Category Archives: Dec 2017

Tawau carollers attend recollection

A section of the 200 carollers at the recollection, 3 Dec 2017, Holy Trinity Tawau.

TAWAU –  Some 200 carollers attended a short recollection on 3 Dec 2017 before the start of the six-day carolling to the families in the parish.

The carolling will be from Dec 10-15 and the carollers comprise 23 groups – 11 from the main parish and 12 from the BECs.

Julita Kantod facilitated the catechesis entitled “Prepare your heart to receive our Saviour and spread the Good News.”

Kantod encouraged the participants to prepare themselves well during Advent so as to welcome Christ when he comes again.

“With an honest and humble preparation, especially during this recollection, one will experience a conversion of the heart where Christ can make His room with us and in our family” she said.

The catechesis ended with some words of encouragement from Andrew Kiat, the Chairman of the Home Carolling Program, as well as the PPC Chairperson, followed by announcements and a closing prayer. – mario domingo, sandakan newsblog


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

New FSIC council pledges to fulfill responsibilities before Church and congregation

The General Councillors led by Superior General Sister Frances Mani (R) pledge to be servant-leaders before the members of the congregation, 8 Dec 2017, Pace Bene Purak.  The councillors are (R-L) Sister Lilian Unsoh (vicaress), Sister Calista Saliun, Sister Dariah Ajap, Sister Lucy Embayan, Sister Germaine Angkangon, and Sister Joan Michael.

PURAK, Papar – The new General Council of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (FSIC) took the pledge to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to them before the Church and congregation on 8 Dec 2017.

They took the pledge after the homily during the Mass of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the congregational feast day, at Pace Bene here.

First, Superior General Sister Frances Mani  took the pledge before Archbishop John Wong.  Then the councillors – Sisters Lilian Unsoh (vicaress), Germaine Angkanon, Lucy Embayan,  Joan Michael, Calista Saliun, and Dariah Ajap pledged to obey and collaborate with Mani in the governance of the congregation.

This was followed by all the sisters present pledging their obedience to the government.  In turn, the general council pledged to serve the community to the best of their ability.

In her maiden speech after the Mass, Mani said her service would one of servant-leadership and asked for prayers from all those present.

She then announced the following appointments: Sister Terry Loukang the Vocation Directress; Sister Tina Basil the Postulant Formator; Sister Juanah Saliun the Novice Formator; Sister Appollonia Gumpu the formator of the Juniors while Sister Alice Lopez remains the procurator.

The councillors will take turns to be the secretary whenever there is a meeting.

Mani declared the 10th General Chapter closed with the chanting of the Te Deum.

In his turn, Abp Wong thanked Father Gerry Lobo ofm for being the retreat master, and congratulated the sisters for a relatively smooth election on Dec 7.

He exhorted the new council to remember that God is with them, to focus on their mission and charism with Mary as their model in the fulfillment of the tasks ahead in the next six years.

Concelebrating the Eucharist with Abp Wong were Abp Emeritus John Lee, Fr Lobo and Father Aloysius Fidelis.

The first council meeting will be held on 8 Jan 2018.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Feast day December 8

The title of the Immaculate Conception recognises Mary’s privilege of coming into the world free from sin. Through the power of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection, every human being can be freed from sin at Baptism. Through that same power, Mary was always free from sin, even from that very first moment of life.

On December 8, the Church celebrates this special privilege given to Mary. At the liturgy, we thank God for all his blessings he has given to us. And we can thank Mary for watching over and protecting us.

Collect prayer from the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception:

O God, who by the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin
prepared a worthy dwelling for your Son,
grant, we pray,
that as you preserved her from every stain
by virtue of the Death of your Son, which you foresaw
so through her intercession,
we, too, may be cleansed and admitted to your presence.
through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son
who lives and reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever. Amen.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Franciscan Sisters elect Sister Frances Mani as Superior General

File photo: Gifts brought forward by immediate past Superior General Sister Grace Deosing (back L) and new Superior General Sister Frances Mani (back R) at the Presentation of Gifts during the 75th Founding Anniversary Mass at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Karamunsing on 13 Aug 2011.

KOTA KINABALU – The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (FSIC) elected Paparian Sister Frances Mani, 67, to head their congregation for the next six years.

They also elected Sister Lilian Unsoh as vicaress, Sister Calista Saliun, Sister Dariah Ajap, Sister Lucy Embayan, Sister Germaine Angkangon and Sister Joan Michael as general councillors.

The election on 7 Dec 2017 came at the end of the 10th General Chapter held at Pace Bene Formation Centre Papar, presided by Archbishop John Wong.

It was preceded by a retreat from Nov 27 through Dec 3.

After the retreat, 32 delegates (30 Perpetual Professed and two Juniors) remained behind for the General Chapter on  Dec 4-7.  However, all the perpetual professed sisters returned for the election of the new general government on Dec 7.

A General Chapter is a special meeting of prayer and planning held at specified times by religious congregations.  For the Franciscan Sisters, their General Chapters are held every six years since the Third General Chapter in 1975.

This meeting brings together representatives of the Sisters from all the areas where the Sisters minister and live in Malaysia.

The Chapter consists of two parts, the chapter of affairs and the chapter of election.  The chapter of affairs is a time to reflect upon the past six years and assess where the congregation has been and what have been accomplished for Christ and His Church.  Then they take time to plan where their efforts can best be directed for the next six years.    After they have a directional statement for their apostolic efforts for the next six years, they will then elect the General Government who will guide the members in their efforts.

The congregation based in Kota Kinabalu, was founded on 16 June 936. The sisters are involved in parish work, catechetics and education. They also manage a maternity home, homes for the elderly and for poor children, and hostels for poor students.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Philippine bishops’ conference declares 2018 Year of Clergy and Consecrated Persons

MANILA – The new head of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines in his first pastoral exhortation, declares 2018 as the year of the ‘clergy and consecrated persons.’

The year, he said, envisions that clergy and consecrated persons become “renewed” servant-leaders “who care most especially for the least, the lost and the last.”

Archbishop Romulo Valles of Davao was elected as the new president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) in July during their plenary assembly in Manila and has formally assumed his office on December 1.

The archbishop who now leads the 83 active, 5 diocesan administrators and 43 honorary members of the CBCP from 86 ecclesiastical jurisdictions said the activities throughout the year will be dedicated to the promotion and recognition of priestly and religious vocations.

Aiming at making the year, a year of integral renewal of values, behaviour and lifestyles of the clergy and consecrated persons, the Archbishop said it will be a year also of revisiting ways of seminary and religious formation.

The pastoral letter was read in all Masses on 3 December 2017, the first Sunday of Advent, when dioceses announced the opening of the Year of the Clergy and Consecrated Persons (YCCP).

In 2013, the CBCP had launched a nine-year “spiritual journey towards the 500th Jubilee of Christianisation of the Philippines in 2021 with a different theme for each year. Accordingly, November 27 saw the end of the Year of the Parish and the beginning of the Year of Clergy and the Consecrated Persons. – CBCPNews


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Papar hosts inaugural ecumenical carols by candlelight

Leaders of Inter-Church Papar with lighted candles singing ‘Silent Night’ with carollers and parishioners, 5 Dec 2017, Mother of Mercy Catechetical Centre Papar.

PAPAR – St Joseph Church here hosted the inaugural ecumenical carols by candlelight on 5 Dec 2017 at the Mother of Mercy Catechetical Centre.

It kicked off the Advent Family Visit in the parish and served as a sign of solidarity among the various Christian churches.

The theme for the event was God’s Love, Man’s Hope.

Member churches of Papar Inter-Church Council (Majlis Gereja-Gereja Daerah Papar or MGGDP) are St Joseph Papar, Holy Rosary Limbahau, Anglican Church, Basel Christian Church (BCCM), Sidang Injil Borneo, and Calvary Church.

The council has organised other joint activities such as Walk for Jesus, monthly prayer services, and Praise & Worship programmes.

In his welcoming remarks, MGGDP chairman Deacon Johnny Kunong of BCCM-BM gave thanks and praise to God for the presence of all those who came.

“The symbolic candles represent the light, enlightening the dark forces within.  May the light brighten our hearts, families, our lives, our solidarity, and this world with love from Jesus Christ.  Praise the Lord God Almighty,” he said.

Other leaders present were Anglican Pastor Habismadin Uloi, SIB Pastor Pendeta Tinggih Sulog, BCCM-BM Pastor Yaelan Gasah, BCCM Chinese Pastor Tan Ping Ping and Father Thomas Yip.

The celebration began with a child bringing a lighted candle up to the main stage to light the candles of the church representatives and parishioners.

Deacon Kunong proclaimed a reading from Isaiah 11:1-10 while Fr Yip shared a reflection how harmony, peace, and solidarity in life can only be achieved through the birth of Christ, the source of merciful love for mankind.

Thereafter the people were entertained by the performances of the various carolling groups followed by distribution of gifts to those present. – William Charles Mindus, SOCCOM Papar Limbahau


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

CMI altar servers recollection draws 22 participants

The participants pose for shot with Fr Lo, CMI, 4 Dec 2017.

BUKIT PADANG – Twenty-two altar servers from the English and Chinese ministries joined the one-day recollection on 4 Dec 2017.

The event was held at the Church of Mary Immaculate here.

Pauline Sister Laura Anggie facilitated the team-building dynamics followed by a talk on the theme “I am the Handmaid of the Lord” by Father Paul Lo.  The theme was taken from 2019 World Youth Day theme.

After lunch, many of the participants went for confession and counselling.  The day closed with a Mass presided by Fr Lo.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Kelatuan organises inaugural children’s camp

PAPAR – St Kenneth Kelatuan here organised a two-day children’s camp on 25-26 Nov 2017 to mark the end of the Sunday School year.

Around 160 children aged 7-12 years joined the camp including those from Kimanis and Nagapas areas.

Father Rayner Bisius celebrated the opening Mass which was also attended by lay leaders, parents and the church community.

Instead of the usual homily, the pastor interviewed some of the participants with quizzes such as their feelings coming to this camp, on the importance of praying for the dead and the theme of the children camp – Christ, Our Joy!

Sister Juanah Saliun and team facilitated many workshop-based activities based on Sayang Yesus, Sayang Keluargaku!

A movie entitled Our Lady of Fatima was screened, and the day concluded with a bonfire singalong.

On the second and final day Sr Juanah facilitated another workshop followed by group sharing.

The rosary was recited before the closing Mass.

Some of the boys and girls shared their experiences of meeting new friends and hoped that the next camp would be much longer.

In his closing remarks, the pastor congratulated the organisers of the inaugural programme and expressed his hope that other similar programmes can be organised. – William Charles Mindus, SOCCOM Papar-Limbahau


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


KENINGAU : Kem Lelaki Sejati Katolik Siri ke–2 telah diadakan di Rumah Retret Keuskupan Keningau Tatal pada 9 hingga 12 November 2017. Kem ini disertai oleh 36 peserta dari seluruh Keuskupan Keningau dan Keuskupan Kota Kinabalu. Kem siri kedua ini telah dikendalikan oleh seramai 14 orang Fasilitator yang terdiri daripada peserta kem siri pertama dan juga AJK Induk Kerasulan Lelaki Katolik (KLK) Keuskupan Keningau serta Tim WABERKAT.

Misa Kudus Pembukaan Kem web

Gambar AJK Pelaksana Kem web

Kem ini dimulakan dengan Misa Kudus yang disempurnakan oleh Bapa Uskup Datuk Cornelius Piong. Dalam homili Bapa Uskup. beliau berharap agar para peserta kem mengambil kesempatan ini untuk belajar bagaimana menjadi seorang Imam, Guru dan pemimpin keluarga.  Bapa Uskup menerangkan bahawa lelaki dan perempuan itu adalah sama tarafnya dimata Tuhan dalam “Maka Allah menciptakan manusia itu menurut gambarNya dia; laki-laki dan perempuan diciptakanNya mereka”.  (Kej. 1:27). Namun, yang membezakan hanyalah peranan dan tanggungjawab masing-masing sebagai lelaki atau perempuan

Seusai Misa Kudus, Bapa Uskup telah meluangkan masa untuk makan bersama AJK Pelaksana dan peserta kem.

Kem diakhiri dengan Misa Kudus oleh Pembimbing Rohani KLK Fr. Benedict Daulis dan jamuan kesyukuran.- Kerasulan Lelaki Katolik Keuskupan Keningau



Article reproduced from Diocese of Keningau


Misa Penguatan dan Makan Malam Amal 2017

Lahad Datu: Seramai 143 calon telah menerima Sakramen Penguatan di gereja St. Dominic pada 5 November 2017. Misa ini telah diselebrankan oleh Yang Mulia Uskup Julius Dusin Gitom dibantu oleh Paderi Paroki Fr. Simon Kontou dan Pembantu Paderi Paroki Fr. Marcellinus Pongking. Seramai lebih kurang 300 umat telah menghadiri misa tersebut.

“Pembacaan Injil pada hari ini menuntut sikap kejujuran dimana Yesus mengutuk orang-orang Farisi kerana mereka mengajarkan hukum yang telah diturunkan oleh Musa tetapi tidak melakukanya serta mempraktikannya didalam kehidupan mereka. Seperti ungkapan orang lain “Cakap tidak serupa bikin”. Orang-orang Farisi mempunyai topeng-topeng dan mereka bersembunyi disebalik topeng mereka itu. Persoalannya, adakah kita juga seperti mereka? Rajin pergi sembahyang setiap minggu tetapi apabila berada diluar kawasan gereja, tidak berkelakuan baik.


Pada hari Pentekosta, para Rasul Yesus juga memakai topeng-topeng itu dan mengikuti Tuhan Yesus selama 3 tahun. Mereka menyaksikan semua mukzijat yang telah dilakukan oleh Tuhan Yesus tetapi  sukar untuk mempraktikan ajaran Yesus dalam kehidupan mereka. Sehinggalah pada hari Pentekosta, Roh Kudus turun ke atas mereka dan topeng-topeng kepalsuan yang mereka pakai telah diganti dengan topeng-topeng cintakasih Tuhan Yesus. Semangat dan identiti yang baru hadir di dalam diri mereka dan ini adalah dorongan dari Roh Kudus dan mereka mahu menerima Roh Kudus itu di dalam kehidupan mereka. Selepas itu, mereka dengan penuh semangat dan keyakinan mengistiharkan Yesus sebagai Juruselamat dan Tuhan yang sudah bangkit dari alam maut.

Kita semua adalah sama seperti para Rasul, kita adalah diutus untuk pergi dan menyebarluaskan kisah penyelamatan Tuhan Yesus. Kita seharusnya menghidupkan ajaranNya di dalam kehidupan kita bersama rakan-rakan, keluarga dan sesama.” Demikianlah serba sedikit homili Bapa Uskup Julius pada hari tersebut.


Pada hari yang sama juga, Majlis Makan Malam Amal telah diadakan bagi mengutip dana pembangunan dewan ibadat. Majlis dimulakan dengan kata alu-aluan oleh Paderi paroki Rev Fr. Simon dan doa pembukaan oleh Yang Mulia Bapa Uskup Julius Dusin Gitom. Selesai sahaja doa, majlis diteruskan dengan persembahan artis jemputan iaitu saudari Esther Applunius.

Acara selanjutnya ialah St. Dominic Got Talent Final yang terdiri daripada 14 finalis. Persembahan mereka pada malam itu telah membantu pengumpulan dana bagi pembangunan dewan ibadat paroki St. Dominic yang baru. Persembahan mereka terdiri daripada persembahan Beat Box, Bermain Gitar secara berkumpulan dan individu,  menari serta menyanyi. Rev Fr Simon sangat berterima kasih atas usaha para finalis St. Dominic Got Talent kerana melalui talenta serta usaha mereka, mereka dapat membantu dalam mengumpul serta menyumbang kepada dana tersebut. Terdapat beberapa umat juga menyumbangkan sumbangan berupa wang tunai dan jumlah sumbangan pada malam tersebut telah mencecah RM50 000. Majlis pada malam tersebut diakhiri dengan upacara penyampaian hadiah bagi pemenang St. Dominic Got Talent. Doa penutupan dan pengutusan oleh Fr. Simon Kontou. Majlis bersurai lebih kurang jam 11.00 malam.


Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan
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