Category Archives: Mar 2018

RAY organises fundraiser for annual camp

Celine and Aline Lim manning their pre-loved clothes stall at the fundraiser, 4 Mar 2018, right wing of Sacred Heart Parish Centre Karamunsing.

KOTA KINABALU – The Royal Ambassadors – Youth wing of the Light of Jesus Christ Covenant Community – organised a fundraiser for its annual Holy Spirit Camp on 4 March 2018 at the right wing of the Sacred Heart Parish Centre here.

On sale were pre-loved clothes, homeware items, books, CDs, DVDs, hand-painted art pieces by the members themselves, games, busking, henna face-painting, and others.

The fundraiser is organised yearly to raise at least RM5,000.00 to offset the rising cost of the camp.

While the camp has been organised since 1983, the fundraising started only five years ago.

The objective of the camp is to bring the participants aged 13-19 to an encounter with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.  It will be held in Bundu Tuhan on Fri-Sun Mar 23-25.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Annual religious vocation seminar draws 130 participants

KOTA KINABALU – The annual religious vocation seminar drew 130 participants (69 men, 61 women) at Pace Bene Formation Centre Purak Papar on 23-25 Feb 2018.

The camp was organised by the Archdiocesan Vocation Team headed by Franciscan Sister Terry Loukang under the Council of Religious.

Among the religious institutes present were the Daughters of St Paul, Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception,  Brothers of St Gabriel, Marist Brothers, La Salle Brothers, and the Franciscan Capuchin Friars.

Topics covered were the religious calling, how to discern a religious calling, and the spiritual life.

Time was given for each congregation to share its charism and mission, for an open forum as well as for spiritual direction (participants to talk privately to any of the religious present).

The event ended with lunch after the closing Mass.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Apai Bishop Richard Ng, bisi bejadi lalu merekat Tadika Santa Maria,- Bintulu

Kena hari Enam , 24hb Februari 2018, Apai Bishop Richard Ng, bisi bejadi lalu merekat Tadika Santa Maria, ba Rumah Penampak Kristus, Sungai Plan,  Bintulu.
Ngambika bala anak, disikap enggau pelajar ti manah, lalu belajar ka pasal pengarap, apai indai diperansang nganjong anak ke tadika kena nyukong kepala pelajar. Sister Mariam enggau kebesai agi bala Iban ke diau ba urong Sungai Plan, megai pengarap Katolik, lalu endang aroh sereta patut kita mega meri peluang bala anak belajar pasal pengarap Katolik.

Kena hari minggu 25hb Februari 2018, Apai Bishop Richard Ng, nguluka Misa dalam jako Cina ba Gereja St Anthony Bintulu, enggau Misa dalam jako Iban ba Rumah Penampak Kristus Sungai Plan.

Rumah Penampak Kristus ,
Jalan Tg. Kidurong  , RPR Sungai Plan ,
Phase 5 , 97000 Bintulu .

Kitai tau batalipaun enggau kepala pengajar Sr.Marian Jimos ba nombor 014-5821425 tauka batalipaun ngagai

1. Mdm Charia Meringgai ba nombor 019-8394486.
2. Miss Florence Mona ba nombor 011-26836672
Semua sida tu diau ba Sg. Plan .

Pengawa Rejista 2019 deka diator ke bala nembiak ka ada kena Taun 2015 (4 taun) , 2014 (5 taun) enggau 2013 (6 taun)

On Saturday 24th February 2018, Right Reverend Bishop Richard Ng blessed Tadika Santa Maria established at Rumah Penampak Kristus, Sungei Plan, Bintulu.

All parents residing in Sungei Plan area are encouraged to support the principal Sister Mariam and the teachers in providing good education background and religious teaching to their children.  There are many catholics majority Ibans living in Sungei Plan hence the need to pass on the catholic faith to their children.

On Sunday 25th February 2018,  The Bishop  celebrated Mass in Chinese at Gereja St Anthony, Bintulu and Mass in Iban at Rumah Penampak Kristus, Sungei Plan.

Sungei Plan is located in Tanjung Kidurong or simply known as Kidurong, a port town in Bintulu division in Sarawak, Malaysia. Kidurong functions as the main industrial core of the Bintulu area and is approximately 15minutes from the centre of Bintulu.

A fairly large squatter’s community settle around the Sg. Plan area, which is roughly 3km  from the middle-class and prosperous neighbourhoods in the area. Most of the squatters came from rural areas in search of a better life in Bintulu.

Rumah Penampak Kristus,  Lot 583,S/Lot 480,
Jln. Tg.Kidurong,
RPR Sungai Plan,Phase 5, 97000 Bintulu.

Contact Person in-charge
1). Sr Marian Jimos.  H/P : 014-5821425.

Principal is Sister Marian Jimos

Registration can also be made  through our teachers :
1). Mdm. Charia Meringgai,  019-8394486.
2). Ms.  Florence Mona,  0112-6836672
They are available and stay at Sg.  Plan itself.

The Tadika is opened  for soft opening and  Registration for 2019 intake.
For children born in 2015 ( 4 yrs),  2014 ( 5 yrs)  and 2013 ( 6 yrs).

Photograpy- Dennis Ng
Story by Dennis Ng







































Article reproduced from Diocese of Miri


KENINGAU : “Kita bersyukur kepada Tuhan kerana kesempatan rahmatNya ini dimana kita umat khususnya di Kg Kitung di Zon Senagang sekali lagi menyaksikan sebuah lagi gereja baru,” Ujar Uskup sempena Misa Pemberkatan Gereja Our Lady of Lourdes, Kg. Kitung.

Bangunan Gereja Our Lady of Lourdes ini dahulunya merupakan sebuah balai raya yang sudah usang dan uzur. Dengan bantuan sumbangan daripada pebagai pihak, KUK Kitung berjaya membaikpulih bangunan gereja yang diberi nama Gereja Our Lady of Lourdes.



Article reproduced from Diocese of Keningau


Keningau – Seminar Hidup Baru Dalam Roh peringkat Zon Minawo bertemakan “Marilah kepadaKu, semua yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, Aku akan memberi kelegaan kepadamu”  telah diadakan oleh KUK Minawo.  Seminar yang berlangsung pada 23 Febuari hingga 25 Febuari 2018 ini diadakan di Gereja St.Yohanes Rasul Bomboi. Disertai oleh seramai 61 orang sekitar Zon Minawo.



Article reproduced from Diocese of Keningau


Holy Trinity Church (Tawau)  Chinese Catholic Member celebrated at the Hoi Shing Seafood House at 6.30pm on February 25 (Sunday) on February 25, 2018 and was co-organized by Truth and Gifts from Children.


这项新春晚宴是华人牧灵委员会常年活动之一,当晚宴席筵开41席,座无虚席。此晚宴主要目的是让大家在主内一家亲共聚一堂、联络彼此之间的感情。晚宴的嘉宾有Nicholas王世震蒙席、Martha修女、堂区牧灵委员会主席Andrew Kiat以及Imelda 黄传道员。除了华人教友外,也有其他种族的教友参与其盛。

傍晚六时三十分,来宾陆陆续续的到来。首先由华人牧灵委员会主席Peter Wong及儿童圣道礼仪协调员Alice致词,过后再由本堂王蒙席致词及做饭前祈祷。





Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan

St. Mary’s Cathedral ~ Rite of Election 2018

St Mary’s Cathedral Sandakan: The Rite of Election closes the Period of the Catechumenate. This rite normally coincides with the first Sunday of Lent. On 25th February 2018, The Rite of Election for catechumens in 3 languages (English, Chinese and Malay) was held in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sandakan. There were 47 candidates from 3 languages:

In BM speaking class, there were 18 candidates for full Initiations, 4 Confirmands, 8 for Baptism and Holy Communion, and 17 for Baptism only.

Whereas, in the English speaking class, there are 5 candidates for full Initiation, 1 Confirmand and 2 for Baptism only.

From the Chinese speaking class, there are 4 candidates for full Initiations and 1 Baptism only.

More than 500 parishioners attended the mass on that day. Rev Fr. David Garaman, the Parish Priest, conducted The Rite as delegated by the Bishop.

Fr. David welcomed the candidates in his opening address to the congregation. He also mentioned that he was grateful that the number of new candidates increased every year.

All catechumens received their blessings from Fr. David to prepare them to be received in the Sacrament of Initiation during the Easter Vigil. He also reminded all godparents their duties to guide and encourage their godchildren to attend mass regularly and to accompany them in their journey of faith.

The beauty of combining 3 languages in one Eucharistic Mass reflected the harmony and also the Vision of our church that is “Christ-centered community, serving one another with love”.



Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan

Holy Trinity Parish Tawau: 17 members of the Family Life Ministry hold their short recollection on 24th February with the theme “God’s Love”.

Recollection began with an hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel guided by Sr. Julita Joseph (FSIC), religious sister in the Family Life ministry of Holy Trinity Tawau.  The Adoration began with an invitation of the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire all participants throughout the recollection.


In her sharing, Sr. Julita quoted from the gospel of Mathew 5:43-48 about love, forgiveness and acceptance.

“You are matured and steadfast in your faith, what else do you need?” A question addressed to all the participants to reflect on. “You have experienced His love, forgiveness and acceptance, but along the way, you have not escaped from falling into temptations which lead to sin, namely, the sin of hatred, rejection, self-love and pride. Lent season is a special opportunity for you and me to reflect on how I, personally, understood God’s love in my life and to return to God. A positive retrospection can humbly bring us back to Him to ask for forgiveness and mercy. This time of refreshing is important to be strengthened and renewed to continue serving  as lay people, parents, friends, as a spouse and as children of God” she said.

In the chapel, the participants spent their time with the Lord in silence whilst offering their personal intention to God. After the Adoration, all participants proceeded to the Conference room for the next session.

Mario Domingo, the Family Life Chairman, expressed his gratefulness to God for His unceasing guidance and grace to this ministry “God gives His love freely and unconditionally, therefore, He expects us to do the same to others. God, being a generous Giver, will surely reward us. Our consolation is in bearing good fruits, personally, and the fruits of others for the edification of the Church” he said. He also thanked all the members for their full support and contribution to the Ministry.

Recollection continued with a brief slide presentation on the work done as a team delivered by Julita “The journey we experienced as a family were out of good intention, humility and with sincerity. We worked tirelessly by contributing our energy, time, money, and at times, having to face the risk and unreasonable complaints. However, we also experienced joy, and laughter in our friendship which keep us going. We are undeterred to help other families because we know that as we serve the church and the parishioners, the commendation is solely from Him. I believe that our prayers and perseverance are not hidden from God that is why we are still here to continue to serve” she said.

Later, Sr. Julita explained on the Power of Prayer: Unless you personally, experienced, nourished and strengthened in your prayer life, then you can share as a witness. You are not empty. In fact, you are filled with His gifts. These gifts lead you to the maturity of your faith. Indeed, without you realizing it, somehow, you are looked up as a model to other couples and indirectly inspired them to strive to be better as well.

All your patience, perseverance and serenity are the gift rewarded to you for your prayers and devotion to God. Prayer, therefore, makes us all strong to continue our commitment in our service and to endure all the hardships.  Prayer is also the food for our soul which sustains our faith. It is an act of surrendering oneself to His Omnipotence and acknowledging our own nothingness, so much dependent on his grace “she said.

Sr.Julita ended her input by reminding them of God’s fidelity to all sinners. Although, your determination to come to the assistance of others who are in need does not always run smoothly, continue to believe and hope to God because the power of prayer can strengthen you.

Here are a few personal sharing based on their reflection:  God’s love is the key to succeed in the ministry of service. Seek God first, before others, when you stumble. Jesus’ love is the pillar of all life situations. By looking at Him on the cross, I realised that ours cannot be compared to the suffering experienced by Christ Jesus. Forgiveness is difficult; but knowing how many sins, Jesus has paid for me is a humbling experience. Jesus’ examples of humility, kindness and self-sacrifice continue to be the inspiration in the Family Life ministry.

The “Our Father” prayer concluded the recollection at 1.30 in the afternoon, followed by lunch.


Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan

Parish Lenten Recollection: Journeying Together as A Big Family

St Mary’s Cathedral, Sandakan: A Lenten Recollection from 23 to 24 February 2018,  was organized by the Star of Yahweh Covenant Community with the theme “Journeying Together as A Big Family” as the parishioners observed the Season of Lent. The event started with a welcoming speech by the PPC Chairman, Pilis Malim, who emphasized the Diocesan Pastoral Plan towards achieving the Vision and Mission. “This kind of event shows the active participation of parishioners in the church. All the church groups need to participate and work together to fulfill them”, he said.

Registration of participants
Pilis Malim gives his welcoming speech

The parish rector, Fr. David Garaman, in his introduction of the Lenten Recollection “Lent is our preparation time to celebrate the greatest feast of our church. Lent is an important season for spiritual renewal because during lent we are journeying with one another in following the Lord in our deepest humanity and focus to mirror Christ. This Lent Season is also a stepping stone to journey together as one community united in Christ, without looking at the differences. Although several groups and communities in this parish, still we have to look at it as one under the same Lord. Each one has to work and accept others regardless of which community or ministry they came from. He also mentioned that each group has to break the ‘individualistic wall’ that separates one from the other”.

In his talk, Fr David quipped “to grow spiritually is the significance of Lent. Having that in mind, one should be energetic and full of enthusiasm. Retreat or recollection bears the three R’s meaning Rest, Reflect and Renew. It obviously means, a time to rest, to reflect and renewed”.

Fr. David the main speaker during the 2-day recollection

He continued “the word Lent refers to the days of fast preceding, Easter, which is used to mean in Latin term “quadragesima” meaning the “forty days” or more literally, the “fortieth day”.  Remarkably, the season of Lent is more to penitential prayer, fasting and alms-giving as taught by the Church. Besides, healing of relationship through the Sacrament of  Reconciliation is made possible by God’s grace, even though we do not deserve it. Next is, to  commit to change. Through this gift of God’s love, a conversion of heart would eventually bring about a revolutionary decision of doing work differently and putting priorities in everyday life. As a result, Easter becomes meaningful as we too, experience Good Friday for our sins and ‘re-born’ to a new life in Christ through the Baptism.

Participants from various groups in the parish listen attentively at the recollection

On the second day, Fr. David explained comprehensively the DPP logo which symbolises all the parishioners journeying together with one common vision and mission. He invited them to develop a Christ-centred community by serving one another with love and to foster unity in the spirit to help achieve the Vision and Mission of the Diocese.

Group discussion based on the questions given
Henry Solibun as one of the participants shared his view on the vision and mission of the diocese

Below were several prepared questions for reflection, followed by group discussion and sharing.

1.Will you die to yourself as a member of the body of Christ?

2.Do you understand that you are called to share in the unity that comes from your union with Him?

We must put Christ in the centre of life as we journey together to achieve our vision and mission.
Miriam Lee said that we have to be like Christ to serve with love and accept one another

On the final day, Fr. David acknowledged that the sharing based on the reflection was uplifting. He encouraged the participants to purchase the Diocesan Pastoral Plan as a guide to understand properly the Vision and Mission. “A sense of belonging, instilled  in every parishioner, will attract more participation. This would develop into humbly serving others, with Christ as the center , to minister like Him. As a body of Christ, there is a need us to unite in order to become “the church”,  he concluded.

SYCC elder, Michael Lee gives thanks and gratitude for the participants’ attendance as well as to Fr. David Garaman for his great input in this recollection.

The session finished at 12.30 noon with a concluding prayer by Fr David, followed by lunch.


Article reproduced from Diocese of Sandakan

We share in the mission of Christ – Ad Limina visit

By Most Rev Simon Poh, Archbishop of Kuching
“One of the memorable moments of my first Ad Limina Visit was the meeting with Pope Francis on February 8, 2018.

“What struck me was most was the humility and brotherly concern of Pope Francis who told us that, as Bishops, we are all brothers in our episcopal ministry and we can speak and share freely among each other. His human touch was evident when he even offered us to feel free to use the washroom nearby.

“I shared on the religious reality of Sarawak and Sabah. These states are considered as the Christian part of Malaysia, but we face the challenges of Islamisation.

“As the Bishop-in-charge of youth and campus ministry, I presented to the Pope on the rising secularism and the enticement to convert to Islam among the youth. We are working towards a greater collaboration among the dioceses for the pastoral care of the students and youth in Malaysia.

“I arrived in Rome a few days before our official Ad Limina. Together with Bishop Richard Ng of Miri and Fr Josef Schmoelzer, a Mill Hill Missionary priest working in Rome who had served in the Kuching Archdiocese, we visited the Mill Hill Retirement Home in Brixen Bressanone (Northern Italy).

“We visited the graves of some Mill Hill Missionaries who had served in Sarawak. I was able to pray at the grave of my predecessor Bishop Charles Reiterer who was the second Bishop of Kuching. I am especially grateful to visit the grave of Fr Josef Wassermann who had baptised me in 1979 when I was in Form 4.

“The moment I saw the graves of the many missionaries who were buried in the church cemetery, I realised that when these missionaries left Europe to serve in the mission lands, they would not have known the impact of their missionary contribution in our land.

“At the grave, I stood there as a testimony of the fruits of their labour.

“The Ad Limina visit to the tombs of the Apostles Peter (Basilica of St Peter) and Paul (Basilica of St Paul-Outside-The-Walls) gave me a great sense of affirmation to continue in the mission that the Lord has given me.

“This mission was first entrusted by Jesus to St Peter, St Paul and the Apostles, carried on by the Missionaries who were sent from Europe to Malaysia. Now it is in the hands of all of us — Bishops, priests, religous and lay-faithful of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei.”


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online
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