Category Archives: Aug 2018

Fr Francis Ng CDD returns to the Lord

KUALA LUMPUR: Fr Francis Xavier Ng, CDD (aged 71) passed away on August 5, 2018 at the St Francis Xavier Home for the Elderly, Cheras.

The late Fr Ng, a religious priest from the Congregation of the Disciples of the Lord (CDD), had served in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur and the Malacca-Johore Diocese.

A ‘son’ of Air Salak, Melaka, Fr Ng had his early education at the Catholic Primary and Catholic Secondary Schools in Melaka. In 1967, he applied to join the CDD and left for Taiwan a year later for training as a novice.

He then commenced studies at St Thomas Seminary in Taipei from 1969 to 1974. During this time, he underwent studies in Philosophy and Theology at the Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan.

In 1974, he took his perpetual vows as a CDD and was ordained priest in the same year on Nov 30.

Upon his return to Malaysia, he was appointed as Parish Priest of the Church of St Ignatius, Petaling Jaya (also known then as Sg Way Chapel) in 1975. Fr Ng was instrumental in the building of the new Church of St Ignatius in Taman Mayang which was officially opened on 3rd November 1988.

In 1990, he left for Rome to pursue his studies in Spirituality at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas.

Having completed his studies, Fr Ng returned to Malaysia and began his tenure with the Malacca-Johore Diocese where he served as Assistant Parish Priest of both the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart and the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Johor Bahru from March 1996 to Feb 1998.

He was then sent to Melaka as the Parish Priest of the Church of St Francis Xavier, a post he held from Feb 1998 to 2003. During this time, he was also in charge of the Good Shepherd Seminary, Melaka until 2013. After his retirement Fr Ng returned to Petaling Jaya and took up residence in the CDD Provincial House.

After a one-month stay at the hospital, he went to recuperate at the St Francis Xavier Home for the Elderly, where he eventually passed away.

The late Fr Ng leaves behind two older brothers, two older sisters (Sr Agnes and Sr Paula — both of whom are IJ nuns) and a younger sister.

The body lay in state from Monday, Aug 6 to Wed Aug 8 at the Church of St Ignatius. After the Mass, the cortege left for the Church of St Mary, Melaka, where Mass was celebrated at 8.30pm.

The Funeral Mass was on Thursday Aug 8 at 10.00am. He was buried at the cemetery behind the Church of St Mary.

Source: Chancery Notice KL Archdiocese (chan/MC/Obit02/2018)


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Sharing God’s love with friends in need

An outreach programme was held on Aug 4, 2018 to share God’s love with the underprivileged.

The programme was held at the Church of St John Marie Vianney by a group of KL Catholics in collaboration with the parish Society of St Vincent De Paul (SSVP), where 20 of their adoptees – ‘Friends In Need’ (FIN) were present.

Parish Priest Fr Peter Anthoney addressed the assembly and welcomed everyone. He spoke about St John Vianney who gave his money to help the poor.

After the talk, indoor games were held for the FIN group who had an enjoyable time, with many winning prizes. After lunch, the KL Group sang two hymns, in English and one in Bahasa Malaysia to entertain the FIN.

Some 355kg of provisions were also given to the FIN in the Outreach. The closing prayer asked for God’s protection, especially for the FIN, and brought the programme to a close.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Assumption of Mary : Day of Obligation

Today’s feast celebrates Mary’s Assumption into heaven. It is one of the four feasts that are Holy Days of Obligation for Catholics in Malaysia. The assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven has long been held as an important Catholic belief. The belief was not defined as dogma, however, until 1950 by Pope Pius XII. The dogma teaches that Mary, who was without sin, was taken, body and soul, into the glory of heaven.

The Gospel for this holy day recalls Mary’s actions after the announcement of Jesus’ birth by the Angel Gabriel. Mary goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth who is also with child. Elizabeth greets Mary with full recognition of the roles they and their unborn children will play in God’s plan for salvation. Mary responds to Elizabeth’s greeting with her song of praise, the Magnificat. Both women recall and echo God’s history of showing favour upon the people of Israel. Mary’s Magnificat, in particular, echoes the song of praise offered by Hannah, the mother of Samuel.

The Gospel for this day reminds us that Mary’s Assumption into heaven is best understood with regard for the full spectrum of Catholic beliefs about the person of Christ and the person of Mary. Only Mary, who was born without stain of original sin—the Immaculate Conception—could give birth to Christ, who is fully God and fully human. This is called the Immaculate Conception. Because of Mary’s role in God’s plan of salvation, she does not suffer from the effects of sin, which are death and decay. Mary is the first to receive the fullness of the redemption that her son has won for all of humanity. The Church, therefore, recognises Mary as the sign of the salvation promised to all.

Today’s Gospel highlights Mary’s faith. Mary’s faith enabled her to recognise the work of God in her people’s history and in her own life. Her openness to God allowed God to work through her so that salvation might come to all. Mary is a model and symbol of the Church. May we be like Mary, open and cooperative in God’s plan of salvation.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Second Sook lad ordained Priest

SOOK: Holy Spirit Parish here hosted the priestly ordination ceremony for its second son on 11 Aug 2018. The first ordinand was Father Bonaventure Unting in 2001.

Some 3000 faithful turned up for the ordination ceremony of Deacon David Richard Gasikol, 33, officiated by Bishop Cornelius Piong.

Among the invited guests were his classmates – five priests and two deacons –  from Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching as well as his mother, siblings, and relatives.

In his address after the Mass, Bp Cornelius urged the neo-ordained to remain obedient after his ordination for he has observed that many priests turn “sombong” or proud after ordination.  One can only be obedient if one has humility of heart.

Born in Sook on 29 June 1985, the neo-ordained entered the aspirancy at the Catholic Archdiocesan Centre Penampang in 2010.  After a year at the Initial Formation House in Kota Kinabalu in 2011, he went on for his philosophical and theological studies at St Peter’s College Kuching from 2012 – 2017.

After ordination, the neo-ordained remains posted at the Katedral St Francis Xavier Keningau where he has been assigned since his diaconal ordination early this year.  He is also the spiritual advisor to the Keningau Diocesan Social Communications Commission.

Sook, 148 km from Kota kinabalu,  is a small town and district located in the Interior Division. It serves as a timber and agricultural town as well as a transit town for motorists travelling from Keningau to Tawau via the Keningau-Sook-Sapulut-Kalabakan-Tawau road.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

MOT holds meeting to launch SYD-5

PENAMPANG: Members of the main organising team held a two-day meeting to launch the 5th Sabah Youth Day (SYD-5) on 5-6 Aug 2018 at the Bamboo House Riverside Kampung Notoruss here.

The 13 participants represented the Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese and the Dioceses of Keningau and Sandakan.

The theme of the SYD-5 will be “I am the handmaid of the Lord; let what you have said be done to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38).

The gathering was a time for prayer, reflection and brainstorming on enfleshing the rationale and objectives of the youth event in countering the issues brought up in the March 2018 meeting at Pace Bene Papar.

The objectives of SYD-5 are threefold:  1) bringing the youth to celebrate their Catholic faith; 2) helping the youth to follow Mother Mary in obeying the call of God; 3) strengthening the youth to become witnesses to Christ in this millennium.

The Main Organising Team (MOT) together with Father Joshua Liew and Father David Garaman paid a courtesy call on Archbishop John Wong at his office on Aug 7.

Franciscan Sister Dora Obod, as SYD5 coordinator, presented the rationale, objectives and progress report to the prelate.  In response, the prelate expressed his support for the programme presented.

The launching of SYD5 will be at Holy Trinity Tawau on 22-24 Feb 2019, followed by the Journey of the Youth Cross and Marian Icon across Sabah until the culmination in 2020 at St Joseph Papar / Holy Rosary Limbahau.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Tawau lass returns to serve as local superior for the third time

Sr Maggie (2nd from L) replaces Sr Christine Sundin (4th from L) as superior of the Daughters of St Paul Kota Kinabalu for term 2018-2021.  The other sisters are Sr Laura Angie (L), Sr Jennifer (3rd from L), Postulang Aemy Soo and Postulant Laurin Devi (partially hidden) in a photo taken on the occasion of Sr Laura’s final profession in Tambunan in 2016.

KOTA KINABALU – Tawau lass Sister Magdalene Chong returned to serve as local superior of the Daughters of St Paul here for the third time.

Sr Maggie – as she is fondly known as – was appointed to head the local community by Provincial Superior Sister Delia Abian on 15 Aug 2018.

Born in Tawau in 1956, Sr Maggie entered the Daughters of St Paul in Petaling Jaya in 1979.  A year later she went to the Philippines for her formation.  She made her first profession in 1984 and took her final vows in 1990.

She served as superior in the KK community from 2001-2004 and from 2004-2006.  She was assigned to Petaling Jaya after 22 years in Sabah in July 2017 but has now been recalled to Sabah to serve as superior for a third term 2018-2021.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Telupid youth organise second night of praise concert

The organisers pose for the camera after the youth concert, 27 July 2018, St Martin Parish Hall Telupid.

TELUPID – The youth of St Martin here organised a second night of praise concert at the parish hall on 27 July 2018.

It was organised jointly with the Telupid Event Management after two years of the inaugural concert.

Around 300 people attended the event including Father Jasery Gabuk,  Father Stanley Matakim,  parents, the Infinite Worship Band, and youth from other denominations.

It began with a welcoming address from organising chairperson Fettwinda Sipaan who thanked all those who came in support of the event.

In his turn, Fr Stanley urged those present to support the youth in all their activities before saying the opening prayer.

The concert was divided into First Wave (five songs) and Second Wave (seven songs) led by Infinite Worship Band of Kuala Penyu.

The objective of the concert was to invite the youth to be actively involved in church ministry and activities with the support of their parents.

The youth were given time before the concert proper to practise the different musical instruments and to sing the various songs of praise.

The event closed with a prayer-blessing from Fr Jasery who said he was delighted with the turnout of the concert.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

400 KSFX wardens attend recollection

KENINGAU: Some 400 wardens of Katedral St Francis Xavier attended a parish-level recollection at St John Biah on 28 July 2018.

The theme of the recollection was “Recognising others through Christ.”

In his homily at the opening Mass, Father Bonaventure Unting touched on the importance of the wardens’ ministry in welcoming and helping the parishioners to be part of the worshipping community.  He also touched on teamwork and hoped the participants would take the time given for personal reflection.

After Mass, Patrick Marius gave a talk on ethics and spiritual life of a warden followed by another talk by Severinus Jaitin on the role and responsibility of a warden.

The next recollection will be hosted by Toboh Baru Zone in 2019.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Mission schools behind Sarawak’s success, says CM

Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Openg has given his assurance that the state government will continue to support and assist the development of Christian mission schools in Sarawak.

He credited Sarawak’s success story to the alumni of mission schools.

He said they have gone on to become the ‘who’s who’ of society, such as top political leaders, successful entrepreneurs, captains of industry and civil servants.

He cited, by way of example, Sarawak Governor Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud, former chief ministers Pehin Sri Adenan Satem and Tan Sri Stephen Kalong Ningkan, former deputy chief ministers Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang and Datuk Seri Daniel Tajem, as well as himself.

“They are the movers and shakers of Sarawak’s economic progress and development of the past, present and future,” Abang Johari said at the 170th anniversary of St Mary’s School.

He added that he hopes mission schools will continue to play an important role in Sarawak’s educational landscape as well as mould younger generations in a positive way.

Abang Johari also praised mission schools for their proud tradition, academic excellence and all-round commitment to producing citizens with an outstanding character and sense of discipline.

On St Mary’s School itself, the chief minister said it has always been regarded as a premier institution, a school of excellence and the pride of Sarawak.

“It is not just a school, but also an institution in its own right for its legacy and contributions to the community and society,” he said, adding it is a recipient of Anugerah Harapan Negara 2005, Anugerah Khas Ketua Menteri 2010, Cluster School of Excellence Award 2014, 2015 and 2016 and one of the three High Performing Schools in the state.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Opposition MPs still harping on racial, religious politics

KUALA LUMPUR: The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Nga Kor Ming, on Aug 6, chided Opposition lawmakers for still resorting to race and religious politics during the 14th Parliament sittings.

In an interview with Malay daily Utusan Malaysia on his new role, Nga expressed his disappointment, particularly with the Opposition lawmakers for employing below the belt tactics when speaking during debates.

“From this aspect, it is disappointing, particularly concerning the opposition bench; many are bringing up old issues while playing the race and religious card which, to me, is not healthy,” he was quoted saying.

Acknowledging Islam as the official religion according to the Federal Constitution, Nga added the constitution also allowed for other religions to be freely practised.

“That is why I have advised the MPs and they must understand that they were elected and supported by voters of several ethnic backgrounds. Not one of the 222 parliamentary seats are made up of 100 per cent of one race, they are all multiracial,” Nga was quoted in the daily.

He then advised the representatives, of which 90 are first time MPs, to debate issues in the House from the perspective of a Malaysian, and not from a narrow point of view.

“They must also understand and be aware that their arguments must be based on facts, statistics not blank rhetoric,” he added, referring to the MPs.

“They must also keep to their promise and oath, and never forget that Parliament is a place from the people, to serve the people, operated by the people,” he added.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online
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