begins not in what we do but how we live with each other in the Church and with the world around us.”

He said that to maintain the spirit, streamers on the Diocesan Vision and Mission were printed and hung on the walls of many chapels and halls to remind the people of their common direction in pastoral life.

In addition, Lim continued, the Diocesan Prayer was recited and continues to be recited on Sundays and feast days.

“The seminar on pastoring together in 1998 had laid the foundation for a better understanding of collaborative ministry while the bishop’s keynote addresses at subsequent PAX Assemblies after 1997 touched on elements of the Diocesan Vision to promote and maintain the DOPP spirit,” he added.

Lim noted that the changes from PAX Board of Directors to Diocesan Pastoral Council in 1998, from Parish Council to Parish Pastoral Council in 1999 had concretised collaboration among the clergy, religious and laity in pastoral leadership and mission of the Church in line with the Diocesan Vision.

The DOPP drafter pointed out: “DOPP as a Pastoral Plan was overtaken by events since its launching.  The two big events – Great Jubilee Year 2000 and the Silver Jubilee of the Diocese in 2002 were not anticipated during the formulation of the Plan but somehow the diocese was able to blend them into the spirit of the DOPP.”

Lim noted that though the DOPP implementation might not have been strictly according to the Timelines stated in the document, many of its Enabling Objectives have been carried out in various forms over the past 20 years.

In conclusion, he suggested that the term DOPP be dropped since the Plan has already expired.  Instead, the archdiocese should just focus on the Vision and Mission.

Another member of the DOPP Core Team, Magdalene Chu, described the process of coming together and thinking through the vision and mission of the local diocese was good.  She said it made concrete the universal mission of the church in the local church context.

The Archdiocesan Prayer still being said, she added, is good as it helps to remind everyone of the mission and needs of the archdiocese. (KK became an archdiocese in 2008).


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

DOPP turns 20

KOTA KINABALU – On 16 September 2017, the Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the launching of its Diocesan Organisational Pastoral Plan (DOPP).

This document was launched on 16 September 1997 by then Bishop John Lee at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Kota Kinabalu in the presence of Archbishop Luigi Bressan, apostolic delegate in Malaysia.

At the launching, Bishop Lee said that the DOPP has spelt out the Vision, “the ideal Church that we want to be” but stressed that what is more important is “for us to uphold and live the spirit behind the whole planning exercise, namely personal and communal renewal in a new way of being Church.”

The need for the DOPP was prompted by a response to the increasing new pastoral challenges that came along in the diocesan journey as local Church.In 1996, one hundred sixty-four (164) delegates comprising bishop, priests, religious and laity from the whole diocese assembled to formulate the Vision and Mission of KK Diocese.  In September 1997 the Vision and Mission were formally adopted as both the rallying point and direction of the diocese.  In other words, they are the overall and continuing goal of all that we hope to achieve in our pastoral works, where all our available resources are to be used.

In 1996, one hundred sixty-four delegates comprising bishop, priests, religious and laity from the whole diocese assembled to formulate the Vision and Mission of KK Diocese. The 1996 workshop was the first effort of its kind to assess the realities and identify the problems and needs of the KK diocese, which was established in 1976.

In September 1997 the Vision and Mission were formally adopted as both the rallying point and direction of the diocese.

The DOPP has four main components: (a) Pastoral analysis of the Diocese (b) Proposed solutions (c) Common direction and (d) Action Plan.

Though quite technical, the essence of the document underlies some major concerns: (i) a deeper understanding of the Word of God (ii) the need for an understanding of the Church as Communion (ecclesiology of communion) (iii) the participation of all the people of God in the Church and (iv) the relationship between the Church and the world.

These four-fold concerns are in line with the concerns of Vatican II (Lumen Gentium 1964 & Gaudium et Spes 1965).

The DOPP, as a seven-year plan (1998-2004), expired by end of 2004. Bishop Lee declared in his January 2005 Pastoral Letter that “2005 is a time for evaluation, to see how much we have achieved in the process of renewal and how far we have journeyed towards our Vision.”

The whole diocese was mobilised to undertake the exercise. One major difference was the emphasis on learning. The exercise was to be “process-oriented” not “result-oriented.”

By emphasising the importance of the learning process, the whole exercise took on a pastoral tone. It provided the opportunity for self-examination.

Dominic Lim, one of those who formulated the Plan, said that the term DOPP should no longer be applied since the Plan has already expired.  Instead, the Church should focus on the Vision and Mission.

In March 2014, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (APC) 2014-17 identified three critical concerns the Church needs to be aware of, i.e. apathy, secularisation and Islamisation.

It was argued that apathy is an internal weakness.  Such attitude could jeopardise the evangelising mission in building the Kingdom of God.  Secularisation and Islamisation are external forces which could undermine the faith of the people.  The degree of seriousness of these threats varies from parish to parish.  Nevertheless, they were reported as a prevailing phenomenon all over the archdiocese during the 2015 PAX Assembly.  The APC felt the need to address these concerns seriously.

The degree of seriousness of these threats varies from parish to parish.  Nevertheless, they were reported as a prevailing phenomenon all over the archdiocese during the 2015 PAX Assembly.  The APC felt the need to address these concerns seriously.

The three concerns were tabled in the 2015 PAX Assembly.  Subsequently, the archdiocese adopted a Pastoral Thrust for the next two years where every pastoral agent and institute, every community and family, and every baptised Catholic are to rally together to tackle the concerns.  The Thrust has a threefold movement which can either be simultaneously carried out or move at the level according to the need of the community.

(a) Go Inward

This is an introspective movement – self-examination, reviewing and renewing of one’s relationship with God and with one another.  By doing so it aims for a “conversion of heart and mind” where one becomes more convinced of one’s faith and will not be easily swayed by external influences.

How does one “go inward?”  In the Mission Statement of our archdiocese, concrete commitments are spelt out: an ongoing personal and communal renewal, a life of prayer nourished by the sacraments, and living the Word of God guided by the teachings of the Church.  Through this Mission Statement, our archdiocese (clergy, religious and laity) commit to returning to the basics – prayer, sacraments and Word of God.  To “go inward” is to get into the inner self to discover one’s true identity as a child of God with the help of prayer, sacraments and the Word of God, and live accordingly.

(b) Go Smaller

Facing the onslaught of external pressures, support from others in our faith journey is needed.  As our congregations get bigger, one can be reduced to mere statistics or number. There is a need to go smaller in order to nurture warmth and the sense of belonging to a community (e.g. BEC) for support. Go smaller may also imply reviewing our pastoral structures to make them more responsive to pastoral demands, and to optimise our resources (human and material) to make them aligned to our pastoral strategies in addressing the three critical concerns.

(c) Go Outward

Though a “little flock,” our baptismal vocation has set us apart to be “light of the world” and “salt of the earth,” to transform our society through words and deeds.  To go outward implies, among others, living our faith in our multi-religious society, involvement in social issues, caring for others outside of our circle, working with people of other faiths in addressing common issues, going beyond church boundaries, getting our hands dirty and so forth.  It is through our life witnessing that others recognise the gem of our faith and are attracted to the living Gospel in us.

“I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets,” (Francis, Evangelii Gaudium).


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Priests’ transfer in the Diocese of Penang

PENANG: In a letter to HERALD, Bishop Sebastian Francis has indicated the transfer of some priests in the Penang

Diocese effective May 1, 2017:

Msgr Henry Rajoo Parish Administrator, Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Kulim, Kedah. Msgr Henry is also the Parish Priest of the Church of St Anne, Bukit Mertajam

Fr Victor Louis Parish Administrator, Church of Christ the King, Sungai Petani, Kedah. Fr Victor is also the Parish Priest of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Butterworth.

Fr Anthony Pillai Assistant Parish Priest Church of Christ the King, Sungai Petani, Kedah.

Fr Oliver Tham OFM Assistant Parish Priest, Church of the Risen Christ, Air Itam, Penang.

Fr Maiccal Sinnappan Assistant Parish Priest, City Parish, Penang.

Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

A delegation from Cambodia visits Sacred Heart Church

A delegation from Cambodia, led by the Apostolic Vicar of Phnom Penh, visited the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (SHJ) in Jalan Peel on July 28.

Bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler MEP, aged 47, who heads the Apostolic Vicariate of Phnom Penh, together with Fr Damien MEP and Cambodian Fr Ly and their 49 Cambodian lay Catholics (aged from 25 to 60 years old) were greeted by SHJ parish priest, Fr Edwin Peter.

The entourage was on an exposure programme to Kuala Lumpur and Penang. Earlier, they paid a courtesy call to Archbishop Julian Leow, after which they visited the HIV Centre in Batu Arang, Selangor.

The visitors participated in the Chaplet and Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus prior to the 7.00pm Mass presided by Fr Edwin and concelebrated with Bishop Olivier, Fr Ly and Fr Damien.

After Mass, everyone adjourned for fellowship in the church courtyard. Joining them was Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam.

Bishop Oliver, who has been in Cambodia for 19 years, and Fr Damien, are both French. They are missionaries sent to Cambodia, under the Paris Foreign Missions Society (MEP).

After dinner, the Cambodian delgation attended a briefing by Fondacio Malaysia at the Bangunan Dominic Vandargon parish Community Centre. The briefing was about their activities, especially the Youth Leadership and Development Centre (YLDC) which aims to reach out to the poor, the migrants and the refugees. The skills provided in this programme are conversational English and Computer literacy to help them to find jobs in Kuala Lumpur.

Among the Cambodian delegation was Mr Sovanna, who is the director of the national social communication, office in Cambodia. The Cambodian delegation was in Penang July 29-30 where they attended the feast of St Anne and met with Bishop Sebastian Francis.

There are around 20,000 Catholics in Cambodia which represents only 0.15 per cent of the total population. There are no dioceses, but there are three territorial jurisdictions — one Apostolic Vicariate and two Apostolic Prefectures.

According to Bishop Olivier, there are 200 missionaries from 25 nationalities, including 10 MEP priests currently serving in Cambodia. By Bernard Anthony


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online



SIC celebrates parish feastday

This year’s Parish Feastday Triduum themed Be Disciples of Hope (Creative, Inclusive & Bridge Building), culminated with a multilingual Mass on Monday, July 31 at St Ignatius Church (SIC). The Eucharistic celebration at 8.00pm coincided with the feastday of St Ignatius of Loyola, the patron saint of SIC and founder of the Society of Jesus who passed away 461 years ago. Representatives from both English- and Mandarin-speaking Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) and ministries processed into church before the Mass started.

Fr George Harrison, parish priest from the Church of the Visitation, Seremban, was the main celebrant, with SIC parish priest Fr Andrew Wong CDD, assistant parish priest Fr Lawrence Ng CDD and Fr Francis Ng CDD as concelebrants.

In his homily, Fr George advised the parishioners to not just pray, pay and obey. They should not just be onlookers but to also serve in church ministries and BECs. They should reach out to those outside the church, such as the migrants, visit the homebound, the suffering and the sick in hospitals and build bridges with people of other faiths. They were encouraged to be active members of the Body of Christ.

At the close of Mass, Fr Wong thanked his fellow priests and organisers who had made the event a success. Thereafter, everyone was invited to a fellowship.

On July 29, the first day of the Triduum, Fr VA Michael (parish priest, Church of St Paul the Hermit, Bestari Jaya) was the main celebrant at the 6.00pm sunset Mass with a focus on healing. Parishioners had the opportunity to be prayed over for healing after the Mass. Concurrently at the Costantini Community Centre, Fr Aloysius Tan, parish priest from the Church of the Sacred Heart, Kampar, Perak, was the main celebrant at the sunset Mass for Mandarin-speaking parishioners. Fr Tan also celebrated Masses at 6.45am and 11.15am (Mandarin) July 30 during which he focused on Being Creative.

During the 8.45am Mass celebrated by Fr Alberto Irenus SJ, assistant parish priest from the Church of St Francis Xavier, Petaling Jaya, the homily was about the importance of Being Inclusive. He said that everyone is welcome in the Kingdom of God. However, in the Church, the Kingdom of God on earth, parishioners serve in ministries geared to their talents and capabilities.

Fr Gregory Chan, assistant parish priest from the Church of the Assumption, Petaling Jaya focused on Bridge Building in his homily at the 6.00pm Mass.

A movie titled Ignacio de Loyola on the life of SIC’s patron saint was screened at 8.00pm. Other activities organised as part of the Triduum included a nine-day Novena to St Ignatius, Liturgy of the Hours, and recitations of the rosary and Litany of St Ignatius.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online
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