Category Archives: Mar 2018

Two ordained transitory deacons for KK Archdiocese

Classmates five – Deacons Dominic Tan, Russell Lawrine, Gilbert Marcus, David Gasikol, Simon Lau – pose obligingly for the camera after the Mass, 11 Mar 2018, Sacred Heart Cathedral Karamunsing.

KOTA KINABALU — Two seminarians were ordained to the diaconate at the Sacred Heart Cathedral here on 11 Mar 2018.

Over 1000 people including family members and friends witnessed the diaconal ordinations of Russell Lawrine and Gilbert Marcus by Archbishop John Wong.

Born and bred in Tenghilan, thirty-one-year-old Russell is the eldest son of the late Lawrine M Samin and Mdm Russe bte Kumpas. Russell underwent his primary and secondary education  in the government schools of Tenghilan.  Prior to entering aspirancy in 2008 in Kota Kinabalu, he worked as a housekeeper at the Grand Borneo Hotel KK and as a clerk at the Environment Department.

His companion, Gilbert, 36, is the 8th child in a brood of seven boys and four girls born to the late Marcus Dompok and the late Cecilia Gissong of Inobong.  He underwent his basic education at SRK St Theresa Inobong and SM St Michael/SMK Datuk Peter Mojunting Penampang.  He worked for eight years in various government institutions before entering the aspirancy in 2010 following the footsteps of his brother Florian who was ordained priest in 2011.

Representing the two of them, ne0-ordained Deacon Gilbert thanked everyone who has helped them in their priestly formative journey.

At the end of the ordination Mass, Abp Wong echoed the thanks of the deacons to those who have helped to make the event possible.

The new deacons will continue to serve in their respective parishes (Russell at the cathedral, Gilbert at St Michael Penampang) until further notice.

Among the concelebrants (mostly local priests) were Abp Emeritus John Lee, two Korean priests and three deacons: Dominic Tan and Simon Lau of Kuala Lumpur (ordained Jan 23) and David Gasikol of Keningau (ordained Feb 25).


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Newly renovated chapel blessed in Miri

MIRI – Bishop Richard Ng celebrated Mass at the newly renovated St Francis’ Chapel on  21 February 2018, together with all the other priests in the Diocese of Miri, after their monthly priests’ recollection meeting.

Over 400 parishioners, including students from St Joseph’s secondary school, were present.

Bishop Ng thanked all those who had helped in the restoration works. He announced that the newly renovated chapel and St Francis’ centre is now available for small group retreats, seminars, weddings and other church activities. The centre can also be used for meetings, conferences and talks.

Further details and bookings can be made at St Joseph’s Parish office. – Johnny Tan


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


STOC BEC Members Bring Cheers and Joy to the Less Fortunate

Sandakan : 38 members of St Teresa of Calcutta Indah Jaya BEC visited the Sabah Cheshire Home, Sandakan located at Mile 5, Jalan Sibuga on Saturday 3rd March 2018. It is one of their out-reach program planned for the Lenten season.

Ermawati, the Assistant Manager gave a briefing on the background, statistics and programs run by Cheshire Home. Currently, the home houses 27 residents with disabilities, 19 stay in and 8 receiving day care services. 5 kids below the age of 4 years are given early intervention services at the centre.


The Home was established in the year 2000 and has a work force of 20 personnel. All of whom are well trained to provide residential care and training to promote independence for individuals with disabilities. Beyond that, they also provide support services to the families of the individual residents.

Being an NGO, the Home depended much on donations, government grant and some income derived from their ‘Treasure Shop.’ The thrift shop received contributions of used household items from caring members of the society and disposes it at a reasonable amount to people who may need it.

She appreciated the visit organised by the BEC and hoped more will come forth to assist the less privileged. She encouraged the wider society to be more participative in outreach work especially to the less fortunate.

John Tan, the Chairman of STOC BEC thanked the BEC members for participating in the visit. It is a spiritual practice during the Lenten season as a way of being merciful and compassionate, bringing cheers and joys to the least in society. The visit is a way of bringing the light of Christ, the gracious light of Christ into the lives of others.

He urged the members to deeply reflect on the blessings received and how, as individual, may share it with others. That way, we are moving towards our vision, ‘Christ-centred community, serving one another with love.’

Members of the BEC contributed some food stuff, used household items and cash to the Home. They spend much time visiting the various sections of the Home. They also patronised the ‘Treasure Shop’, take and contribute. The visit ended with a luncheon fellowship with the residents. Before leaving for home, Sr Appollonia fsic led the Closing Prayer.


Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan



Battles and Blessings: a tribute to the late Mary Selestine

LIFE as a Christian is a struggle between battles and blessings. In between there’s a need for intense prayer.

Prayer is an invocation that seeks to activate a rapport through deliberate communication with the Lord. It can be either as an individual or as a community and can take place in private or public.

This journey of prayer and faith chosen by the late Marykutty Selestine in her life as a staunch Catholic illustrates the power and blessings one can receive by sheer faith and practice of that faith.

Mary Selestine was called to the Lord on 27 December 2017, at the age of 75. She regularly attended daily and Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Kota Kinabalu… a familiar figure in that parish, but now sadly missed by all who had known her.

She faced multiple illnesses over 23 years. Yet she held on to the belief that all things come from God and that life is full of both battles and blessings. She held firmly to the belief that it is only in prayer that one gets true answers from the Lord.

Hailing from a small village in Kerala, India, her faith had an early start. She was the youngest of six siblings in an extended family with several priests and religious. She attributed the strong foundation of her faith to her mother Sosamma Panicker, who she remembered as strict and loving and a constant source of inspiration and strength.

Her mother’s discipline and values made a lasting impact on Mary’s life and gave her a deep-rooted belief in prayer. In 1967, she married Peter Selestine and set sail for Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. That was her first venture outside her home state of Kerala.

Since then, Kota Kinabalu had been her home, where she lived for a good 50 years (1967-2017). She taught at St Francis Convent for a brief period and later got involved in her husband’s restaurant business.

In early 1994, she was diagnosed with acute kidney failure and underwent a kidney transplant in August 1994. With the transplant came various ailments that lasted throughout her life. She slowly withdrew from active involvement in business.

A year or so later, she began to have a desire to do something useful with the gift of life that the Lord gave her. She started participating in church groups, taking every opportunity to share with others her experience with the Lord. She became a comforting confidante for others going through difficulties in life.

Being a transplant patient, she was on a high dosage of medication to avoid rejection. Those medicines had many side effects. She began to have very brittle bones and suffered from severe aches and pains.

Furthermore, she underwent surgeries for her knees and eyes, had an angioplasty and many other medical issues. Despite all these ailments, not once did she look up and ask, “Why me, Lord?” She only prayed for strength to bear the pain and burden.

She founded her belief on prayer as a dialogue with God, calling out to him not only in distress but also in thanksgiving for every blessing she received. She made it a point to start her day with the Eucharistic blessing at morning Mass and did not miss it unless extreme poor health prevented her to do so.

Attending daily Mass for the last 50 years, she submitted all her aches and the pains to God in prayer during the Eucharist. This was her daily schedule until the end.

She was disciplined with her time. Every afternoon, there was a time for prayer, and could find some time for her favourite TV shows. She tried to schedule in at least one church activity a day.

She also believed that prayer was the only way to get blessings for her children. She dedicated one decade of the holy Rosary for each of her children and their families. She was a strong advocate of prayer and she counseled everyone to pray continually for their children.

She asked them to dedicate their pain and troubles to the Lord and seek blessings for their children. She reminded her family and close friends that prayer was the one remedy to all troubles. She vouched for it and lived by it.

In her younger days, she prayed on her knees before a picture of Jesus and as she grew older prayed at her desk. She especially enjoyed speaking out loud to the Lord when driving alone. There was a time for God every day. She held that if we don’t have time for God then God won’t have time for us.

According to her, faith in God meant that we rely on Him and depend on His reliability, thus realising that God is bigger, greater and better than anything else. She believed that her constant conversations with God would eventually turn into many blessings.

She held that that life would never be short of troubles nor would it lack blessings. She was sure that God allows trials and temptations in our lives so that we have the opportunity to respond either by trusting our own feelings and life experiences or by taking Him at His Word.

Mary believed that ultimately, the power of prayer resides not in the person praying, but in God who answers prayers. She used to tell family and friends, “Although God’s answers may not always be what we want, we can be certain that they will always be in our best interests. When we pray passionately and purposefully, according to God’s will, God responds powerfully.”

May we all learn and be enriched by the strong experience of this woman of faith. May each one of us also experience the same power of prayer in our lives; able to taste and see how good the Lord is.

And may Mary Selestine receive the reward of eternal rest in the Kingdom of God. –contributed by Selestine family


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Discipleship programme draws 20 participants

KOTA KINABALU – Twenty people attended an eighth-day discipleship programme based on the theme The glory of God is a human being fully alive on 12-20 Jan 2018.

The programme, conducted by LiFE-ICPE Mission Sabah, was held at the Community House at Taman BDC Jalan Family Planning here.

It comprised of a weekend seminar on knowing God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, followed by five successive evenings of various teachings on self-knowledge that leads  to loving and serving others.

Organiser Beatrice Wong said the final day was focused on evangelisation and praying with one another to be able to live fully and share it with others.

She added that life lived in common through fellowship and prayer together provides a place of connection and application of what has been learned.

Participants were also encouraged to attend the monthly follow-up gatherings.

Jason Cyprinus, 21, a recent college graduate, said that his faith has expanded and that he desires to live life to the fullest with the knowledge that God loves him very much.

Fernando Jolin Gamin, 19, an electrician, shared that two areas in his life were transformed after going through the programme: “knowing about myself and living in community; the topic on ‘Self Awareness’ was the most significant for me.”

Shirley Paul, 32, a Medical Officer, said that the programme has transformed her outlook on her work or vocation, as well as her role in evangelisation, which is sharing her experience of God’s love with others.

Francisca Malantin, 61, a retired nurse, elaborated on her acquired understanding of being in a community.

“We cannot be on our own, we need to be in a community. This is where we can serve God’s people. I am so humbled by the way LiFE community interacts with the participants; they are so encouraging, so positive. I felt so loved and appreciated,” said Malantin.

She added, “During the sending-off and being prayed over, I experienced the power of the Holy Spirit overflowing and filling me, and felt God is embracing me” and promised to bring this love to her family.

LiFE-ICPE Mission Sabah is a lay community, committed to equip, transform and empower individuals in discovering and living out their purpose in life. LiFE is part of The Institute for World Evangelisation – ICPE Mission, an international Catholic Mission made up of Christians committed to the goal of world evangelisation. – Beatrice Wong


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Sabah clergy meet at annual gathering

Some of the priests chit-chat informally while waiting for dinner, 15 Jan 2018, BTRC

BUNDU TUHAN – Sabah clergy from three arch/dioceses came together for their annual gathering at the retreat centre here on 15-17 Jan 2018.

Turning up for the gathering were 43 priests, three bishops and 17 seminarians.

The timing for the gathering, always held in January, is fittingly appropriate as the seminarians are still in their year-end break, and the parishes schedules have not kicked in yet.

However, even though the gathering takes place after the hectic Advent and Christmas schedules, the main purpose of the gathering is to serve as a time to “get together” rather than a time to unwind or to relax.

The gathering is basically divided into two parts, namely the social so-called “sacramental brotherhood,” and the meeting proper.

As usual, the gathering began with a fellowship dinner on the first night. The informal time provided the priests and seminarians an opportunity to know one another better, as well as for those who have newly joined the seminary to get acquainted.

Apart from making or renewing friendships and catching up with each other, the priests also took this time to exchange some views on pastoral experiences in the parishes such as liturgical concerns and current church issues.

After breakfast, morning prayer and Holy Hour the next day, the Sandakan Diocese priests returned to their respective parishes, while the Keningau Diocese priests proceeded with their clergy meeting before making their way home.

The KK Archdiocese clergy also had their own clergy meeting in the afternoon, with the morning hours being made use of for Bible sharing, and concluding the day with an evening Mass.

The meeting resumed on the third morning and the gathering concluded with Mass before lunch, after which all returned to their respective parishes. – Fr Mattheus Luta


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

KK prelate launches Tg Aru parish vision and mission

Abp Wong exhorts the people at the blessing of the newly built shrine of Our Lady Star of the Sea, 28 Jan 2018, Tanjung Aru.

TANJUNG ARU – Archbishop John Wong launched the newly-formulated Vision and Mission of Stella Maris Parish during his pastoral visit to the parish on 28 Jan 2018.

Teresa Alberto, Parish Pastoral Council chairperson, said the parish saw the need for a change, in particular, to walk towards the same vision of the archdiocese.

She quoted Father Peter Abas, assistant rector, who spearheaded the process for “a need to be a vibrant church, to be a more family-oriented church, prayerful and faithful parishioners.”

It is summed up in their Vision Statement: A Christ-centred parish family journeying together – strengthened by the Holy Spirit and empowered by the Word of God in creating an evangelising community.

“We are adjusting to the new vision and mission. It has been calm here where we have been serving and celebrating according to the Church’s (calendar) with the fatherly and protective figures of our priests. Then comes this ‘storm of change’ which sets the parish on fire, moving it towards a direction,” said Alberto.

She added that the vision and mission have given them the energy to unite with confidence and zeal as one parish family walking in line with the archdiocesan vision and mission.

“Our ministry groups are excited, it moves our youth – they too are excited, we have programmes for the elderly to appreciate them better, renewal of marriage vows where we learn deeper about marriage,” she said, among others.

The formulating process started in August 2017 until January this year with a representation of all ministries and parish priests.

Alberto said this newly-formulated vision and mission would be communicated throughout the parish through their catechists.

Abp Wong said he was happy that they have a common direction with the archdiocese, and commended them for emphasising their vision on family and on being Christ-centred.

He remarked that many families (nowadays) are not Christ-centred so it is good to have such a vision. I hope with the formulation of the Vision and Mission and with the help of your patroness, Our Lady Star of the Sea, you will get closer to God and deepen your faith to resist all (temptations).”

The prelate also expressed his hope that the vision and mission will help them to grow closer to God and deepen their faith to resist all temptations through the help of Mary, Star of the Sea.

“I hope you will grow not only as individual parish family but also as one big diocesan family,” said the archbishop as he blessed the newly-installed Shrine of Our Lady outside the church after reciting the Vision prayer with the faithful.

Stella Maris is the fourth parish to formulate a parish vision and mission statement after Sacred Heart Cathedral, St John Tuaran, and Holy Nativity Terawi, since the promulgation of the Diocesan Organisational Pastoral Plan (DOPP) in 1997.

While it is not an obligation to have one, the archbishop encourages all parishes to have their own vision and mission statement in line with the archdiocesan vision.

Earlier during the BM Mass, the archbishop confirmed 62 young people. He advised the confirmands that it was not the end of their faith journey, and queried them on what they will do to keep the faith.

To that, Ezra Daniel, 17, said he wants to do corporal works of mercy; helping the elderly, being involved in the church such as ‘gotong-royong,’  among others.

The prelate encouraged them to join one or two ministries in the parish and said “I support you one hundred percent to join the Bible sharing class,” which engages young confirmands with class-based sharing coupled with outdoor activities. – Linda Edward


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Students fro remote Kiulu attend Soccom’s Year of Mercy programme

Ramin Ebi (far L), head of the Soccom committee of the local parish, making his welcome address at the start of the Soccom YoM programme at St Joseph Husband of Mary Church, Kiulu, on 2 Mar 2018.

KIULU – About 120 students from remote villages of Kiulu District in the West Coast of Sabah joined adult Catholics to listen to a catechesis on the mercy of God and the need for repentance during Lent at St Joseph Husband of Mary Church here on 2 Mar 2018.

The students are from the girls and boys hostels of San Damiano located within walking distance of the church.

The talk, given by a panel of speakers from the Social Communications Commission of the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu (Soccom ADKK) was centred on the Gospel reading on “The Samaritan Woman”.

Father Thomas Madanan, the parish priest and the Commission’s Spiritual Adviser, told the gathering, “For Christians, seeking God’s mercy and showing mercy to others, is an endeavour of a lifetime.”

“That’s why although the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy (YoM) officially ended in November 2016 Soccom has continued with its special YoM programme,” he said.

Ramin Ebi, head of the Soccom committee at the local parish here, welcomed the delegation from Soccom ADKK, in the presence of Rinus Katong, chairman of the Parish Pastoral Council.

Soccom ADKK members, Joseph Leong, Gideon Abel and Jenney Juanis, who jointly gave the catechesis, told the parishioners here that the same love and mercy shown to the Samaritan woman by Jesus was available to them too as long as they were open to the Lenten call for conversion and willing to believe in the Gospel.

The speakers invited them to be reconciled with each other in their respective family by way of forgiveness and other acts of mercy, particularly during the season of Lent.

The students also had the opportunity to watch a video on various celebrations during the YoM in the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu and were given a free copy of an information leaflet on the Jubilee Year, entitled, “What ‘Mercy’ Means to Me and My Family.”

Patricia Regis, another Soccom ADKK member, responsible for documentation and research work, was also present to lend support for the event.

Since the programme was held on a Friday, it was preceded by Stations of the Cross and a Eucharist both conducted in the Kadazan language, the common lingo of the local community.

Fr Madanan dedicated the Mass for the repose of the soul of Irene Obon, a former chairperson and long- serving member of Soccom ADKK who was called to eternal rest on Feb 21,.

St Joseph Husband of Mary in Kiulu is the fourth parish where this special YoM programme was conducted in the archdiocese.

Previous occasions were at the Holy Rosary Church Limbahau (11 Nov 2016), the Holy Nativity Church Terawi (28 April 2017), and St Catherine’s Church Inanam (18 Aug 2017). – Soccom ADKK


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Pauline Cooperators make Lenten Recollection

The participants pose for remembrance after the recollection, 4 March 2018, Daughters of St Paul Convent Karamunsing.

KOTA KINABALU – Fourteen members of the Association of Pauline Cooperators made their Lenten recollection at the Daughters of St Paul Convent here on 4 March 2018.

The half-day spiritual exercise was facilitated by Pauline Sister Jennifer Han.

After praying Lauds, the attendees took time to reflect personally on the 2018 Lenten message of Pope Francis.

Other features included praying the Rosary in common as well as the Way of the Cross around the convent compound.

It ended with a potluck lunch.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Hearing-impaired drummers showcase skills at Chap Goh Mei celebration

The hearing-impaired drummers give their performance during the Chap Goh Mei celebration, 4 Mar 2018, Sacred Heart Parish Centre Karamunsing.

KOTA KINABALU – Twelve hearing-impaired drummers showcased their skills at the Chap Goh Mei celebration at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre here on 4 Mar 2018.

Over 300 people turned up for the gathering organised by the Chinese Coordinating Committee headed by Oliver Kong.  Chap Goh Mei or 15th day of the first month marks the end of the lunar new year festivities.

Among those present were Archbishop John Wong, retired Archbishop John Lee, Father David Sham, Father Paul Lo, Father Joshua Liew, Father Max Hontor, Father Leo Choi, Father Andrew Kim, the aspirants and seminarians, the religious, and members of the parish pastoral council.

The event began with a drum display by Archbishop John Wong, followed by a longer display by the five young drummers – Frankie and Brian Wong, Jessica Liew, Betty Kong, Megan Sham – who also gave a drum performance before the Lunar New Year Mass on Feb 16.

This was followed immediately by the 12 hearing-impaired drummers from SMK Datuk Peter Mojuntin Penampang whose performance was applauded by the appreciative audience.

In his brief speech, Abp Wong welcomed those who came and thanked all those involved in the organising of the event.  He also exhorted the attendees to emulate the good qualities of the dog (being the Year of the Dog).

While taking their dinner, the diners were entertained by a variety of performances including a guzheng (Chinese zither) performance by Chang Ruo Ping and two cultural dances by the Ivy Kok group with lucky draws in between.

Both prelates distributed hungpows to the children, single youth and adults, including the aspirants and seminarians.  The priests and religious also received hungpows from Abp Wong.

The event ended with a prayer- blessing by Abp Wong after an amusing lion dance performance by a troupe based in Kepayan.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu
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