Category Archives: Jan 2018

The BEC discerns to discover God in the different events

In the community gathering, news of what is going on in the world ought to be a regular item on the agenda. The gathering ought to be an opportunity to discern those facts in the light of faith. In this way, the news acquires a sense of information and questioning for the community. (The community should not remain at the level of local gossip nor assume a moralistic attitude of lamenting how terrible the times are).

That which makes up the daily life of the people at the work place, etc, that is exploitation and misunderstanding among neighbours, customs regarding death, wedding, birth, lack of hygenic conditions ought also to be the subject of reflection and consideration in the community. This way, the members discover not only how to read the signs of the times and events according to the faith but, principally, how to react to them in a Christian way.

Thus, the BEC gradually understands and explicitates its prophetic mission, discovering God in different events, using his criteria, discerning the values of the Kingdom, and the elements of the anti- Kingdom, that are also present, heeding the call of the Lord to commit oneself, transforming reality with the dynamism of the faith.

This analysis and discernment of reality helps the community to review or establish the options and priorities of action and commitment in the service of the world. It can be done directly or indirectly.

Directly, after analysis and discernment, the community, as a community, commits itself to actions that effect change in the environment. It ought to be an action that involves the community as such and not just the priest or the sister. Effective change in the environment by the community will not always be possible. It is then that the members of the community who, supported by the community, commit themselves personally wherever they live and work to action that effects change in the environment.

The BEC ought to accompany the commitment of its members, helping them to assess and evaluate their work (give them attention, understanding, encouraging them to continue, despite everything). An example of this is cited in Msgr Oscar A. Romero’s Pastoral Letter, “The Mission of the Church in the midst of the crisis of the Country”. (El Salvador 1979):

“It is here, in order to respond to the challenge of this complex situation, that the Church requires a special type of pastoral work (praxis), which we call ‘pastoral accompaniment’ and which breaks with the well-known traditional molds of pastoral for the masses or small groups.’

“I understand pastoral accompaniment or follow-up to be the personal evangelisation of those individuals or groups of Christians who have assumed (taken on) a concrete political option who, according to their consciences, believe that it is the historical commitment of their faith. In this sense, there are many options, charisms and vocations according to the Christian consciences and a pastor ought to respect, discern and orient these consciences according to the light of the Spirit.”

Visible communion with the legitimate Pastors
The visible sign of ecclesial communion is the Bishop in collegiality with the other bishops. Through him, the communion of the Christian communities in the Universal Church takes place and is expressed.

The Bishop shares his responsibility and his mission with those who share his ordained ministry: the priests. These in turn are the link of unity, the visible sign of the union of the Church at the grassroots level with the local Church.

In our experience with the BEC, there is generally no priest among its members. In this new structure at the grass-roots level, the priest is not automatically (not by right or nature) the direct coordinator of each basic cell but, rather, the general coordinator of the other ecclesial ministries at the parish level.

Generally speaking, the parish becomes the locus for organising the solidarity between the BEC, its interrelation with the other levels and sectors of the Church, where resource people are provided to accompany and assess the local coordinators, where certain projects to be participated in jointly are decided upon. As can be seen, the parish gradually evolves to the level of coordination of the different services available at the grass roots level. The diocese is responsible for the broader organisation and coordination of this interchange (communication) of services.

“In fact, it is in the parish that a series of services are taken on that are not able to be assumed by the smaller communities, above all, in the missionary dimension and in the promotion of the dignity of the human person. In this way, the more or less stable emigrants, the marginalised, the outcasts, the non-believers and in general, the more needy, are touched.”

Community integrated and integrating
The BEC is united to the Bishop and to the entire People of God, and is at the same time, the principle of unity among all the baptised and of the Church in history. The BEC seeks also to be the fundamental ecclesial reference for the coming together, convergence and integration of the different movements, associations, groups, etc. affording them the fundamental experience of a basic ecclesial community, besides that of the spiritual or pastoral specialisation according to the finality and specific charism of the movement.

This does not deny the value of and, perhaps, the necessity that the different movements and associations because of their nature, have their own centres of administration and organisation other than at the grass roots level.

The BEC unites in a common mission the many believers who may also “specialise” in movements and associations.

Source: Basic Ecclesial Community: Church from the Roots By Jose Marians and Team, (National Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Centre, Bangalore, India


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

St John the Evangelist helps deepen our appreciation of Jesus Christ

“We thank God for giving us, in this Christmas Season, a great saint, a writer, an Apostle and an Evangelist. Because of him, we are privileged to discover the greatness of God and our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.”

Msgr Leonard said this on December 27, 2017, in celebrating the feast of St John, Apostle and Evangelist, the patron saint of the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist.

The evening Mass was celebrated by Msgr Leonard, concelebrated with Msgr Mario Cadano, the Vatican Charge’ d’affaires for Timor Leste and the 2nd Counsellor of the Apostolic Nunciature to Malaysia. Close to 300 faithful were present.

In his homily, Msgr Leonard said someone asked him a question: “Why, during the Octave of Christmas, does the Gospel speak about the empty tomb? What has that got to do with Christmas? What do you think?” he asked. He said the Readings of the day had everything about Christmas. From the womb came forth the Child. The tomb reminds us of the death of Jesus. He grew and became the Saviour of us all. His passion, death and Resurrection is like the saying: from the womb to the tomb; life is short.

“Today, we celebrate our parish feastday,” added Msgr Leonard. “Is it about the Birth, about the little Child? St John the Evangelist helps us to deepen our appreciation of Jesus Christ.”

Msgr Leonard said, “Thanks to this saint, we are reminded about Christmas, about our Saviour.

“The womb refers to the first coming; the tomb means ‘I will return.’ The empty tomb does not signify emptiness but that He came out of the tomb and went back to His Father’s glory.”

Msgr Leonard thanked the Lord for the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist.

The procession in honour of St John the Evangelist was held after the Mass. The Litany of the Saints was sung.

Upon reaching the Community Centre hall, the icon of St John the Evangelist was placed there and incensed by Msgr Mario. A prayer to the Evangelist was recited, followed by a short video clip of the saint.

Msgr Leonard said St John is a great writer. “Use your gifts, exercise it, not for yourself, but for the glory of God.” He called on the assembly to use their talents to bring themselves into his service.

He also thanked Msgr Mario for joining us to celebrate the parish feast.

After that, everyone adjourned for a sumptuous dinner, arranged by the BECCOT.

There were also performances by several BECs and the choir. The celebration ended at 10.00pm


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Christmas party for catechism students

The Catechetical Ministry of St Theresa’s Church held a Children’s Christmas Party on December 16, 2017. Forty-one students from the age of 7 years to 12 years participated in the games and singing of Christmas carols.

What was made clear in this event was the providence of God as seen in the generous hearts of the sponsors (both individuals and corporate) who gave in cash and in kind. Each child went back with hands and stomachs full and joy filled hearts.

This event would not have been possible without the assistance of the catechists who helped in the decorations and in monitoring the games. Not to mention also the carollers who entertained the children.

Msgr Peter Ng and Deacon James Anthony reminded the children that Christmas is also a time of giving and reminded the children to share what they have with friends and family.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Emmaus Youth Camp draws 33 participants

The participants pose in front of the Sacred Heart Cathedral after being sent off (to exposure site in Kg Lubok Kiulu) by Father Max Hontor at the morning Mass, 12 Jan 2018.

KOTA KINABALU – This year’s Emmaus Youth Camp drew 33 participants from 17 parishes in the archdiocese.

The camp, held 7-20 Jan 2018, is for school leavers around 17-19 years old, with 11 boys and 22 girls.

It is organised by the Parish Youth Ministry Team in collaboration with the Archdiocesan Youth Commission with 16 volunteers from the previous year.

The base camp is at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre Karamunsing while the exposure site is at Kg Lubok under St Joseph Husband of Mary Parish Kiulu.

The objective of the annual event is threefold: to strengthen the identity of the participants as Catholic youths, to help them live out their Catholic faith in today’s world, and to heighten their awareness and sense of responsibility towards society.

Talks include self-discovery (Roney Alfred of Keningau), Salvation History (Roselinah Francis of Keningau), Gift of Life (Rudian Sinangkuhan), Youth Spirituality & Nationalism (Sr Anita James fsic), Local Church History (Neil Mah), Personal Grooming & Resume Writing (Suzane Dennis), Social Teaching of the Church (Sr Dora Obod fsic), and KITA (Campus Ministry Team & Anne Baltazar).

The talks are held in the morning with reflection, sharing, and creative activity in the afternoons.

The exposure on Jan 12-13 is to help the participants to get to know the local culture and lifestyle of the people there as well as its youth ministry.

Apart from the sessions and exposure, the young people have also to take part in doing household chores like cleaning the toilets, meal preparation, washing the dishes, sweeping and cleaning the surroundings and composting.

Other activities include daily Mass attendance, day of recollection, recreation and physical exercise.

The highlight of the camp will be the Emmaus Family Night on Jan 19 where the parents of the participants, representatives from the exposure site, the alumni, respective parish TPBP and benefactors are invited to join in the fellowship.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

CAC staff attend fire drill

The staff listening to the speaker on the causes of fire in the home or workplace, 10 Jan 2018, CAC Penampang.

KOTA KINABALU – Over 20 staff members of the Catholic Archdiocesan Centre (CAC) Penampang attended a fire drill and demo on 10 Jan 2018 at their premises.

Three staff of the Penampang Fire Brigade came to enlighten the attendees on the common causes of fire breakouts in the home or in any building and what to do in case of a breakout.

They were also taught the importance of having arrow marks on the walls leading to an emergency exit in case of fire breakouts.

After the talk, they went outside for the demonstration on how to use the fire extinguisher – each attendee had a turn in using it.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Pauline Family gathers for Christmas and New Year celebration

The attendees pose for the camera at the end of the celebration, 8 Jan 2018, Daughters of St Paul Convent Karamunsing.

KOTA KINABALU – Some 38 members and collaborators of the Pauline Family gathered for a simple Christmas and New Year celebration on 8 Jan 2018 at the Daughters of St Paul Convent here.

It was an evening of a simple potluck fellowship, games, and exchange of gifts.

It was also a way of expressing thanks to all those who have helped and collaborated in the Pauline Mission in the past year.

Currently, three out of the ten institutes founded by Blessed James Alberione between 1914 and 1960 are present in the KK Archdiocese – Daughters of St Paul, Association of Pauline Cooperators, and the Institute of Our Lady of the Annunciation.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Five Sandakan Priests have new assignments

PENAMPANG: The following priests have new pastoral assignments effective 1 Jan 2018 given by Bishop Julius Gitom:

Father David Garaman has been appointed rector of St Mary’s Cathedral Sandakan with Father Christopher Ireneus as his assistant.

Father Stanley Matakim has been assigned as assistant pastor at St Martin Telupid while Father Sunny Chung goes to Holy Trinity Tawau to assist Msgr Nicholas Ong.

Father Phillip Muji has been appointed rector at the youngest parish of Our Lady of Fatima in Beluran.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


Sandakan: St. Mary Cathedral Sandakan celebrated Mass of the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church on every 1st of January, on which is also a Mass of celebration of the first day of New Year 2018. The Church also observes the World Day of Peace on this day.

Today also marked the first day of Fr. David Garaman officially assumed duty as the new rector of St. Mary Parish which was well attended by St. Mary’s parishioners. In his homily, Fr. David started with the explanation of the importance of this feast and Mother Mary’s role in the mystery of salvation to all Christian. When talking on the New Year resolution, he opined that mostly the failure in keeping one’s resolution was because we did not consult God first. He advised that the first thing we should do is to resolve in strengthening our relationship and walk with God and let Jesus live and lead us in our lives. He then posed the question whether everyone has this resolution as their commitment and priority in lives?


He pointed out that the Vision and Mission statements of the diocese, “Christ-centered community, serving one another with love”, is a good start and guideline towards one’s commitment in having a good relationship with God in our journey of faith for this year. Fr. David said that it is not enough that every Sunday we recite the Vision and Mission prayer only but we have to act upon it and work it out in building the relationship with God, in building the church and in journeying together in faith. He called upon all to commit themselves as a family in realising the Vision and Mission of diocese.

After the Mass, everyone took the opportunity to exchange New Year greetings with one another and with Fr. David.


Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan

Over 200 CWL delegates participate in annual assembly

A section of the delegates to the CWL Annual Assembly, BTRC, 29 Nov – 2 Dec 2017.

BUNDU TUHAN – Over 200 representatives of the Catholic Women’s League participated in the 32nd Annual Assembly at the Bundu Tuhan Retreat Centre here on 29 Nov – 2 Dec 2017.

Two hundred and fourteen women from across the archdiocese took part in the event themed “Women of the Bible.”

The programme was a two-day retreat guided by Father Paul Lo, which concluded with the General Meeting on the last day.

In his opening speech, Archbishop John Wong advised the delegates to take the retreat seriously, reflecting on the words that they would hear during the retreat.

He hoped that the women would emulate the lives of the different women in the Bible in their role as mothers of families, and that they would be filled with the Spirit and be more committed in their service to the Lord.

Anita Tunggolou, chief coordinator of the Archdiocesan Catholic Women’s League, thanked the archbishop for his presence as well as for his continuous support of the organisation.

She also urged all members to give their full support to their respective parish priests and to be fully committed in carrying out their responsibilities to the best of their ability.

For the retreat proper, Fr Lo drew the delegates’ attention to the lives of the different women in the Bible, highlighting their courage, their prayer-filled life and their unwavering faith in the Lord.

Besides the inputs, time was given for personal reflection, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and confession.

The next part of the retreat was the business of the General Meeting, in which reports from the various Catholic Women’s Leagues were presented, followed by a Question and Answer session. – Anita Tunggolou/ACWL


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

ASSISS KK holds first pre-Christmas gathering

KOTA KINABALU – The Assunta Integrated Social Services Kota Kinabalu (ASSISS KK) held its first  Christmas gathering for the volunteers on 20 Dec 2017 at the right wing of Sacred Heart Parish Hall here.

Thirty volunteers turned up for the event. In keeping with the Christmas theme, carols singing kicked off the evening.

Patricia Ubing, ASSISS KK Chairman, in her speech, thanked the volunteers for giving their time to serve  the poor through the mobile clinic services.

The clinic is run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. The current clinic locations are at Kg Timpangoh Laut Sugud and Kg Kaiduan Papar. Other location sites would be added on.

The ASSISS KK core team did the cake cutting, followed by dinner. After dinner, there were games, exchange of  gifts among the attendees and lucky draws.

The fellowship ended with a closing prayer by Paul Isidore and the singing of the Prayer of St Francis. – Catherine Engsun


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu
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