Category Archives: Dec 2017

CMI celebrates fiesta with a light spirit in spite of inclement weather

BUKIT PADANG – The Church of Mary Immaculate (CMI) here celebrated its annual fiesta with a light spirit in spite of the inclement weather on 9 Dec 2017.

Archbishop John Wong presided at the Mandarin Mass concelebrated with Abp Emeritus John Lee.

The Mass was preceded by an entrance procession with the wardens carrying the statue of the Blessed Mother from the chapel to the main church.

Over 200 people took part in the fellowship meal at the canteen after the Mass.

Invited guests included representives from Sacred Heart Cathedral Karamunsing, St Simon Likas, St Paul Dontozidon, Our Lady Queen of Peace Kobusak, and some religious sisters.

The Boys Brigade was on hand to entertain the diners with some carols.

Earlier, over 60 people turned up for the triduum of prayer held in preparation for the fiesta Dec 6-8 at CMI.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

St Simon Likas hosts annual reunion of Mary’s Legionaries

The legionaries pose for remembrance at the end of the reunion, 9 Dec 2017, St Simon Hall Likas.

LIKAS – St Simon here hosted the annual reunion of the Legion of Mary on 9 Dec 2017 at its parish hall.

The Annual General Reunion (AGR) is one of the activities decreed by the Legion in which all members come together for prayer and fellowship on a day nearest to Dec 8, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

The spirit of Mary is a spirit of joy. It is the spirit of the Magnificat, the Legion Anthem. How are they going to recruit new members if they are not genuinely happy and joyful? How are they going to convince people of the Good News if they go around as if they were overwhelmed with bad news? Saints are not glum and neither are apostolic men and women.

Father Cosmas Lee welcomed some 80 participants from the different praesidia in the archdiocese and encouraged them to enjoy their fellowship.

Organised by the Kota Kinabalu Comitium, the event featured prayer (rosary, catena) led by Good Shepherd Sister Teresa Chye, games, lucky draws, and dancing.

It ended with lunch for all.

The KK Chinese Curia has its own AGR at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Karamunsing on Dec 10.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Korean community has accepted three local vocations as postulants

Sabah’s first three postulants for the Korean institute R-L: Chaistten James of Penampang, Walter Martin of Kiulu, and Jefson Richard of Sook pose for the camera, 8 Dec 2017, Pace Bene Purak.

KOTA KINABALU – The Korean religious institute Societas Sancti Trinitas (Clerical Society of the Most Holy Trinity) of Mirinae South Korea has accepted three local vocations as postulants.

The trio – Chaistten James of Penampang, 28; Walter Martin of Kiulu, 28; and Jefson Richard of Sook, 20 – left for South Korea for their formation on 10 Dec 2017.

Initial formation entails a two-year postulancy and a two-year novitiate before first profession, and three years of juniorate before final profession, after which the candidates will either opt to be ordained or remain as Brothers.

The institute runs Woori Jib (Tokou Hamin=Our Home), St Francis Xavier Home Potuki for children at Kg Patikar Jalan Papar-Penampang since 2016 under  Father Leo Choi Sangki.

The home, run and financed by the Clerical Society was the brainchild of Fr Leo Choi Sangki, who saw the need to build a home for needy orphans in the state after serving the Korean community here in the last ten years or so. He is the spiritual director, project consultant and architect of Hamin Tokou Sabah projects.

The home is named after St Francis Xavier, the patron of the missions, and Father Francis Xavier Tjeong, who founded the society in 1976.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


Holy Trinity Parish Tawau: The 6-day, house-to-house, Christmas carolling of Holy Trinity Parish shall kick off on Sunday, 10th December and ends on Friday, 15th December. This year around, there are 11 carolling groups from the main church and 12 groups from the BECs. The annual event is the combined effort of all communities from the four languages and other groups in the church.


A short recollection was held on the 3rd December, at 11.30am to 1.20pm, organized by the Home Carolling Committee. A Catechesis entitled “PREPARE YOUR HEART TO RECEIVE OUR SAVIOUR AND SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS” in preparation for the house-to-house carolling was then given by Julita Kantod. The short recollection was well attended by some 200 carollers together with cluster coordinators and the carolling committee. Basically, the input shared provided the carollers to prepare themselves first, spiritually and mentally, as heralds in bringing the Good News to our neighbours and friends. It was also an opportunity for them to understand and reflect on the mystery and deeper meaning of Christmas.

The Catechesis began with an open question to reflect: “Why do you believe in Christmas and what do you believe in it?”  In her message, she encouraged them to come to a time of Advent, a time for a spiritual preparation for the coming of our saviour Jesus Christ. “Every day is an Advent”, she continued “and Christ will be revealed when He comes again. Indeed, it is a mystery; it requires faith to believe”. “Christmas is not about all the “celebration” itself, but as Christians, we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, the Son of God. Knowing that a God came down to man through Mary should fill our hearts and homes with love, joy and peace of our Saviour.” she said. Christmas and the Nativity will be meaningful in that perspective.

“With an honest and humble preparation, especially during this recollection, one will experience a conversion of the heart where Christ can make His room with us and in our family” she added. She then concluded her input by wishing everyone “happy carolling” and encouraged them to become His good instruments in spreading the Good News which all began with a proper spiritual preparation.

The catechesis ended with some words of encouragement from Andrew Kiat, the Chairman of the Home Carolling Program, as well as the PPC Chairperson, followed by announcements and a closing prayer.


Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan


Retret Centre, Ulu Dusun Sandakan – Satu seminar kemahiran telah dijalankan pada 17hb sehingga 19hb November 2017. Kem ini telah dianjurkan oleh Komiti Katekatikal Paroki St. Dominic Lahad Datu. Seminar yang telah disertai oleh 31 orang peserta terdiri daripada 12 peserta dari Paroki Beluran, 9 peserta dari Paroki Lahad Datu, 8 orang dari Paroki Telupid dan 2 peserta dari Paroki Sandakan. Kesemua sesi di dalam kem kemahiran ini telah dikendalikan oleh Sister Evelin Tivit dan dibantu oleh Sister Martina.

Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan adalah menyiapkan puzzle, meneka silang kata, melukis tapak tangan, mereka cipta burung merpati dan banyak lagi. Semua aktiviti ini adalah berpandukan kepada 4 sakramen iaitu Pembaptisan, Penguatan, Ekaristi dan Rekonsiliasi.

Objektif kem kemahiran ini adalah untuk memberi idea-idea baru kepada para pembimbing bagaimana untuk mengelola kem Penyambutan dan Penguatan di paroki masing-masing. Disamping itu, kem ini membolehkan para pembimbing untuk saling mengongsikan pengalaman mereka dalam pembangunan iman bersama. Melalui aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah dijalankan dalam kem ini, para pembimbing dapat menambah cara baru pembelajaran tentang iman yang lebih menarik dan praktikal di paroki mereka masing-masing.

Di akhir kem, semua pembimbing telah menyediakan laporan perancangan mereka untuk kem penyambutan dan penguatan di tempat mereka masing-masing.

Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan

Inter-Faith groups stand united against violence on Women and Children

Leaders of the major inter-faith groups in Malaysia are calling on all Malaysians irrespective of race or creed to work vigorously against human trafficking and violence against women and children.

“We must overcome our indifference and ignorance to safeguard the respect for human life. We must engage in dialogue with one another to raise awareness and play a bigger role in eradicating this widespread abuse of human rights,” said Datuk RS Mohan Shan, President of Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST).

The MCCBCHST in collaboration with Good Shepherd Services (GSS) officially launched a 16 Days of Activism campaign: Orange the World Say No to Violence Against Women and Children on November 25, with a booklet entitled ’16 Days of Reflection for the Nation’.

As a continuum to the Inter-Faith Joint Declaration Against Human Trafficking signed by the inter-faith leaders this year on 30 July, the Orange the World campaign was a collaborative effort between GSS and MCCBCHST to raise public awareness and to call Malaysians of all faiths to reflect and take action to end violence against women and children.

“Today, on an ‘Orange’ day marked by the United Nations to end violence, we gather here again to take on the next step in our battle against trafficking. Today becomes significant because we chose to come together in solidarity to make a difference in our world. We stand united in hope to create a world where women and children are safe and where everyone has the same freedom and dignity,” said Datuk Mohan in his speech which was delivered on his behalf by MCCBCHST Exco member Venerable Sing Kan.

Conceptualised by GSS, the ‘16 Days of Reflection for the Nation’ booklet is designed to be a resource for awareness, reflection and action during the 16-day period commencing from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day).

“This inspirational booklet provides us with a glimpse inside the maze of human trafficking. Each of the 16 articles tells a story that speaks powerfully of the violence, trauma and grief experienced by survivors and advocates,” said Ms Chin Poh Choo, Executive Director of GSS.

Archbishop Julian Leow who is the Deputy President of MCCBCHST expressed his joy at seeing how the commitment of each inter-faith group remained firm in standing united to uphold the fundamental human rights and dignity of individuals. He urged the members to reflect on what they could do as a faith community in creating awareness among their respective congregations, on what action could be taken to help the victims and more importantly what can be done to prevent such incidents of human trafficking and violence against women and children from happening in the first place.

“We all know that we have to do much more to respond to the cries for justice of women and children who have suffered violence. We have to do much more to end these horrible abuses and the impunity that allows these human rights violations to continue.

“If we work together, then we can be part of the answer to our country’s response to this heinous crime and create a society in which no woman or child will live in fear or violence and every child will grow up knowing he or she is safe,” added Archbishop Leow.

On hand to share their experiences in encountering human trafficking victims were ASP Jimrey Hillary Chukan from the ‘Anti-Trafficking in Persons’ Unit of Polis DiRaja Malaysia, journalist Elroi Yee, who was part of a team that was instrumental in uncovering a trafficking ring preying on vulnerable youth and Good Shepherd nun, Sr Laurina Loh.

During the launch the leaders were led to a ‘Tree of Hope’ where each one lit up an orange candle representing the fire of hope that needs to be kept alive and vibrant through the commitments made by them. The leaders and guests were then invited to ‘Orange the World’ by writing a message of hope, a declaration of solidarity, a pledge to action or a prayer on an orange piece of paper and sticking it on the map of the world hanging on the wall.

The component groups of the Christian Federation of Malaysia, i.e. Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia, Council of Churches of Malaysia and National Evangelical Christian Fellowship have also collaborated with GSS on a similar booklet entitled ‘16 Days of Prayer for the Nation’ which was distributed to the respective churches. In his foreword, Archbishop Leow said that as a community called to liberate all who are oppressed, the Church’s imperative is to be involved in the liberation of these victims from a culture of violence and exploitation to fullness of life and communion.

“To fulfil its prophetic role, the Church needs to rise up in unity to comfort the afflicted and be an agent of church, said Archbishop Leow as he urged the faithful to pray, reflect and take action to end violence against women and children in all forms.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Nunciature oratory blessed and opened

KUALA LUMPUR (Herald Malaysia): The Oratory at the Apostolic Nunciature in Malaysia was officially blessed and opened by His Excellency Archbishop Angelo Becciu, Substitute of the Secretariat of State, November 24.

Archbishop Becciu was the principal celebrant at the Eucharistic celebration. Concelebrating with him were Archbishop Joseph Marino, Apostolic Nuncio to Malaysia and Bishop Sebastian Francis, President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei (CBCMSB).

In his opening remarks, Archbishop Marino thanked the Holy Father for sending the chalice and paten, gifts from the Pope to the Apostolic Nunciature in Malaysia.

He said, “Each time we visit this chapel we will offer the Mass for the Holy Father and will keep him in our prayers.”

He told Archbishop Becciu to inform the Holy Father that the Church in Malaysia and Brunei is full of love for Christ and very united with the Holy Father.

In response, Archbishop Becciu said he would bring these greetings and prayers to the Holy Father when they meet in Myanmar.

The Mass commenced with the blessing and sprinkling of holy water on the people by Archbishop Becciu.

In his homily, Archbishop Becciu, speaking on the Gospel of the day said our Lord told Saint Peter that he was the rock on which He would build his Church and that the gates of hell shall not prevail against her.

He said it was significant that Jesus pointed to the future where the Church here was to become a part of that future.

He said, “By God’s grace, in our own days, the vibrant life of the Christian community in this country is fulfilling the Lord’s promise in a wonderful way.”

He said St Peter, the “rock” on which our Lord built his Church, an ordinary simple fisherman. Peter knew himself and he protested his own weakness to Jesus. Nor do the Gospels hide it: they speak of his crippling fear in the storm, his refusal to let Christ wash his feet, and his threefold denial of the Lord in the hours before the crucifixion.

In a particular way, Archbishop Becciu said, the Bishops, in union with Peter’s Successor in Rome, are called to be a visible sign of God’s rock-like presence in the Universal Church and in each of their particular Churches.

Archbishop Becciu said if there were times when we wanted to protest our weakness to Christ, as Peter did, we must trust in the Lord’s unshakable promise to be with us always, to strengthen us in our mission as heralds of the Gospel and as shepherds of God’s faithful people.

He said, “The chapel we dedicate today is Peter’s house; it symbolises your unity and that of your local Churches with the Holy Father, whose ministry, as the successor of Peter, makes him the visible foundation and principle of the Church’s unity in faith: Petrus, ibi Ecclesia.”

He called on all to pray that the chapel and house, including all those who work and dwell here, will always be a sign of the Holy Father’s ministry of service to our communion in the Catholic Church.

“May this chapel, as the heart of the new Nunciature, be a source of spiritual light and strength to the Nuncio and his co-workers in their daily efforts to share with Peter’s Successor the challenges as well as the joys experienced by God’s People in your respective dioceses, and to transmit, in turn, the Holy Father’s pastoral concern and encouragement,” he said.

“In this way,” he said, “the presence of the Nunciature here can contribute to the unity the Bishops’ enjoy with the Pope, among themselves and with the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the local Churches.”

Archbishop Becciu continued saying, “May the blessing of this chapel be the occasion of a fresh outpouring of the Spirit’s gifts and the oil of his gladness anoint our lives and strengthen us in holiness and zeal for the apostolate.”

Before the final blessing Archbishop Becciu inaugurated the tabernacle and blessed the Stations of the Cross.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

CDM Penang holds parish assembly to plan for 2018

The Church of the Divine Mercy (CDM) held its 4th Parish Assembly on Nov 26. The meeting started with a hymn and a prayer.

This was followed by a breakout session during which the attendees were organised into groups to discuss two questions. A representative from each group then presented what they had discussed. In discussing the first question on how the parish’s year focusing on Prayer had impacted them as a community and as individuals, all the groups commented on how the daily 8.05 pm prayer, which is the practice of pausing activity at that time to say a short prayer, had a significant impact on them.

Many said that this daily prayer had helped bring them closer to their families and to God, with some even claiming that their day felt incomplete if they had not said the 8.05 pm prayer. The Wall of Prayer, which had been set up for parishioners and visitors to post their petitions, also got the thumbs up, and it was the consensus that the Wall should be retained for the year to come.

Regarding the second question, “How can we be rooted in the Word of God in our homes and in our parish?” the suggestions given included coming to church for daily Mass and Holy Hour on the first Fridays of the month, reflecting upon the daily readings, participating during BEC gatherings and making known God’s working in our lives through works of Mercy.

In delivering his welcome speech, Parish Pastoral Council chairman, Rodney Gomez, presented the financial report, taking the assembly through the income and expenditure of the parish. He also explained the meaning and purpose of a solidarity fund.

Next was the parish report card by Mark Stephen which reminded them that they were now moving into the second year of the parish’s three-year liturgical plan (i.e. first, focusing on Prayer, then on the Word of God and, lastly, the Family). The assembly was updated on the status of the planned events/activities announced at the last assembly.

The status of the proposed new building housing the Free Learning Centre was also given, including a clear illustration on how to achieve the fundraising target of RM10 million through planned giving, projects and donations.

Since the parish focus in 2018 will be on the Word of God, the assembly was shown a video in which Pope Francis called on Catholics to consult the Bible with the same frequency as we might consult our cellphones for messages. The Bible, His Holiness explained, contains the Word of God, the most effective tool in fighting evil and keeping us close to God.

Fr Martin revealed that 2017, the parish’s Year of Focus on Prayer, had been an “intense journey” for him. He explained that prayer time was a non-negotiable part of daily life at the seminary and strictly enforced, so there was never any question of missing it. He went on to outline his plans for the parish in 2018 which included organising pilgrimages to not-so-famous churches, five formations, hosting the fourth AACOM (Asian Apostolic Congress on Mercy), and the introduction of Lectio Divina as a method of prayer. He also informed the assembly that, in the coming year, he would not be celebrating Masses at BEC level but will instead visit BECs during their gatherings to participate in their sharing sessions. Furthermore, all BECs would be encouraged to organise outreach activities to minister to the migrants, the poor and the needy living in their area.

The last item on the agenda was a Q & A session during which those present wrote down their questions and submitted them to be answered regarding their concerns about the affairs of the parish. The questions covered a wide range of topics .

The assembly ended with Fr Martin giving a reflective quote from Job 23:10-12 asking the parishioners to pray for him. This was followed by a closing prayer with everyone joining in to sing Michael W. Smith’s hymn, Ancient Words.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Celebrating the Feast of Christ the King

Many came to experience the grace of Christ the King, during the Parish Feast day Triduum at the Chapel of Christ the King from Nov 23 to 25.

Fr John Gnanapiragasam from Cameron Highlands presided at the 6.00pm Mass with parish priest, Fr S. Stanilaus concelebrating.

Joining the assembly on the evening of Nov 25, were eight candidates for First Holy Communion.

Fr John preached in both English and Tamil. He shared about St Teresa of Calcutta, her convent and the Missionaries of Charities. After receiving the Eucharist, she would go out into the streets of Calcutta to minister to the sick and the abandoned. She received the poor, the neglected, the abandoned and the sick with the same respect that she received Jesus. In her own words, Mother Teresa spoke about her deep faith in Jesus leading to a very deep adoration and respect of Jesus.

As Fr John spoke about the feast of Christ the King (Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe), he said that everyday when we recite the Lord’s Prayer, we say, “Your kingdom come.” He asked the assembly if they understood what this word ‘kingdom’ means. Fr John mentioned the qualities of the kingdom outlined for us. “Lord you have come to establish a kingdom of love, of mercy, of peace and of justice.” He added, “When we use the word ‘kingdom,’ it refers to the reign of Jesus over His people with peace, love, justice and mercy. When we pray the Our Father, ‘Your kingdom come’…we believe God is our King and He reigns in our lives as our Lord.

Fr John added that God’s kingdom came with His peace, His love, His mercy, His Justice and His grace. We should take these qualities of His kingdom into our lives. That’s what Mother Teresa said: ‘Receive Christ in your life and receive the poor and abandoned in your life.’

Mother Teresa said, “Celebrate every Eucharist as your first, and as your best and as your last.” Fr John reiterated to the assembly to celebrate the Eucharist to encounter the passion and Resurrection of Jesus. These are privileges given us as Catholics.

Fr John also shared about Pope Francis who recently celebrated the Eucharist in St Peter’s Square where thousands were present. Many were excited to see the Pontiff but seem to have forgotten Jesus. The Pope told the people and even clergy and bishops to stop taking photographs of him during Mass. They must show reverence for Jesus present in the Eucharist. Fr John said it is a good reminder for all of us. He invited all to renew their faith and deep conviction that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist.

“It is easy to put out your tongue or your hand to receive Jesus during Communion, but more difficult to open your heart to take His Word in.”

Fr John quoted Jesus’ words from the Gospel of Matthew 25:31-46), “If you have not received the poor, the abandonment; you have failed to receive Me.”

He invited all to tell Jesus that they want to make His kingdom come, by making holiness, grace, justice and life real.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

New chapel, hall for Orang Asli

On November 18, Sahabat Orang Asli (SOA) members and supporters converged in Kampung Sungai Bil, Tanjung Malim for the official opening and blessing of a new community hall-cum-chapel at the village. The group from Ipoh was led by Fr Stephen Liew, Priest Advisor of the Perak Deanery Orang Asli Apostolate. At Kg. Sungai Bil, they were joined by Fr Andrew Stephen, Parish Priest of the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer, Tanjung Malim and the parish’s Orang Asli team.

Kg Sungai Bil is an Orang Asli village with a number of Catholic families served by the Tanjung Malim parish. Fr Andrew had been celebrating Mass every month at an open space in one of the villagers’ house compound. Recently, the land owner generously offered to donate the vacant ground for the construction of a new community hall-cum-chapel for the use of the village. The building project was organised and undertaken by SOA together with one of its partner organisations, the Pink Shoes group from Kuala Lumpur.

Construction work commenced in August 2017 and took place over a period of three months, supervised mainly by SOA’s Bernard Lee.

Materials for the building and furnishings were obtained through collective efforts. Besides the main sponsors SOA and Pink Shoes, other contributors included the Chinese Apostolate of St. Michael’s Church and some individual and group donors. The engineering design was undertaken, free of charge, by SL Chan Consultant.

The blessing and Eucharistic celebration was a joyous and unifying occasion. The Mass was celebrated by Fr Andrew with Fr Liew as concelebrant. After the Mass, the Ipoh group enjoyed a bountiful and delicious lunch organised by the Tanjung Malim team and the villagers of Kg. Sungai Bil.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online
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