Category Archives: Dec 2017

Change of directors formally announced at IY Closing

The 21 aspirants (standing) and eight IY seminarians (front) pose with the concelebrants after the Mass marking the end of the Academic Year, 14 Dec 2017.

KOTA KINABALU – The change of directors of both initiation formation houses was formally announced at the closing of the Academic Year of Aspirants and Initiation Year (IY) on 14 Dec 2017.

Archbishop John Wong announced this in his speech at the fellowship after the Mass at the IY Formation House here.

Father Mattheus Luta takes over from Father Rayner Bisius as IY Director while Father Joshua Liew replaces Father Wilfred Atin as Aspirants Director with effect from 1 January 2018.

In his speech, Abp Wong thanked those who had helped in one way or another in the formative journey of the aspirants and seminarians.

He exhorted the students to appreciate the formation they had received in the course of the year and hoped it will be useful as they go on their formative journey.

In his final address to the formands,  Fr Atin told them to entrust their lives to God as “they cannot do it alone.”

Fr Rayner gave a similar message and said he enjoyed his time with them.

Abp Wong presided at the Mass concelebrated with the incoming and outgoing directors, as well as with Father Paul Lo (lecturer), and Father Thomas Madanan (spiritual director).

Dinner followed at the square but due to the rainy weather, it was moved to the dining hall.

The event closed with the formands serenading the guests with Christmas carols after the presentation of tokens to the teachers, lecturers, and benefactors



Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


Tawau – Pada 28 November 2017 yang lalu, seramai 25 orang tim penganjur Youth Leader’s Camp (YLC) 6 telah menghadiri sesi komunikasi dan fasilitasi yang disampaikan oleh Sr. Maria Dipal, rgs.

Sesi ini dimulakan dengan satu games sebagai pembuka acara. Kemudiannya diikuti dengan doa dan “Jelly Bean Party”. Tim telah dibahagikan kepada empat kumpulan dan masing – masing diberikan tempat untuk acara “Jelly Bean Party” ini. Dalam aktiviti ini, setiap seorang ahli diberikan peranan yang perlu dilaksanakan di sepanjang “party” tersebut.

Antara peranan – peranan yang diberikan adalah seorang yang pendiam dan tidak suka bergaul, seorang yang suka mengumpul warna gula-gula yang digemari, seorang yang cuba untuk mengumpulkan ahli-ahli untuk berdoa dan mencuci tangan sebelum makan dan seterusnya.

Sr. Maria kemudianya mengongsikan kepentingannya untuk mempunyai komunikasi yang baik, dan untuk mencapainya, setiap individu terlebih dahulu perlu melihat tahap kesedaran diri didalam diri mereka masing – masing. Dengan adanya kesedaran diri ini, seseorang individu itu boleh menilai sesuatu perkara dengan baik, dan melahirkan corak komunikasi dengan baik.
Sesi diteruskan dengan “My Relationship Map”. Sesi ini sangat membantu ahli tim penganjur untuk melihat lebih dalam komunikasi antara sesama, samada baik, tegang, kurang berkomunikasi dan langsung tidak berkomunikasi. Setiap ahli tim diajak untuk membuat peta hubungan antara sesama dan melabelkan setiap hubungan itu dengan empat perkara diatas, baik, tegang, kurang berkomunikasi dan langsung tidak berkomunikasi. Selesai sahaja peta komunikasi mereka ini, Sr. Maria menjemput mereka untuk bertemu dengan ahli – ahli lain dan menerangkan corak komunikasi antara mereka. Ini merupakan aktiviti atau langkah yang baik agar jurang diantara ahli tim penganjur dapat dikenal pasti, diakui dan mencuba untuk memperbaikinya.
Tidak dinafikan berjalan sebagai satu tim itu rumit dan penuh cabaran kerana keperibadian yang unik dan kepelbagaian latar belakang. Selain itu ego dan cemburu juga boleh menjadi racun kepada pelayanan tim dan boleh menimbulkan ahli – ahli yang berpuak – puak. Ini disebabkan, masing – masing belum mengenal antara satu dengan lain dan bertemu hanya untuk melaksanakan tugasan dan tidak melanjutkan pertemuan sebagai satu pertemuan persahabatan.
Pengerusi Tim Kerasulan Belia Paroki Tawau, Roland Matthew, menyampaikan token penghargaan kepada Sr. Maria Dipal, rgs

Program bersama Sr. Maria Dipal,rgs diakhiri dengan sesi rekonsilasi – mencuci kaki atau tangan teman – teman seperjuangan dalam pelayanan terutama sekali pelayanan dalam penganjuran YLC yang ke 6. Meskipun masa sangat terhad, namun peserta – peserta program ini diharapkan dapat mendapat manfaat untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin belia menurut Yesus Kristus.

Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan

Advent: Bringing the joy of Christmas to the underprivileged families

Sandakan: Instead of shopping each day in December, there’s a way to enjoy advent weeks while helping others. At that point, there are numerous charities in every parish with their own initiative to give a helping hand for those who are in need of love and joy in preparation for the coming Christmas. Last year, the Star of Yahweh Covenant Community had done their charity work with the same underprivileged families and this year, on 10thDecember, once again they did the same act of kindness by inviting other church members to make their action advent by bringing the joy of Christmas to these families. It was a lovely, communal way for them to gather and donate to people in need.


“It also helps us to prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus Christ by showing our charity to people in genuine need. Though this advent action is just a small act of kindness, it adds up a great difference for vulnerable people,” said SYCC elder Bro. Philip Mosinoh.

According to Bro. Michael Lai, it is in giving that the true meaning of Christmas becomes a reality. This advent is a time for JOY (Jesus – Others – You). It means Jesus first, others are second, and last is yourself!

As the members came bringing the goodies and some clothing donations to their homes,  the joy and happiness clearly shown in each one of the children’s faces. When they were asked why they are so happy, spontaneously and joyfully they said in Malay, “Sebab Hari Krismas” (Because it is Christmas).

Indeed, it made a huge difference to those receiving the gifts and clothes, but likewise also to those giving. Obviously, a mere spoonful of forethought on Jesus’ coming can turn this Advent into action. Hence, an absolutely “joyful hope” shared with others through a humble  preparation for the second coming of Christ

Distributing goodies to the children


Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan

Christmas Mass Schedule , Sabah Kota Kinabalu

Christmas Mass Schedule


Church Christmas EveSun Dec 24 Christmas Day   Mon Dec 25
Sacred Heart Cathedral 6:00 pm Mass (BM)8:30 pm Cantata

9:30 pm Mass (EN)

7:00 am (CH)9:00 am (EN)

10:45 am (BM)

Church of Mary Immaculate 7:30 pm (CH) 9:00 am (EN)
Carmelite Chapel 7:30 pm (EN) 7:00 am (EN)
St Paul Dontozidon 7:30 pm (KD) 8:30 am (KD)
OLQP Kobusak 7:30 pm (KD) 10:30 am (KD)
St John Kopungit 9:30 pm (KD) 10:45 am (KD)
St Simon Likas 7:30 pm (EN) 8:30 am (EN)
Stella Maris Tg Aru 8 pm (EN) 7:30 am (EN)10:00 am (BM)
St Peter Claver Ranau 7:15 pm (BM) 8:00 am (BM/EN)


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Groundbreaking ceremony marks commencement of new Catholic Centre construction

Archbishop John Wong (with stole), assisted by Fr Cosmas Lee, officiates the rite of blessing before the groundbreaking ceremony on site of new Catholic Centre Karamunsing, 13 Dec 2017, witnessed by representatives of the clergy, religious, parishes, consultants, building and fundraising committees.

KOTA KINABALU – The groundbreaking ceremony marking the commencement of the construction of the new Catholic Centre here took place on 13 Dec 2017.

Archbishop John Wong officiated the rite of blessing of the site, assisted by Father Cosmas Lee, the project supervisor.

After the blessing, the archbishop proceeded to do the groundbreaking by using an excavator, assisted by John Voo, the contractor for the demolition and site preparation works.

On hand to witness the ceremony were some 35 representatives from the clergy, religious, parishes, consultants, and the building and fundraising committees.

The demolition began on Nov 29 and is scheduled to be completed by 9 Jan 2018.

An open tender for the piling works has been called for and the piling will begin sometime in January 2018.

The building project is scheduled to be completed within 16 months, probably by mid-2019.

At the press conference held after the ceremony,  Fr Lee as well as Willie Wong, head of the fundraising committee, said funding for the project is from the Catholic Community organised into 21 parishes, from state and federal grants, and from generous individuals.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Sandakan covenant community brings early Christmas joy to the less fortunate

SANDAKAN – Members of the Star of Yahweh Covenant Community brought early Christmas joy to the less fortunate on 10 Dec 2017.

“It also helps us to prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus Christ by showing our charity to people in genuine need. Though this advent action is just a small act of kindness, it adds up a great difference for vulnerable people,” said SYCC elder Philip Mosinoh.

As the members came bringing the goodies and some clothing donations to their homes,  the joy and happiness clearly shown on the children’s faces. When they were asked why they are so happy, spontaneously and joyfully they said in Malay, “Sebab Hari Krismas” (Because it is Christmas). – S Cordova, sandakan newsupdate


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Parishioners mark Fr Lo’s 12th anniversary as priest

Abp Wong (L) affirms the honouree Fr Lo (R) on his 12th anniversary breakfast at Sacred Heart Parish Canteen, 7 Dec 2017.

KOTA KINABALU – Parishioners here marked the 12th priestly anniversary of Father Paul Lo at different times.

While morning Massgoers at the Sacred Heart Cathedral here organised a breakfast for him on Thursday, 7 Dec 2017, those in the Church of Mary Immaculate gave him an early lunch on Sunday, Dec 10, the actual day of his anniversary.

On both occasions, Fr Lo thanked the organisers for their kind gestures and asked them to continue to pray for him and his ministry.

Archbishop John Wong was present on both occasions to affirm the 44-year-old priest who took up his post as assistant pastor at the cathedral parish on Sept 1 this year.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Kota Belud flooded

Let us pray for all affected by the flood in Kota Belud and for the rain to cease. It has been raining non-stop since 11 Dec 2017.  Kota Belud is located roughly at the midpoint of the federal highway connecting Kota Kinabalu and Kudat.  The parish is St Edmund Parish under the pastoral care of Father Ambrose Atang and Father Florian Marcus.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Cathedral parish organises Chinese faith-formation morning camp for students

The 35 participants pose for remembrance in their visit to the Social Communications Office on 4 Dec 2017.  Earlier they had a session with the aspirants.  The visit was part of the formation camp held at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre Dec 4-9.

KOTA KINABALU – Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish here organised a fun-filled faith formation camp for Chinese-speaking students aged 6-18 on 4-9 Dec 2017.

In its fourth year, the morning camp organised by the Chinese community was held at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre.

The 150 participants were divided into age groups for the learning activities.

For the primary school pupils, they learnt about the Holy Spirit, Jesus, Mary, the 12 Apostles and they had a field trip to the KKIP Divine Mercy Church.

For the teens, they had sessions on the different vocations in life: priesthood, religious life, single life, marriage as well as a handicraft workshop on the gift of self.  They had field trips to the Aspirants Formation House Penampang and to the Daughters of St Paul Convent Karamunsing.  They also toured the archdiocesan offices.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

CAC staff carry out Advent visit to migrant community

Franciscan Sister Anita Lintanga enjoys her session with the children, 11 Dec 2017, Kg Sinulihan Inanam.

KOTA KINABALU – Ten staff members of the Catholic Archdiocesan Centre Penampang – Group 4 – carried out their Advent visit to a migrant community on 11 Dec 2017.

They visited the Indonesian migrant community at Kg Sinulihan Inanam, around 30-minute drive from the state capital.

The staff were divided into three squads: one to conduct activities for the children, and the other two to visit the families around the village, particularly the sick and the homebound.

Many of the families come from Kg Larantuka Flores and Toraja Sumatra.  Some of them found work in the factories in the vicinity.  Most of them live in rented wooden houses in the village, with rentals ranging from RM170.00 to RM200.00 per month.

The Catholics in the village are under the pastoral care of Peter Boli, a catechist serving at Sacred Heart Cathedral Karamunsing.

The staff distributed gifts and foodstuff to the children and families and enjoyed a fellowship lunch with those present at Boli’s house.

The other three groups will make their visits in other areas on the following dates: Group 1 to visit Kg Kolopis & Kg Babagon on Dec 19; Group 2 to visit the palliative care patients at Queen Elizabeth Hospital as well as the sister of Abp Emeritus John Lee in Manggatal on Dec 12; and Group 3 to visit four families in Kg Sugud Penampang  on Dec 12.

The staff have decided to make this an annual programme during the Year of Mercy in 2016.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu
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